Chapter 142 Ren's Anger

Jun Tianyun got taken aback when he saw Saki's expression. " You girl! Since when did you get such skills?"

Saki twirled her hair as she chuckled.

" Don't you think that only you have access to the internet?"

Jun Tianyun got stunned when he heard Saki. After that, he laughed. Saki suddenly pressed Jun Tianyun's chest as she whispered.

" What? Are we going to stop here? Why don't we..."

Jun Tianyun suddenly stopped her as he looked outside.

" Wait, Someone is coming."

" Waahh! Jun Senpai! You are really something!"

Risa busted inside the room and hugged Jun Tianyun tightly. " You are so intelligent. All the questions I was able to answer most of the questions.

" Whoa whoa! Risa chan, Calm down! If you hug me like that, You will choke me to death."

" Mmm, Alright. I am so happy today. Mom is also going to be happy. Jun Senpai, Are you going to move into our house today?"


Risa turned around as she saw Saki standing there with wide eyes.

" You are..."

" Ah, Risa chan, She is just my... friend. Saki..." Jun Tianyun coughed lightly.

" Ah, My bad. I shouldn't have interrupted you. I am going back."

Saki understood Jun Tianyun's gaze as she lowered her head and walked out. Risa didn't mind it as she focused back on Jun Tianyun.

" Mm, Since Risa Chan is so happy, Why don't you give me a gift?"

" Gift? What sort of gift you want?"

Risa blinked as she asked. Jun Tianyun grinned as he looked at Risa." How about a kiss?"

" Wh-Whaa? K-K-K-iss?!?"

Risa felt like her brain short circuited for a moment as her face turned rosy. " What are you talking about? Wh- Why should I kiss you?!"

" Well, I am not forcing you. Hmhm, Let's think this as a suggestion."

" I..."

Risa crossed her fingers as she swayed a bit. But after that, she stomped her feet on the ground out of embarrassment. " You baddie! Hmph, I won't talk to you!"

Risa spat as she turned around and left.

[ Ding! Risa's Favorability toward Host increased! (3stars) Host gets 500 Fortune points!]

Jun Tianyun nodded as he looked at the back of Risa.

" Risa is slowly coming under my grasp. But, I need to do something about Ren."

Jun Tianyun waited in the library while monitoring everything around him. However, He go bored as he got up and walked outside.

" Saki won't going to be mad? Will she? Hmm, I think everyone should be in cafeteria..."

Jun Tianyun thought as he walked toward to cafeteria.



" So you see, This bag is actually from the Star company."

" No way! You got the new purple leather bag of Star company? Oh, I also got this necklace from Miko Fan club."

Saki sat with her friends as they gossiped. One blonde haired girl showed her bag while another girl showed her necklace.

" Eh? Special edition Miko Pendant? Isn't that cost more than 10,000 Y??"

" Well, I thought it looked pretty. So, My mom agreed for it."

" Yeah, My dad got some good contacts with Star Company. He told me that he will buy me a Star handbag week."

Saki also nodded as she looked at the accessories. In fact, her heart also yearned for those things as they looked very costly and pretty.

" But, Minase chan, Isn't bringing expensive accessories to school is prohibited?"

Saki blurted out as she was eating. Both girls turned silent as they gazed at Saki with a strange gaze.

" Well, It's not really. The teachers are only scaring the weak willed students. And even if they fine, Why would I care for 500 Y?" Minase shrugged.

​ " Hahaha, True. 500Y? It's like pocket change." The other girl also laughed out. " Eh? Saki chan, I remembered you are also talking about buying a new bag?"

" Ah? New? Ah, I mean... I haven't gone to shopping." Saki shook her head as her face stiffened.

" Well? Why don't you go to Shuio's Store? I am thinking of buying some new clothes."

" Shuio? Isn't even normal clothes there starts from 5000Y?" Saki spoke in absent mind. Minase chortled when she heard Saki. " Saki chan, Why you talking like that? Or are you perhaps... Short on money?"

" Ehh? Short? N-Not really..."

" Well, It's fine. Not everyone can afford luxury goods, right?" The second girl spoke. Minase laughed as she looked at Saki, " Saki, Why don't you look for some part time job? I have a suggestion..."

" Ah, Saki, Here you are."

Everyone at that table turned silent as they looked at the owner of the new voice. Minase and the other girls were startled as their eyes slowly turned wide.

" Wh-Who is he? Since when such an attractive guy studying in our school?"

" Kyaaah~ He is so handsome! I must get know to him."

Minase got up as she walked toward Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun's charm was something she could not resist at all.

" Um, Hello? I haven't seen your around here? I am Minas-"

Jun Tianyun walked Minase as he put his hands over Saki. Saki was startled when he saw Jun Tianyun standing beside her.

" Yo-You! When did you come here?"

Saki's face flushed as she looked at Jun Tianyun.

" Well, I thought you might be angry. Why don't we go out for a bit?"

" Ah? So are you Saki Chan's friend? Why don't we exchange numbers?" Minase came in front of Jun Tianyun as she continued speaking.

" I am not angry at all. I was just..." Saki lowered her head as she denied it. Jun Tianyun got her up as he held his hands. " Well, It's my fault. Why don't we go for shopping today?"

" Shopping?"

