Chapter 468 Serpent Hunting

Chapter 468 Serpent Hunting

Jun Tianyun and Saki were lying on the bed, entangled with each other's embrace. Saki's eyes opened slolwy as she saw Jun Tianyun sleeping peacefully.

Feeling her moving, Jun Tianyun also got up. " Uhnhh...Good morning, Wife..."

" Good morning, Dear." Saki leaned forward, kissing him tenderly. " You were quite a beast last night."

" And..." Jun Tianyun grinned. " You were riding this beast with utter enthausiasm."

Saki blushed when Jun Tianyun mentioned that. " Oh gosh, Stop that. You are making me feeling embarrassed."


" Mama! Papa! Have you gotten up?"

Jun Tianyun and Saki looked at each other with dismay as they hurriedly tried to gather their clothes.

Saki slipped on her night gown as Jun Tianyun opened the door. " Good morning, Princess. You woke up pretty early."

Sayu rubbed her eyes as she couldn't help but cast a side glance to Jun Tianyun. " Papa, it's not I who woke early today. It's you and Mama, who are running late today."

Saki's expression changed as she looked at the clock. " Shit! It's 9 AM?"

Sayu entered the room while holding her plushie. "Ugh, What's this smell...It smells fishy..."

" Dear, Don't go there..."

Jun Tianyun held Sayu and dragged her out of the room. " The room is a bit messy, so don't go near the bed."

" Huh? Why?" Sayu couldn't help but get confused. " Besides, Mama...Why there are red marks on your neck and calves?"

" Err...These..."

Saki couldn't help but shot an annoyed glance at Jun Tianyun. Jun Tianyun could only smile sheepishly when he saw that. " Well, Sayu, There were a lot of bugs last night. So, your mama got bitten by them."

" Is that so?" Sayu frowned. " Yeah, It's the seasons of bugs. Not to mention, I felt like Mama was crying and groaning last night."

" Ahem..." Jun Tianyun's expression turned dark. How could Sayu be so perceptive even when she was asleep.

" It must be your dream, Sayu. After all, you care about you mama a lot."

" Hmm, You are right, Papa."

Before Sayu could ask anything els, Jun Tianyun picked her up and walked away. " Now, Enough chit chat. Let me prepare some breakfast for you."

Saki sighed in relief when Jun Tianyun took away Sayu. ' Gosh, Are we that loud last night?'

Rubbing the lovebites on her body, Saki couldn't help but be amused. ' But, It's not like I didn't enjoyed it. It's been a while since I felt my hunger was sated.'

' Hmm, The more my abilities are growing, the more the consumption of divine energy is happening. I guess I need to grow my faith and Fortune Points.'

He already gained a massive amount of divine energy after absorbing the divine spark of Blood Demon. However, using various divine abilities also costs divine energy.

Faith is the best way to harvest divine energy. The more the faith a person receives, the more he can convert it into divine energy.

As usual, Jun Tianyun didn't rush to hunt the Demon Serpent. He gathered various clues first.

' As expected, it was born with the similar legends I had in my mind.' Jun Tianyun mumbled inwardly.

A gigantic serpent with the ability to grow another head if one head is cut. Ultra high regeneration power and toxic venom which can corrode even the strongest of materials, it was like a straight out of mythic tales.

' Fake immortality, eh?' Jun Tianyun chuckled. ' Too bad, there are tons of tales of how such a serpent got defeated. The thing is, which way I should pick?'

' Should I brew eight pots of wine and make it drunk? Nope, this serpent looks very intelligent and cunning. It won't get tricked like the real orochi.'

' Then, I guess I have to fight him like Hydra?' Jun Tianyun became amused. Suddenly, his eyes gleamed.

" Well, I guess I have a few ways it could work. Let's get going then."

Jun Tianyun walked around the island as he saw it was really uninhibited. Other than a few fishermen's boats around the surrounding, there aren't many people inside the island.

It was because of the folklore of the demon serpent, who would devour anyone who would step onto the island. Besides the folklore, it's proven naturally that the island was the home of some of the deadliest serpents, hence people are unwilling to stay there.

Jun Tianyun looked around as he realized he finished inspecting the island. Taking a deep breath, he climbed onto a mountain and reached the shrine at the top of the peak.

In the shrine, it was a giant serpent, suppressed by a great seal. Jun Tianyun waved his hands as he destroyed the seal.

" Time to trigger a boss fight."


It was like countless serpents hissed at the same time, giving Jun Tianyun a terrible shiver. Suddenly. The shrine cracked as a huge figure appeared out of nowhere.

" Delicious...I smell such a delicious and...noble bloodline."

Jun Tianyun felt a pair of demonic serpent eyes locked on him. It was such an intense gaze of avarice and malice that even he frowned.

" Dragon....You have the bloodline of a dragon!"

" Hahaha! What a perfect lunch after walking up from my slumber!"

" Yeah, A perfect lunch..." Jun Tianyun chuckled when he heard that.

" Unfortunately, the one who is lunch here is...You."

Saying that, he brandished his Abyss of Star."