Chapter 380 Outer Divinity

Chapter 380 Outer Divinity

Evangeline couldn't able to stop herself before she got up, and hurriedly walked toward Ashey.

" Yo..You are Ashely! Yo-You...Do you remember me?" Evangeline placed her palms on Ashley's cheek as she looked at her with a gaze full of love and desperation.

" I am Evangelie! Your big sister!"

" Sis..Sister..."

Ashley closed her eyes as some new memories resurfaced in her mind. " Explosion... Explosion in Eight Sanctuary. I...Mother..."

Ashley's eyes opened wide as she gazed at Evangeline. " Sister Eva!"

" Ash!"

There was no trace of doubt remaining in Evangeline's heart when Ashley called her ' Big sis Eva'. It was the same as years ago, when Evangeline used to protect her.

" Wuuu, You know how many years I spent to find you? You know how am I feeling to see you alive and well?"

The priests of the Salvation Church were shocked when they saw the reaction of Evangeline.

For them, Evangeline was the Saintess of Salvation Church. Someone who is cold and merciless, someone who would kill a hundred people without batting an eye.

Yet, that merciless woman was crying while holding her sister, to think she still had a heart that was warm and beating.

" Eva... Eva! Wuuuu..."

Ashley also hugged Evangeline back, hot tears staining her face. The reunion of the sisters was so touching that even the onlookers couldn't help but feel happy and touched.

" I always thought Ashley was an orphan. Who would have though..." Ming Yuexin rubbed her eyes as she muttered.

" I also came to know after meeting Evangeline." Jun Tianyun finished his coffee as he was looking at the scene. " Albeit late, at least them met each other again."

" That is true."

After a while, Evangeline let go of Ashley as she knelt before Jun Tianyun. " Great Lord, I am truly thankful for your mercy, you gift that brought the true joy of my life."

" From now on, The life and death of Salvation Church shall be on your fingertips."

Jun Tianyun's lips curled as he turned around. " Well, That's good to hear."

" You all came from a long way. Please, have some food and wine here."

" Food and wine?"

Evangeline and the priests of Salvation Church became startled. They truly wondered what sort of food and wine they were going to have.


The dishes were stacked like mountains as the priests and Evangeline devoured the food. They were like incarnations of hungry ghosts, devouring each platter in a matter of seconds.

" This... This so heavenly."

" This is the food of paradise which we always hear."

" The prophecy didn't lie! THE PROPHECY DIDN'T LIE!"

" This isthe bread! You guys seeing? This is WHAT A FUCKING BREAD LOOK LIKE!"

" So soft, So chewy...SO DELICIOUS!"

" Hmph! You all! Better behave before the lord, otherwise, I will punish you when we return!" Evangeline's voice boomed, silencing the clamoring priests.

However, she alone ate over a dozen plates.

After drinking four bottles of chilled beer, she finally burped. But then, she hurriedly closed her mouth.

" I... I apologized, Great Lord, for showing my unsightiness."

She blushed brightly when she realized how much she had eaten.

In the Salvation church, the quality of food was a thousand times worse than this. And for quantity, the amount of food she and her ten priests ate right now, should been distributed among a hundred people.

" Hehe, Big Sis, You don't need to worry. While eating the food, there is no need for elegance." Ashley smiled. " I don't think Young Master mind this."

body.' Evangeline thought inwardly.

After all, it was only Evangeline who witnessed Jun Tianyun's true " Haha..."

Evangeline smiled foolishly. However, she realized how close Ashley and other women are to Jun Tianyun.

' Great Lord said that he was in in his human vessel. Perhaps none of them knew what kind of power he was hiding inside that human body.' Evangeline thought inwardly.

After all, it was only Evangeline who witnessed Jun Tianyun's true form. Other than her, all the believers inside the church only saw a pillar of divine light, shining with tremendous pressure.

Evangeline truly wondered what is the extent of power of Jun Tianyun. But for now, she suppressed it in her heart.

" Alright, Since you guys already enjoyed it, How about we talk about work?"

" As you say, Great Lord."

" Yes, Young Master."

Jun Tianyun looked at Ming Yue and nodded. Ming Yue understood as he walked to the screen " Shi Zhen, can you show me the map."

[ Yes, Lady]

A map suddenly appeared, marking the territories of Heaven's Sanctuary and Jiang Shu's reign.

" I recently got the news that Jiang Shu is expanding his territory like a madman. He is also amassing the firepower and army, probably to fight against us."

" Well? Why are we delaying? Let's just attack?" Jun Tianyun asked. Evangeline stood up and bowed.

" Great Lord, The army of Salvation Church is ready. All you need to do is to give us the order. And after that, We will place the Survivor's Garden under your feet."

" The transportation aircraft of Steel Fortress is currently in our hands. Not to mention, we also manufactured a few more in the past month. So, we can use our latest Irium Infused Engine to quickly transport the army and supply to the Survivor's Garden."

" Actually, I have a better plan." Jun Tianyun chuckled. " Shiyu, the thing I asked Qin Hao to make, is that ready yet?"

" You mean that weapon?" Qin Shiyu was surprised. " Well, As you gave us the blueprint, Qin Hao and others have been working hard on that. It's almost ready."

