Chapter 79 Speak of the Devil...

Chapter 79 Speak of the Devil...

The very next day, Alex went to the salon, where he got his hair trimmed. For the sake of this little family reunion of his, he wanted to look his best. And by looking his best, he meant looking like a complete and total douche. Thus, he had the sides of his hair faded, and his quiff trimmed. Only after he approved of the look did he put on a pair of platinum rimmed aviators, and head back to his home. Where he immediately got dressed in the tailor suit that his stepmother had helped pick out for him on their first date.

It was a slim fitted, navy blue three-piece suit with a mild checkered pattern. His tie was made of fine silk, and had a distinctive pattern in navy blue, and a much lighter azure. He also wore a matching pocket square in his jacket's breast pocket. His shoes and belt were made out of a fine alligator leather, and were dyed black. All of these items were purchased from a designer brand, and cost more than most people made in a year.

Along with this fine tailored suit, Alex wore a platinum and diamond Rolex watch, which had a distinctive meteorite dial. The watch alone was worth roughly a hundred and fifty grand. Since acquiring his fortune, Alex had spent a small portion of it on luxury clothing for special occasions like this. Once he was fully dressed and looking at himself in the mirror, he noticed Min-Ah enter the room and gawk at him.

"Wow.. Oppa, you look so cool! What's the occasion?"

Alex smirked as he turned around and took off his sunglasses to reveal his perfect sky-blue eyes. Where he then told the girl the truth, despite knowing it might disturb her.

"I'm going to pick up my mother and sisters from the airport, and then take them out to a nice meal. I want them to see how well I am doing for myself without them..."

This stunned Min-Ah, who looked at Alex with a hurt expression on her adorable face. She had a hard time speaking her thoughts out loud, but when she did, there was a very clear presence of pain in her cracking voice.

"I... I thought I was your sister... I thought that we were your family?"

Alex knew from the start that the girl would react this way. Thus, he walked over and hugged her. While stroking her jet black silky hair, he assured her that she was indeed his sister.

"Min-Ah... You are my one and only little sister, and nothing will ever change that. We might not be related by blood, but we are family, now and forever. Besides, you should know that I am not actually related to the woman who raised me and the sisters I grew up with. Which means that you, Noona, and our mother are just as much as my family as the others, if not more so. I might be gone for the entire night, so don't wait up."

After saying this, Alex walked out of the door, while pulling out his cell phone, and contacting someone he knew, after all if he was going to be picking up three women, then he needed a bigger car, and there was only one person he knew who had a Rolls Royce that would allow him to borrow it for the evening.

The voice that responded to his call was excited at first, perhaps believing that this was a booty call. But the mature silver haired beauty almost immediately deflated when she heard Alex's words. Read latest chapters at Only

"Hee-Young, I'm stopping by the estate to pick up the Rolls Royce. I need it for the evening. You can have it back after I'm done with it..."

There was clearly some hesitation in Hee-Young's voice. After all, she was not the kind of women who simply let other people touch her stuff. And thus she was quick to deny what she perceived to be an absurd request.

"Absolutely not! What makes you think you can just barge into my home and take my things?"

Alex's voice, however, grew cold as he scolded the woman for even thinking about rejecting him.

"I wasn't asking... You are my woman now, which means everything you own belongs to me. Whether you like it or not, I'm taking the car. So you better have it prepared for me when I arrive, or I will punish you when I return it!"

Knowing exactly what Alex's "punishment" entailed, Hee-Young immediately froze on the spot, and bowed her head in submission to a Master who was not even present before accepting his demands.

"Alright... I understand... I will have the Rolls Royce ready for you when you arrive. Just please, don't drive so recklessly with it... It is a one of a kind!"

Alex smirked when he heard this. He was already in his Lamborghini, as he sped through the city's streets. He hung up on the woman once she had accepted, but not before leaving behind some parting words that sent a child down her spine.

"No promises..."

Of course, what was perhaps the most astonishing thing about Alex was the fact that his hand was bandaged in gauze. Thus, everything else that was strange about Alex immediately flew out the window as the three women approached him, with visible concern in their eyes.

"Alex! Oh my God, what happened to your hand?"

"Are you alright little brother? Who did this to you?"

"My son, how did this happen?"

Alex simply chuckled as he took off his sunglasses with his good hand and assured the three women that he was alright.

"I'm fine... It's just a work related injury, nothing too serious. The doctor says I'll make a full recovery in a few months. So? It's been five years... Is there nothing you want to say to me?"

Diana looked particularly guilty as Alex said this, so much so that he could not even look the young man in the eyes. After all, she was too ashamed. But what was perhaps the thing that made her feel the worst about herself was that the moment Alex revealed himself, she could not keep her eyes off of him. Her baby boy, the one she raised into adolescence, had grown into such a handsome and wealthy young man without her being around to witness it. It made her incredibly frustrated with herself, but there was something else mixed in. A deep sense of longing, and attraction. Something she did not even realize that she herself was feeling. Upon seeing that Diana did not say a word to him, Alex sighed and shook his head. He thought that after everything that had happened between them, she would at least be able to apologize. He was just about to step forward and demand such a thing from her when he felt his two older sisters glomp him.

After the two young women realized their beloved little brother was alright, they tackled him in the middle of the airport, and hugged Alex so hard that he actually felt his rib's squeeze. The two girls were bawling like a couple of little girls, as they wiped their tears on their beloved big brother's expensive suit jacket without even realizing that they were staining it.

"Alex! I never thought I would ever see you again. This is a dream come true, and you're so handsome!"

"Little brother, do you remember the promise you made to me when we were kids? Now that we're both adults, you can finally fulfill it!"

Kristina had completely forgotten about the argument she had with her sister just the day before, but the moment Madison brought it up, she immediately began to fight with the girl over Alex.

"Screw you bitch! He promised me first! If anyone is going to-"

Before Kristina could even finish these words, she and her sister were pulled off of Alex by their mother, who scolded them as if they were two out-of-control children.

"Have you both lost your minds? We are in public! Do not bring shame upon our family any more than you already have! This is a conversation best left for another time!"

Alex was happy that his mother had interfered, because if he was being completely honest with himself, he had no memory of what promise these girls were referring to. And if he did not navigate such a conversation properly, he might just accidentally step on a land mind.

Thus, he dusted himself and stood up, before offering to take the three women to dinner.

"I don't know if you girls have already made reservations for a place to stay, but you can cancel them now. I have more than enough room at my penthouse to house the three of you for the duration of your time here in Seoul. Now, how about the four of us go get something nice to eat? It's been many years since I last saw the three of you, and there is so much we need to discuss..."

Diana was surprised that Alex would be willing to show her and her daughters such courtesy, especially after everything she put him through, and was quick to reject this offer.

"No Alex, we couldn't... It would be-"

However, before the woman could finish this request, Alex placed his index finger upon the woman's juicy lips, and stopped her with a confident look on his handsome face.

"I am afraid I am going to have to insist.... Come along, girls, we have a long night ahead of us!"

After saying this, Alex picked up his mother's luggage with his one good hand, while his sisters carried their own out to the parking lot where the Rolls Royce was waiting for them. Diana did not know what games Alex was trying to play, but she had to remind herself that he was not the kind and gentle little boy she had raised.

Alex had grown into a lecherous playboy and a wild child. One who had no qualms about getting into trouble with the law. Because of this, Diana planned to be on her guard around her own son. As for her daughters, they had no idea about any of this, and were fawning over the young man as if he were a pet rabbit. One thing was certain: it would certainly be a night to remember.