Chapter 630 630: Calm Before The Storm

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
"...I will love enough for the both of us."


The sea of crystals beneath Paige and Riley was as clear as the ocean itself, and yet no reflection arose… only the abyss deep within the crystals that one could see if one stares.

The Immortalization of Alice Lane seems to be over, as Hannah and the others were already making their way to check her grave. Tomoe, however, just remained standing there as she glanced at Paige and Riley. But after a few more breaths, she just turned around and followed Hannah.

And of course, this did not escape Bernard's gaze—a sigh, escaping his mouth as he thought of how similar he and Riley are when it comes to women.

"She might be the only one resting here for a hundred years," Diana breathed out as the others joined her.

"...What about the war? It's already begun, more and more people will join this place," Hannah sighed as she looked around her.

"99% of themarians that die in battle rarely leave anything behind, dear," Diana chuckled, "Those that are buried here are those who peacefully sent themselves to Eternal Death. But I stand myself corrected…

…there will always be exceptions."

"...Exceptions? Wh—"

And before Hannah could finish her words, a group of themarians landed nearby—Osk and some of the women from the Sisterhood… carrying 3 bodies with them.

"..." Hannah could really only hold her breath. She never forgets that each of these seemingly normal-looking people could destroy planets; but once again, a scenery reminded her that despite all their strength—they are people.

She then looked at Aerith—Earth's beacon of hope. She didn't want to imagine her being one of those bodies… but she could. Aerith already fell once, and at her brother's hands at that.

She then looked at her brother, only to see one of the themarians violently making her way toward him.

"You! I thought you were on our side!?"

The red-haired woman pointed her finger as she stood in front of Riley, almost digging her finger into his chest as she screamed.

"W…wait, what's happening!? We can talk about—" Paige wanted to stand between Riley and the themarian, but she felt herself just floating and flying toward Hannah and the others—with Bernard catching her as he too, watched the situation unfold.

"You killed my friend!" The red-haired themarian pushed Riley, causing him to take a few steps back, "Weren't you on our side!? You were there with Princess Aerith!"

"..." And even with the screams entering his ears, Riley just stared at the woman; tilting his head to the side as he looked at the rage coming out of her eyes.

"Say something! Say you made a mistake!"

"No." And finally, Riley opened his mouth; a smile, slowly crawling on his face as he looked the red-haired themarian in the eyes, "I recognize the corpses you're carrying, I killed them—why do you think they are still intact?"

"What!? You—"

"Stop!" And before the woman could do anything else, Osk appeared between them; already grabbing the woman's hand, "This is not the time to be fighting amongst ourselves!"

"But Osk, he—"

"I know, and we will deal with all of that later," Osk shook her head, glancing at Riley as she sighed, "Right now, we bury our friends and prepare for the war that's about to come."

"..." The red-haired woman looked at Osk, before glancing at Riley and just walking away; the disdain in her breaths, however, was still clear for everyone to hear.

"And you…" Osk turned to Riley, "...I would appreciate it if you don't touch any of my people again. I like you, Riley. But I don't like you that much—and I already have your seed."

"..." Riley really only looked at Osk, watching as she walked away to her people.

"Riley! What the fuck was that about!?" And as soon as the commotion was done, Hannah and the others made their way to him.

"Just the usual, sister," Riley shrugged, "And you and the others should not be here, sister. You should be as far away from this war as possible."

"Well, I don't fucking disagree with you," Hannah scoffed, "But Megawoman still needs help so—"

"No," Aerith interrupted Hannah, "You've already done enough—Diana?"

"Hm," Diana nodded as her ship once again hovered above them, "This is not your battle to fight, Hannah—just watch on the side while mommy finishes what she started."

"But Riley—"

"Riley has already included himself in the war, I'm afraid," Diana sighed, "You know your brother… always sticking his fingers where they don't belong."

"Ew, mother," Riley quickly shook his head, "The only time I put my finger where it didn't belong is when I put Aerith in my clos—"

"Ahem," Aerith loudly cleared her throat, "We need to discuss our next step, Diana. I will wait for you with the Elders… and we also need to talk about what you said about Theran."

"Of course, Princess," Diana nodded as she looked at Bernard, "Dear, make sure Hannah and her friends stay on the ship."

"...And Riley?"

"Riley will be with me. It's not fair that only you get to bond with our son, no?" Diana smiled as she looked at Riley, causing him to take a step back for a tiny millimeter,

"You don't have to worry—Theran will fall before anything actually happens to him."

"Hm… Let's go, girls," the veins of Bernard's armor slightly lit up as his feet left the ground,

"Don't dwell and say your goodbyes, it's bad luck before a battle."

"That…" Hannah was about to approach Riley, but as he heard her father's words, her steps quickly halted. She then looked Riley in the eyes, before just nodding and flying away.

"Finally," As for Hera, she grabbed Tomoe and Paige by their collars and leaped straight toward the ship, not even letting any of them speak to Riley.

And as Diana's eyes reflected the ship as it flew away, a long and very heavy sigh escaped her lips.

"Caitlain…" Aerith then placed her hand on her shoulder, "...I think it's time you tell me what's going on. All this time, you've been using my influence to make this happen, weren't you?"

"Maybe," Diana smiled as she looked at Aerith, "But aren't you also using me, Your Highness?"

"..." Riley, who was the only one left alone with the two, could really only look back and forth as the two stared at each other.

"It's time… Caitlain," Aerith stood closer to Diana, "It's time you tell me what this is really all about…

…what are you planning here?"


"Arthus! Is what Caitlain'Ur told me true!? Is our home dying!?"

Somewhere in the castle of Hel, where a colossal window reflected the sunlight that seeped from the outside into fractals that touched the floor, Queen Adel's hair brushed across the patterned carpets.

And although Queen Adel's voice was filled with panic, the air around the dim but colorful room remained completely calm. And along with Queen Adel's voice, a deep and immaculate breath echoed through the room.

The breath belonged to a towering, but slim silhouette that partly blocked the light from entering through the windows.

"Arthus, answer me!"

"I did. I knew from the start," the silhouette then started to move, stepping away from the light as he hid in the shadows.

"What? Why didn't you tell me!?" Queen Adel stomped her foot on the floor, causing the marbled room to quake and tremble.

"What difference would it have made if you knew?"

"What difference!? Everything!" Queen Adel roared, causing the window to shatter—removing all the colors in the room as the violent and harsh light covered everything,

"We could have prevented it!"

"More than a million years, this has been happening, Adel," King Arthus' voice echoed through the light, "And our scientists have exhausted all options to save our planet, and yet none of them could figure out how to truly save Theran…

…all but one."

"...Caitlain?" Queen Adel sucked in a deep breath as she looked at the shadow moving on the side.

"Yes. But what she proposed is something that we, as themarians, should never ever consider—she wanted to create another planet. As if Theran's magnificence is something that could truly ever be replicated, it is blasphemy."

"..." Queen Adel then turned to look at the shattered window; her trembling and hesitant eyes, reflecting New Theran.

"Caitlain'Ur wished to abandon our home," the King's voice resounded in Queen Adel's ears, "Our dear Theran, that is something that should never happen."

"But our people, Arthus…" Queen Adel's breaths began to falter as she looked back and forth between King Arthus and New Theran.

"We will live and die for Theran… And we will live and die with Theran."

"But our people…" Queen Adel repeated, "Our people will—"

"Live and die with Theran."


"..." Queen Adel's breaths started to become heavier by the second. But soon, her brows began to furrow as she slammed her fists on the marbled floor, shattering it completely.

And right there and then, as the cracks on the floor created little shadows...

…Queen Adel made a decision.