Chapter 21: The scam

Chapter 21: The scam

( The day after graduation, country X )

Rocky, Taylor and Adam approached their local Climber's Association headquarters in Country X and excitedly discussed future prospects amongst themselves.

"Man this is a massive scam, no matter how I look at it.

Non-climber families like ours are not allowed to possess more than 1 tower gold coins.

The fees for any good university on floor 0 is at least 5-7,000 TG a semester, so there is no way in hell that you can pay that amount yourself if your parents are not already climbers....." Adam mumbled in annoyance as Taylor picked up from where he left off and continued " and the only place where you can borrow 7000 TG is the Climbers Association, the same place where you test your talent.

However, for lending that money, they make you sign a bond which forces you to provide at least one year of mandatory service to the association and you swear to protect humanity in at least two upcoming raids by serving on the front lines.

So effectively what they do is that they don't let you earn TG, force you into fighting for humanity, and then leech a % of your income until you pay back the principal with a 7% rate of interest"


The three friends sarcastically clapped for the brutal business practices that the climbers association followed as a monopoly, however, they also understood that it was because of these said policies that Earth remained the safe haven that it was.

"What university are you planning for?" Rocky eventually asked the two friends as they waited in line for their turn to be tested.

" I'm going to go for the university of basic elements if my talent is atleast a C. Updated from novelbIn.(c)om

It has great alumni, a good campus and a great education program, what about you two?" Taylor replied

" I'm more interested in the university for non-combatants.

I want to become like the great forger Kalash, he's paid in millions, he's more respected than guildmaster Karna at times.

He's living the life" Adam said, as he turned towards Rocky, awaiting his answer.

" I'm aiming for the university for nourishment of young talents.... But let's see" Rocky said as both Adam and Taylor instantly cracked up at his choice.

" Hahahaha! The number one ranked university on floor 0, of course you want that one" Taylor said, laughing out loud.


The screen displayed Adam's name next, as Rocky slapped him on the back and gave him some encouragement.

At this moment, Rocky felt even his heart starting to beat louder as he realized that it was him who was going to be tested next.


Examinee - Adam Wilfred

Elemental Affinity - Fire

Close Combat Talent - Below Average

Suggested Path - Non Combatant / Forger

Overall Grade - C-


Rocky glanced at the screen and nodded in approval over Adam's grading, as it seemed like both his friends had sufficient talent to pursue the path that they wished for.


Next Examinee - Rocky Yadav, please enter


The screen displayed, as Rocky took a deep breath and walked into the testing room.


/// A/N - Mass release chapter 3/5. ///