Minase's face stiffened when she realised Jun Tianyun completely ignored him. She felt a intense jealousy when she saw how Jun Tianyun was treating Saki.

Jun Tianyun held as he went to the food stall. He slammed a stack of money on the table as he shouted.

" Everyone! Today, Everyone's meal on Saki! Eat till your heart fills!"

" WHOA!?!!!"

" Is that guy for real? He is treating the entire cafeteria???!"

" Wow! He is sure rich! But, Didn't he said it was given by Saki? I think it's that girl beside her."

" Maybe both are rich?"

Saki was startled when she saw Jun Tianyun's action. She felt elated when everyone looked at her as if she was an important figure.

Saki held Jun Tianyun's arm as she walked out. She could see Minase and other's twisted expression, as if they had eaten shit.

" No way! He is Saki's boyfriend?!"

" Goddamn! How did that need got a prince like him!!!"

As they walked out, Everyone rushed to get the food. Minase felt utter humiliation as she felt like she was going to faint.

But no one cared as there was free food in front of them.

Saki was startled as Jun Tianyun pulled her to a corner. Her heartbeat fastened as Jun Tianyun face neared.

" I..."

" Meet me in the evening."

" Umm...Evening? Sure, I can come."

Saki nodded when she heard Jun Tianyun's proposal. Jun Tianyun hugged Saki tightly as he kissed her fiercely. Saki didn't resist as she was already ready for whatever Jun Tianyun does.

She could feel Jun Tianyun's tongue playing with her's as his hands already rubbing her breasts. However, Saki felt only warmth from her heart, nothing else.

" Did you felt jealous of your friend's expensive items?" Jun Tianyun asked as he gazed at her intently. Saki sighed as she nodded.

" That's right. I did felt jealous. I mean, Why don't I? They got everything they wish. But here, I am just struggling to get..."

" Shhhh! That's ok. It's fine to feel jealous." Jun Tianyun placed his index finger on her lips as he smiled. " Yes, The world never has been fair. You might be poor and your friends might be rich. You might hate them... But, Never hate yourself."

" You might feel jealous. But don't do anything out of jealousy. Take a step back and think about it. Is it really worth it?"

Saki's eyes shone as she coul understand Jun Tianyun's words. " I understand. But, I can't just..."

" Well, It's not like they got those items from legal means?" Jun Tianyun shrugged. " For example, What if Minase's father is someone like a drug dealer and got stuffs from illegal mean?

" What if your other friend work for fat [email protected] to earn some cash to show off?"

" Pffft! Why are you like this? You are just slandering them."

" What? You will never know!"

Saki wiped her tears as she laughed out. All the pent up frustration puffed like smoke as she finally saw clarity. She leaned forward as she hugged Jun Tianyun.

" Jun Tianyun... Thank you for cheering me. I promise to be a better person. I was really thinking to take some odd jobs, but now I feel... It's futile."

Jun Tianyun sighed as he smiled. He saw the aura of misfortune behind Saki again decreased a lot.

" Fine, Let's meet in evening."

Jun Tianyun bade farewell to Saki as he slowly walked away.

Saki looked at his back as she savored her lips.

" Only if you could be with me forever..."



The school bell rang as students prepared to go back to their home. Jun Tianyun waited at the entrance as his eyes narrowed.

He saw Ren walking out as she headed towards her home. Jun Tianyun slowly followed her as he planned in his mind. After some time, Jun Tianyun reached a house.

Rather than calling it a house, It looked like. big ancient noble house.

" Glorious Sword Dojo?"

Jun Tianyun looked at the board as he understood.

" I see. Ren must be the family member of the owner of this dojo. That's how she got the Hand Blade Technique."

Jun Tianyun realized that Hiroto can be also consider as a martial artist. And, His power is higher than Ren.

" It means, Ren will challenge Hiroto, Then she will get defeated. After that, Their romantic endeavour will start."

Jun Tianyun laughed in his heart as he stepped into the dojo. He was startled as he realized it was practically empty.

" Welcome to Glorious Sword Dojo! Are you here for train or practice-"

Ren got out as she greeted politely. However, She froze when she saw it was Jun Tianyun.

" Rascal? What are you doing here?"

Jun Tianyun shrugged as he pretended to be surprised. " What do you mean? Shouldn't be that my question? I was here to look around. Why are you greeting me?"

Ren snorted as she pointed. " This dojo, It's owned by my family. Currently, My grandfather is the head of this dojo."

" This is a dojo? Why it's so empty?"

" This... Ahem, It's because not many people has the qualifications to learn our kendo technique." Ren coughed as she spoke loudly. One could see a bright light in her eyes.

Jun Tianyun chuckled when he heard that. " Not having enough qualification? Or maybe your technique isn't simply..."

" How dare you!! You think our dojo is a scam?! The Glorious Sword Jojo is already two centuries old!

" We held our tradition even after so long! How dare you to talk like that?"

" Well? If that's the case, I would like to see how Glorious it is." Jun Tianyun laughed as he walked forward. Ren became angry as she started to laugh.

" Good! You have guts. Since you proposed a duel, It will be rude to not accept it."

Ren threw a wooden sword to Jun Tianyun and picked one for herself.

Jun Tianyun laughed as his eyes narrowed.

" Alright!"