Chapter 331 Mining Irium! Plans for Steel Fortress

Chapter 331  Mining Irium! Plans for Steel Fortress

The aircraft finally reached a distant mountain range as Jun Tianyun gazed below. Once a lush green mountain is now barren and filled with some exotic mutated plants.

" How amusing, Some of the plants here are something even I don't know." Jun Tianyun was intrigued when he saw the scene. "  Should I take some specimens for research? I wonder."

Ming Yue chuckled. " There are a variety of mutated plants here. The details are recorded in the data library in the Steel Fortress. When we go there, I will show you."

" En, That will be good." Jun Tianyun felt an innate urge to gather data from these new plants. Who knows? He might create some unusual medicine.

" However, Why are we here?"

Hearing Ming Yue's question, Jun Tianyun grinned. " Well, This is the place we are looking for. The Irium mine."

" What? Are you sure?" Ming Yue was surprised. The aircraft was lowered as it landed on the barren land.

Ming Yue got out with some equipment. " If that's the case, I should take some soil samples. But, We need to take the soil samples of a dozen meters below the surface at least."

" So, What are you planning to do?"

" Some blastings? Nonetheless, It will be a tedious task for two people only, even if we are ability users." Ming Yue sighed. " Only if there was an Earth element ability user…"

Jun Tianyun shrugged. " Well? I think I can do it."

" Huh?"

Ming Yue saw Jun Tianyun snapping his fingers as a yellow runic diagram formed around his hands.

" Ground Fissure!"


Ming Yue stabilized herself when she felt the ground shaking violently. It was as if an earthquake is happening. Large fissures appeared on the ground as Jun Tianyun raised his hands. Soon, a clump of thick, dark soil emerged from the fissure and floated before Ming Yue.

" Well? What do you think now, Ming Yue?"

" How… How did you do that?" Ming Yue gasped for breath as she looked at Jun Tianyun with eyes of disbelief. " Just, How many abilities do you have?"

Jun Tianyun grinned as he walked toward Ming Yue. Hugging her waist, he gently rubbed her lips. " Aha, Are you doubting your Master's ability?"

" Of course, As a great divinity, I can do whatever I want." Jun Tianyun smiled. Ming Yue felt a loss for words when she heard Jun Tianyun.

" I am sending the material to the ship. Hope the scanners will give us a positive result." Ming Yue spoke as she sent the results to the aircraft. TF2 got into the work of scanning the soil while Jun Tianyun and Ming Yue took a stroll around.

" I can feel the energy density is high here. It's really the best place for Irium." Jun Tianyun spoke. But then, his expression changed.

" I guess we have company."

Ming Yue became alert as she readied herself. Suddenly, she could feel something moving between the bushes.


Several orange colored shots were fired at Jun Tianyun and Ming Yue from the bushes. Ming Yue waved her hands. " Wind Barrier!"

With a 'zzz' sound, she blocked those attacks. However, when the fluid landed on the ground, it sizzled the earth itself.

" Tha-That's Flame Spit! Could it be…"

Ming Yue moved her palm as a gust of wind blew. Suddenly, several red colored lizards appeared as they bared their fangs against Ming Yue and Jun Tianyun.

" Redsand Lizards, A flame type mutant animal. They can move fast and spit out liquid flames." Ming Yue spoke. " The most annoying this is, they move in groups and they can burrow a hole underground."

Jun Tianyun chuckled. " No problem for me. Actually, You know what? Let's retreat. I want to test something."

" Huh?"

Ming Yue thought  Jun Tianyun would help her to kill these lizards. But, he was unexpectedly asked to retreat.

However, Ming Yue didn't have time to think about that. She followed Jun Tianyun and created some distance between them and the lizards.

" Alright, TF2, you can start firing."

[ Roger that]


Ming Yue saw the aircraft hovering above them as two rotating Gatling guns appeared from its belly.


It was a like a rain of fire particles as TF2 started to shoot down the Redsand Lizards from the sky. Since it was hovering above, the lizards were like sitting ducks for it. Jun Tianyun and Ming Yue stood at a safe distance as they saw the lizards get shot to death. Their body exploded when the bullets hit them.

" Well, I just took the guns in your aircraft and modified a bit. Now, it looks nice, isn't it?"

Ming Yue was speechless when she saw that. However, she has to admit. The firepower of the ship was amazing.

