Chapter 471 Unexpected Helper

Chapter 471 Unexpected Helper

" You think I can't kill three of you?" Jun Tianyun snorted as he clenched his sword.

His mind was working rapidly as he used a large portion of his divine energy. His sword turned into a gigantic pillar of starlight as he cleaved toward the Thousand Faced Demon.

" Hisssss! Cocky brat, accept your fate!"

Yamato's body slithered forward as it tried to block the attack, However, the attack was just a feint as the real attack followed behind it.

All of the heads of Yamato were separated as they fell to the ground. However, Jun Tianyun's lips curled as he teleported right beside Yamato.

Raising his hands, an ominous blood light shone with a strange darkness.

The sliced off necks of Yamato bubbled as the blood on the necks slowly started to crystalize. After that, it was covered with a strange layer of dark aura. Slowly eroding the flesh.

" Damn it! Don't let him do that!"

Lightning Rage Demon heard the frantic cry of Thousand Faced Demon as he rushed towards Jun Tianyun. But Jun Tianyun only laughed as he took the attack head on.

The body of Yamato tried to roll on the ground frantically, as just like an ordinary snake does after its head is cut off.

After a while, the body stopped moving as Yamato didn't grow back any new head.


The Lightning Rage Demon gave a vengeful cry as he raised all of his four arms, Suddenly, the sky above the sky darkened.

" Wrath of Heavenly Lightning!" for new novels

Jun Tianyun panted as he looked at it. He already spent a considerable amount of divine energy just to use the power of blood control and decay.

Just like the legends, if the heads of the Yamato stopped growing, it could be killed. Jun Tianyun already had the power of Blood Demon's blood control.

After beheading Yamato, he used the power of blood control to crystalize the blood on it's head. It would stop or slow down the regeneration of his head.

To ensure no new head would grow, he also used the power of decay on the neck, which slowly rotted away its flesh.

Due to both of these factors, the heads of Yamato didn't regenerate instantly. Without any head, how can a snake survive for long?

Jun Tianyun just had to stay focused for a bit longer till Yamato would die without his head.

' However, using both divine powers at the same time, I used quite a lot divine energy.' Jun Tianyun took a deep breath and looked at the dark clouds.


The lightning descended, but not on Jia Hao. It fell on the Lightning Rage Demon. His horns shone with the brilliance of lightning as his entire body crackled with lightning.

Slowly, his size expanded as his body grew more and more.

" You dare to touch that divine spark!"

' I just need to survive. I just need to survive for three minutes!' Jun Tianyun clenched his fist as he turned around to run away.

He was not willing to die, He was not willing to let his family be destroyed.

He was not willing to lose!

He suddenly felt the ground turning into a quagmire as his steps slowed. The Lightning Rage Demon jumped and landed before Jun Tianyun.

The impact was enough to send him flying. Jun Tianyun coughed a mouthful of blood as he looked at the demons.

As he was about to get up, he suddenly felt a chilling sensation. However, he realized he couldn't move at all.

" Haha! Finally caught you."

The eerie voice of the Thousand Faced Demon appeared as it manifested before Jun Tianyun.

" Looks like you expended all your divine energy, huh?


Jun Tianyun felt an invisible palm squeezing his heart, making him feel an unbearable pain. His eyes became bloodshot, but he didn't budge.

" I...REFUSE!"

" Haah, My darling, Sorry to be late."

A soothing voice echoed as Jun Tianyun saw a beautiful and slender arm appearing behind him.

With a flick of its fingers, a powerful sword aura bursts forward.

Thousand Faced Demon's expression changed as it vanished with a smoke.

Suddenly, the sky got cleared as the sunlight shone on the destroyed island.

A beautiful lady, in an imperial crimson robe descended.

Her phoenix-shaped eyes had a charm like a morning star, making the onlooker's soul hook.

With her jade like smooth skin and hair like black night, her beauty can cause the downfall of a nation.

She had a charming body, filled with a heroic aura. She was like an empress.

Jun Tianyun was stunned for a moment before relaxing.

" Haha...Fate, is it?"