Chapter 898 898: The Book

Name:Villain Retirement Author:
Chapter 898 898: The Book

"What did you do, Riri!?"

A few minutes after just staring at the dead body inside one of the cubicles, Riley called for Miss Pepondosovich and Esme — and as a matter of course, Miss Pepondosovich could not help but just gasp as she saw a corpse just sprawled on the toilet. She was already nervous when she saw Riley's bloody mop, but now she was completely in panic.

"Quick, let's just... let's just chop the body into pieces so we could hide it," Miss Peponsodovich grabbed the student's leg, "Why did you even have to kill someone, Riri!?"

"I did not kill him, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley, however, shook his head, "I found him like this."

"...What? What do you mean?" Miss Pepondosovich, who was about to tear the corpse's leg, quickly dropped it as she looked Riley in the eyes, "You... didn't do this?"

"Hm," Riley nodded.

"That is true..." Esme also nodded as she looked at the corpse from head to toe, "...It lacks artistry for it to be Master's kill."

"Wait... that doesn't change the fact that the three of us are still surrounding an unattended corpse! We will be the prime suspects for this," Miss Pepondosovich once again grabbed the student's leg, "We should—"


Before she could do anything, however, the corpse suddenly moved and started gasping for air.

"It's... it's alive," Miss Pepondosovich once again let go of the leg as she looked at Esme and Riley, "Should... we just kill it so that it won't suffer anymore?"

"P...please... save... save me."

"..." Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes as she stared at the student's mangled and trembling face. But after a few seconds, she clicked her tongue and quickly pulled him up and carried him over her shoulders,

"Let's go... to the clinic!"


"You said... you found him in the lavatory?"


"...He's getting targeted again."

Fortunately for the student, Miss Pepondosovich and the others were able to find the clinic before he could completely pass away on her shoulders. As soon as they brought him to the clinic, however, the doctor just let out a sigh and asked Miss Pepondosovich to place him on the bed.

"Again?" Miss Pepondosovich raised an eyebrow, "You mean this child is being bullied?"

"Unfortunately so," the doctor sighed and shook his head, "He's currently the college's best student — leagues away from his peers."

"Does that include finding a book that might not exist?" Miss Pepondosovich started softly kicking away the books on the floor, "We don't even know what sort of book we are looking for, we just took the winged god's words at face value."

"My father did teach me something, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley nodded as he picked up another book on the floor. As he did so, however, a miniature version of himself lifted it up from the floor and handed it to him,

"A little elbow grease is needed most of the time."


And before Miss Pepondosovich could even utter a word, most of the books around them started to hover from the floor—no, they were all being lifted up by miniature Rileys, hundreds and hundreds of them.

"We should clean this place while we are here, Miss Pepondosovich," Riley nodded, "Things are easier to find without obstructions."


"...There's nothing!"

A loud noise erupted in the library as Miss Pepondosovich slammed a book on the floor. It was, however, quickly followed by a tiny and high-pitched scream as one of the miniature Rileys started pointing at her, shaking its head before lifting the book and placing it on the shelf.

And with that, the only thing the library showed was its age; the books, now all neatly arranged on all the shelves— in their alphabetical order, genre, and category at that. Both the lower and upper levels of the library, completely devoid of any dust and cobwebs — and it hasn't even been an hour.

"You seem to have so little patience for one who has lived a long time, Miss Pepondosovich," Esme could not help but shake her head as she thanked the miniature Riley who placed the last book.

"The more you have lived, the less patience you have," Miss Pepondosovich wagged her finger, "Any more things your father taught you that could be useful here, Riri?"

"Perhaps someone else has already taken the book?" Esme placed her hand on her chin, "Perhaps not necessarily a god?"

"Or it just doesn't exist and that winged god duped us. Or worse, he's wrong," Miss Pepondosovich sighed, "He mentioned a librarian, but the fact that he doesn't know a school already exists here means his information is just outdated. And that librarian has probably already melted into the ground."


"What have you even been looking at there, Riri!?" Miss Pepondosovich could not help but approach Riley as he had been standing in front of a wall several times—no. It wasn't exactly a wall, but a large painting that has already been eaten by dust and age. Soon, however, as Riley placed his hand on it, all the dust just floated away; revealing a portrait of an old man...

...and in his hand was a book.

"This... it says here that he's the founder of the college," Miss Pepondosovich squinted her eyes as she blew on the label at the bottom of the frame, "Do you think... he's the librarian that winged god was speaking of? Do you think he's—"

"The great grandfather of my grandfather."

And before Miss Pepondosovich could finish her words, they heard a voice approaching from behind them. They all turned around...

...only to see the boy they rescued earlier walking toward them; his face no longer mangled.

"The man who left a curse on my family for generations."