Soon, the entire area was filled with the charred smell of those Redsand Lizards as their blood splattered everywhere. After an hour TF2 finally showed the result of soil.

" This… This is really Irium! We found a highly concentrated energy mine." Ming Yue's eyes started to glow when she saw the result. " With this, we don't need to care about fuel anymore. We can fully invest in the military equipment."

As Jun Tianyun and Ming Yue returned, Jun Tianyun marked the place they got Irium. It was only forty kilometers south of Heaven's Sanctuary City. Soon, the troops of JuHeaven's Sanctuary City moved as they cleared out the mountain range. The mining equipment were all ready. Therefore, they would start mining the day after.

However, Ming Yue and Ashley were concerned about another thing.

" The mining will happen on a large scale. No matter how much we try, we might end up exposed. And at that moment, The Steel Fortress will come here with all its military forces."

" Hmm, I don't fear their ground force. But the airforce will be much more troublesome. It would be nice if we can steal it." Ashley sighed.

But at that moment, a spark appeared in Jun Tianyun's mind. " Steal it? Yes, Let's steal it then."

" Huh? Do you understand what you are saying?" Ashley snorted. " Those are jets! Jet airplanes! You think they are some cabbages you can steal from anywhere?"

" Let me ask you. Do those ships are AI controlled?" Jun Tianyun grinned. Ming Yue and Ashley glanced at each other. " Yes, Those are AI powered. The AI does most of the things with ease."

Jun Tianyun grinned crookedly. " Ah, That makes things much more easy. Very well, We can do that."

" Ashley, I guess it's time to return to the Steel Fortress. We need to sneak into the main server room. And after that, I will do all the work."

" Is that so?" Ming Yue sighed. " Then, I guess I have to stay here and look after the Irium Mining. Ashley, You know Steel Fortress better than me. You can guide Jun Tianyun there."

" Young Miss… Fine, I will do that." Ashley nodded. Jun Tianyun chuckled as he hugged her waist.

" Well, It's just a nice little trip, only you and me. Seems fun, no?"

" Hmph! Shameless!"

Ashley blushed when she thought about that. But, even if she protests, nothing going to change.

" Ah, Master, You will be leaving tomorrow?" Qin Shiyu asked Jun Tianyun. " Then, I guess I have to spend more time with you tonight."

Jun Tianyun was startled when he heard Qin Shiyu. A grin appeared on his face as he kissed her lips. " How can I say no to my beautiful Shiyu?"

" You two…"

Ashley grimaced when she saw the public display of affection between Jun Tianyun and Qin Shiyu.

Later, Ashley went to Qin Shiyu's room for some work.

" Qin Shiyu, I want some ration for my soldiers. Can you appro-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Ashley got petrified.


Qin Shiyu sweated as her breasts bounced crazily, Her waist moved up and down as she was in reverse cowgirl position, mounted on Jun Tianyun.

" Huh? Shiyu, Why did you stop?"

Jun Tianyun gave her a crispy spank on the ass as Qin Shiyu moaned.

" AHnn~ It's just… Ashley came."

Saying that, she continued moving her waist.

" I… Sorry, I will come another time."

" Wait!"

Ashley was trying to leave in a hurry, but Qin Shiyu stopped her. Ashley could see a smug grin on Qin Shiyu's face.

" Well, Why don't you tell me why you came here?" Qin Shiyu chuckled as her pace slowed a bit. But, her movements were still there as he panted.

" You… You sure want to talk like that?"

" Haah! Haah…It's not like you are seeing us like this for the first time." Qin Shiyu panted as her waist kept moving along with Jun Tianyun's rod.

" Fine! Just…Allocate some more food for the trainees. And, We are going to recruit some more. So, they prepare for their accommodation."

" Is that so?"

Qin Shiyu leaned back as Jun Tianyun's rod shove further into her." Hnngh, Master… What do you think?"

" Ahnn~"

" Well, Do whatever you want."

Ashley's legs trembled as her face flushed red. Although she used to see such things, she was still getting aroused by Jun Tianyun's raw masculinity.

Jun Tianyun increased his pace as Qin Shiyu jolted back in pleasure.

" Ahn! Ahnn! Ashley…Ahn! You will get more! Ahn! Fooood!"

" Hahh! Alright, I am leaving." Ashley bit her lips as she dashed out of the room. Entering her room, she took off her pants as she rolled onto the bed.

" Jun Tianyun, You bastard…"

Her fingers slid down her underwear as she started to relieve herself.