Chapter 431

Name:Villain: The Play of Destiny Author:
Chapter 431

With the top three teams vying for the most points in the Finale, nine cars were lined up at the starting point.

Keith was in the front row, representing their team. Feifei was in the second row, and Iseul was in the last row.

Since the track they were taking was filled with turns that ran uphill and downhill before coming to some short straight strips, the drivers were allowed to choose the cars of their liking.

All three of them had chosen to stay in the cars they had brought with them. Feifei was in her Ferrari, and Keith and Iseul were inside their Koenigseggs.

They were undoubtedly the hot favourites to win this round as well.

The reason was that both the Koenigseggs were renowned for their steering control and the two cars were absolute powerhouses. And then the skills that Keith and Iseul displayed in earlier rounds, made them the safest bet.

As the countdown on the screen started, the Demiliore smiled as he heard a giggle escape Fiona's mouth.

She knew exactly what was coming, and she was very excited about it.

The evening had been great for her and she had enjoyed the time to its utmost. And part of the reason why she was so happy was that Keith had been treating her at the event as if she was his girlfriend, never shying away from showing affection towards her when people were around.

Her innocent heart never thought she could love him any more than she already did, but here she was, falling deeper in love with him as the night continued.

"You are beautiful." He lightly said, taking the girl off-guard, but before she could blush and turn to look at him, the clock hit zero, and the cars in the front row came to life, forcing Fiona to sink back in her seat.

Two seconds later, the second row rushed forward, and another two seconds later, the cars on the third row were allowed to depart.

Fiona's laugh resounded inside the car as she looked in the side mirror and saw that they were ahead of their competitors. But by now, she had already expected it since Keith had proven himself as the best driver at the event.

"Feifei and Isuel are catching up!" She excitedly told Keith as she watched the green cars, which belonged to their teammates, overtaking other competitors who were marked in red on the screen.

"Brace," Keith warned her right before the uphill track began, and he took an outrageous drift on a sharp turn that stunned not just the audience, but also the drivers who were right behind him.

It even scared the one who was driving the McLaren, and he ended up slowing more than he had intended as he mistook Keith's stunt as him losing control of the car. Something he immediately regretted when Feifei managed to catch up with him.

Each finish on the podium came with a huge sum of prize money, and like most people at the event, he was eyeing it and did not want to finish lower than the third position. And this forced him to drive recklessly and not allow the red Ferrari a safe passage.

"This jerk!"

Fiona heartily laughed when she heard Feifei curse the driver of the McLaren on the comms, and when the Wei Princess heard her laughter, she felt a little embarrassed over her reaction.

"I will make it to the third spot, at least." She promised, and her words brought a smile to Keith's face.

"Why not first or second?" He teasingly asked.

"As if you would let me come first." She protested, but it was clear in her voice that she did not care about it. "Iseul's catching up, and she's better than me. I think she will pass me."

"You can take the second spot. I am fine with coming third." His Iris cheerfully said, but Feifei immediately refused her offer.

"Let's all do our best. It wouldn't be fun otherwise." She sincerely said.

She had assumed the worst, so when she turned around and saw Feifei in his arms, alive and coughing, her mouth dropped open in shock and fresh tears poured out of her eyes again.

"Miss Wei!" She got up, getting anxious again when she saw some blood and bruises.

These were all superficial wounds since the pendant had protected her from anything fatal that could have happened to her, but Fiona, of course, did not know anything about it.

"She's fine," Keith assured her and then opened the door of the car before putting her inside it.

Neither of the ladies asked him how a big towel appeared in his hand out of nowhere, and he immediately wrapped it around Feifei, who was a little at a loss of losing the warmth of his embrace.

However, soon enough, they were anxiously watching him as he walked over to the burning McLaren.

They watched him crouch down and look inside the car, painfully close to the flames, which just seemed to not affect him at all, and then he just stood up and backed off a little when the drivers of the two cars that had fallen behind rushed towards the scene.

"Stephen!" A Caucasian guy screamed as soon as he recognised the car, and Keith grabbed him by his arm before he could get close to the burning vehicle.

"He's dead." He lightly said, and then looked at Wang Zemin, who was seemingly very nervous and looking pale.

And it was because he knew exactly which car Stephen had collided with as he had been informed by his teammate.

Keith let go of the man when he struggled in his hold, and then just turned around to walk back to his car.

"Master Keith..." Wang Zemin called after him and became very nervous when the Demiliore turned around and looked him in the eyes.

He did not know why, but he felt cold when he saw how indifferently Keith was behaving in this situation.

"Stephen crashed into Miss Wei's car..."

"I am aware." He cut him off. "And she's fine." He told him before continuing to walk to his car.

For a moment, Wang Zemin's mind went blank at his words.

There was no way that a person could have been fine after the crash that happened here, not unless they were a powerful Auror, and he knew very well that Feifei was not powerful enough.

However, when he looked inside the Gemera and saw the girl sitting in the backseat, his heart slowed down in dismay.

He could not believe his eyes, and before he could regain his composure and approach them, Keith started the car and drove off.


"He's dead." He indifferently replied to Feifei, knowing well what she wanted to ask, and sighed when he caught her eyes grow vacant in the rear-view mirror. "It was an accident, Fei. You did not kill him. It was his incompetence that nearly killed you." He reminded her of what happened, and though she frowned at his choice of words, they did prevent her from the self-blame she was about to drown in.

"I want to go home." She requested, and he nodded his head to her as he informed Jin and Baobao over the comms that Feifei was fine and that they would not be stopping at the finish line.

Needless to say, the two of them and her bodyguards were immensely relieved at the good news, and at the same time, were surprised at his words.

How could a normal person or even a weak Auror come out unscathed from such an accident? It was a miracle!