Chapter 24: Reactions

Chapter 24: Reactions

In the chaotic moments following Rocky's branding as the champion, urgent measures were taken to ensure his safety and well-being.

He was promptly rushed to the nearest medical center, his condition closely monitored by a team of specialists, who were bewildered by the phenomenon they were witnessing.

Concurrently, the Climber Association, recognizing the gravity of the event, acted swiftly, sending the test result footage to key global entities.

This distribution list included the foremost guilds and, crucially, the Church of Gemini, the bastion of faith that had long heralded the emergence of a divine champion.

The Climber Association's intent behind sharing the footage was to inform and prepare the institutions most deeply intertwined with the lore and prophecy of the Gemini for the emergence of the champion.

However, the modern world's intricate web of digital communication did not work in ways that they intended, as the critical tape that was meant to be protected as top secret was leaked to the open web for all to see.

Despite all intentions for a controlled release, with the video escaping into the wild expanse of the internet, one could only speculate that the breach was made by a devout insider who must have felt compelled to share the miraculous occurrence or the cunning work of digital activists determined to expose this groundbreaking event to the masses to promote chaos.

Naturally, The leak ignited a wildfire of public attention, sparking a massive uproar across digital platforms worldwide, buzzing with an electrifying intensity unmatched by any previous event.

News of the marked champion, the first ever to bear the divine tattoo of Gemini, cascaded through social media platforms, discussion forums, and news outlets with viral ferocity.

The symbol of Gemini, already an extremely unique emblem, found new reverence among the faithful with pilgrimages to sites deemed sacred in the lore of the Gemini brothers witnessing a sharp increase in attendees with each individual seeking to draw nearer to the divine in the wake of Rocky's branding.

Among the global reactions, perhaps the most poignant were those from the youth. Schools and universities became arenas for animated discussions, with students debating not just the implications of Rocky's marking but also what it meant for their future. For many young people, the champion's emergence was not just a religious or cultural milestone; it was a sign that their generation was destined for greatness, that they too could be part of a story far greater than themselves.

As the digital sphere continued to pulse with activity, it became clear that Rocky's awakening was more than just a singular event; it was a catalyst for a global renaissance of thought, belief, and possibility.

The world had been irrevocably changed, and at the heart of this transformation was a young man who remained unconscious under the care of the best healers of country X.

Yet, amid the celebration of digital voices, a more sinister undercurrent also began to emerge. Conspiracy theorists and doomsday predictors latched onto the narrative, spinning tales of impending disaster and manipulation by unseen forces. Their dark predictions spread through the underbelly of the internet, gaining traction among those inclined towards distrust and fear.

As the sun set on a day that would be etched in history, the world lay in anticipation. Rocky's awakening had opened the floodgates to a sea of potential futures, each more uncertain than the last.

The digital sphere, having played its part in broadcasting this moment to every corner of the Earth, now waited, along with the rest of humanity, for Rocky to awake and his story taking the next turn.

As of yet, only the video of him being branded as the champion was making the rounds, however, the news of his talent rating was still a secret.

Only Gemini knew what chaos would brew across the world, if only his SSS talent was also revealed.