Chapter 152: Women...

At the end of Alex’s classes, he went to the parking light where he found someone unexpectedly waiting for him at his car. It was, of course, none other than Emily, who had a bit of a nervous expression on her lips. When Alex saw this, he scoffed and rolled his eyes, before asking just what the girl wanted.

“Is something the matter, Emily?”

Emily shook her head quite frantically, in an obvious display of anxiety. As she denied that there was something that made her feel nervous.

“No... Nothing... I just... I just wanted to know if you had any plans tonight?”

Alex could immediately tell the girl was still afraid of everyone and everything after what she had been through, and thus Alex scoffed once more, as he unlocked his car, before explaining to the girl exactly what he had planned for the night.

“Same thing as every week night. I’m going to hit the gym, then head home. Why... Don’t tell me you want to spend the night at my place again?”

Emily quickly shushed Alex in case any of the other students nearby overheard him and misunderstood her intentions. She quickly closed the distance between the man and scolded him for his poor choice of words.

“Shhh! Keep it down! Do you really need to make it sound so... so scandalous!?! I just... I’m scared, Alex! Please, just let me stay at the penthouse. I can’t sleep alone in my parents’ house... Not again!”

Alex rolled his eyes once more before lecturing the girl on her paranoia, which he thought she had gotten over due to the fact that she left his penthouse a few days ago, and had even stopped asking him to drive her to and from school.

“Emily... For the last time, the contract is dead... Trust me... Some powerful people made it go away after Richard was murdered. Nobody is going to try to harm you!”

However, Emily was deeply frightened, and Alex could tell by the look in her dark blue eyes as she pleaded with him, no begged him, to let her stay the night in one of his spare rooms.

“Alex... My cousin works at a local gun shop and he told me that Chad went out and purchased a handgun! What if he comes after me? I’m not like you! I don’t know how to defend myself!”

Once inside the penthouse, Alex found that Diana, Shannon, Madison, Kristina, and Jade were already preparing dinner for him. They had shamelessly walked around naked, wearing nothing but an apron as they greeted their man home after a long day’s work with his favorite beer in hand.

It was only when the women realized Emily was by Alex’s side that they realized they were dressed incredibly inappropriately. With Diana being the one to tell the other girls to get dressed.

“Oh, my... You should have told us you were having company. Pardon us while we go get dressed into something a bit more... Appropriate!”

Alex could only facepalm. He didn’t exactly have the same rules about nudity in this house, that he did back in Korea, and that was because it wasn’t just his women who visited this penthouse. Emily appeared bothered by the sight of the five beautiful naked women and couldn’t help but storm off to take a seat on the sofa. She did not say a word to Alex. And thus, the man simply sighed as he wondered off to take a shower in one of the spare bathrooms.

At some point Emily began to sniff herself, and realized that she also needed to shower, luckily for her, she had left behind a set of spare clothes at this place, knowing that she would be back, and thus she went to gather them, before accidentally entering the same bathroom that Alex was currently occupying.

While the man had left the actual shower, and toilet part of the bathroom locked during his time in the shower, he did not do the same for the area with the sinks, and thus when he exited the shower naked, to shave his face, he found that Emily was already inside dressed in nothing but a towel while she stared at Alex’s naked body in shock.

Emily had never actually seen a naked man before, outside of some pornography that her friends had shared with her. And she was completely stunned into silence when she saw Alex’s chiseled body and his massive cock.

Alex was also slightly surprised, but he made no move to grab a towel to cover himself. After all, he was all too accustomed to other people seeing his naked body, and would never get embarrassed over such a thing. Thus, he simply asked the woman who was once been his childhood crush one simple question.

“Are you going to use the shower? Or are you just going to stand there and stare at me?”

It was only now that Emily realized she had been staring at Alex’s genitals in complete and total shock for several seconds of awkward silence. And thus she blushed red and fled into the separate room that contained the shower, where she slammed the door behind her and locked it before yelling at Alex.

“You pervert!”

Alex could only once more sigh and roll his eyes before repeating the same thing he had said earlier in the day.