" Alright, Here is the plan."

Jun Tianyun looked at them as his lips curled.

As he explained the plan, all of the listeners became shocked.

" This... This is..."

" Young Master is really a genius!"

" Great Lord, you are truly omniscient."

" Alright, Enough flattery." Jun Tinayun chuckled. " Ashley, How fast we can reach the Survivor's Garden?"

Ashley's lips curled when she heard that. " Well, Young Master, you asked the right question. Please, Come with me, I got a great surprise for you as well."

When Jun Tianyun followed Ashley to the field, his eyes widened.

" Whoaa?! Is this for real?"

his favorite toy,

However, Jun Tianyun's astonishment was justificable. Even they Almost all women, even Evangeline laughed when they saw Jun Tianyun's expression. It was as if a child suddenly got his hands on his favorite toy,

However, Jun Tianyun's astonishment was justificable. Even they got awed by the thing.

It was a private jet, with the functions of a fighter jet. Laced with a silver-grey exterior with pitch black pattern, it looked like an exquisite alien aircraft

" This is called Night Shadow, an aircraft that was secretly developed in the labs of Steel Fortress. It was an unfinished product, till the research team of Heaven's Sanctuary City got it."

" Powered by Irium Shells, this thing can travel at a speed of 2000 Km/H. Not to mention, it got a luxury interior, outer shell that can block bullets and bombs and fixed with the advance weapon system."

" This is practically a battle fortress of the sky."

Jun Tianyun greedily rubbed his palm as the door of the Night Shadow opened. Stepping inside, Jun Tianyun could see the luxurious interior.

[ Welcome to Night Shadow, Master. I am your personal, cute and experienced pilot, Shi Zhen]


" I see, You are also here, huh?" Jun Tianyun chuckled. " Alright, Shiyu, Ming Yue, you stay here and send the troops the surround the Survivor's Garden."

" Meanwhile, Ashley and Evangeline, We are going to go Survivor's Garden directly." Jun Tianyun chuckled.

" Let's do a little trolling."





" What? What did you say?"

" Heaven's Sanctuary, Steel Fortress, and Salvation Church are now working together. They are proclaiming that they found the way to save Planet Gaia!"

" Impossible! This has to be impossible!"

" It's not, Chief Jonathan." The subordinate spoke. " We already got the intel. The army of Salvation Church and Steel Fortress is marching toward us."

" Their war vehicles and aircraft are also departed from the base station."

" They are just giving us one condition."

" What is it?"

" Give Lord Jiang to them."

Chief Johnathan became startled. " Give Lord Jiang to them?"

" Yes...." The subordinate's voice turned low. " If you give them Jiang " This... Can we trust them?"

Chief Johnathan looked at the big city before them. Currently, Shu, they won't touch Survivor's Garden. Moreover, they will give us more of those 'foreign goods' that Jiang Shu brings."

" This... Can we trust them?"

Chief Johnathan looked at the big city before them. Currently, everyone is enjoying an improved lifestyle, thanks to Jiang Shu. However, if the war erupts, all of these will turn into shambles instantly.

" Who else knows about this?" Chief Johnathan asked in a deep voice.

" I think this message was relayed to all the members of Senate. So, unless Jiang Shu makes a miracle again... Why not use one man's life to save millions?"

As they discussed, all of them received a message in their transmission device. nove/lb(In

" Jiang Shu called an assembly?"

Jiang Shu sat on the throne, his eyes were vacant and his expression was placid. Beside her, a beautiful woman stood with an enchanting figure.

" I know about the offer you all got from Heaven's Sanctuary City." His voice was completely emotionless.

" It shall be short. Tell me, What are you guys going to do?"

" Well, Lord Jiang... As you see..."

The members of the senate looked at each other with helplessness. " Enemy is too strong this time. Besides, They are only asking for you."

" Lord Jiang, We shall be also straightforward."

An old man wearing a black suit stood up. " Please, give up your seat and surrender. You can save lives of millions by doing that."

" Is that so?"

Jiang Shu nodded as he stood up. His ring flashed with a dark light as a strange black liquid emerged.

" You guys can go and fuck yourself." Jiang Shu's voice was cold. But one could see his voice was being overlapped with another raspy voice, a voice filled with malice and hate.

" Jiang Shu..."

The girl beside Jiang Shu became horrified when she saw the black liquid shot forward like a tidal wave, consuming the members of the senate.

The members of the Senate were powerful Ability Users. Yet, the black liquid was like a voice, devouring them completely.

Soon, they turned into humanoid monsters, with a grotesque jelly like skin. They behaved like zombies, the undead who roamed in the lands. But the flicker of intelligence and obedience to Jiang Shu made them even more terrifying.

" If this world couldn't be mine... No one can get it either!"

Jiang Shu walked to the balcony and saw more than ten thousand soldiers standing.

" My dear soldiers, It's time for you to harness the power of a god and destroy our enemies!"

All the soldiers nodded as they took a serum and drank it. The serum also had the same substance as Jiang Shu's black jelly.

[ Outer Divinity's Influence Increased! Constellation Serpant of Dark Decay is pleased with Jiang Shu's action!]