Chapter 19:

The male student was taken aback, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Fuck, what is your hobby?"

Wen Zhichu held his clothes and huddled by the door without saying a word. .

"Okay, I'll give it to you." The male student looked disgusted on the surface and didn't make any gestures to grab it, but he was already happy in his heart.

It seems that there are three large characters engraved on Wen Zhichu's forehead at this time.

Take advantage of.

If Qin Jiashu finds out that his school uniform has been cut by someone, he will definitely not let it go. This is not the one who suffers from boredom.

Moreover, he acted completely impulsively just now, and he hesitated when he cut it, thinking about what to do if Qin Jiashu knew that he did it.

Well now, here comes a scapegoat.

Seeing that the other party didn't accept the scissors, the male student gave it away again, "Take it."

Wen Zhichu tremblingly took the scissors over.

The male classmate looked at Wen Zhichu's trembling Parkinson's hand, and asked, "Why are you shaking?"

"I... I'm nervous."

"Then why are you stuttering?"

"I... I'm nervous."


However, he trembled for three minutes and stood there motionless.

The male student was a little impatient, "Can you still do it, hurry up."

Wen Zhichu took a step back in fright, watching the scissors in his hand not move for a long time.

[System: Open and close the scissors, it will be ready soon. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Tmall Elf?"

[System: What's wrong? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Instigating others to commit a crime is also a crime."


Good guy, you'll have to hold your back even if you die.

On the other side, the male classmate kept urging Wen Zhichu to do it quickly, so that he could slip away when he was done, so that he could relieve his anger and not worry about being discovered.

"Hurry up! I'll be back from playing in a while."

Seeing the other party's fierce face, Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, then separated the scissors with his fingers and pointed them at the school uniform.


Male classmate: ...

Click click click!

Male classmate: ...

Click, click, click, click! !

The short lines fell from the air, and the male student's eyelids twitched and roared, "What the **** are you doing cutting the thread?!"

Wen Zhichu's hands trembled in fright.

"Can you **** know how to cut window grilles?"

"I... I don't have this skill." Looking at the face of the male student who was about to go mad in the next moment, Wen Zhichu hastily added: "But I still have other ways to destroy."

The male classmate looked at him suspiciously, "What way."

I saw Wen Zhichu carefully put the scissors on the side cabinet, away from the two of them, and then took out the crime tools he bought at the supermarket just now from his pocket.

Tear and paste, pop!

A big pig's head was stuck on Qin Jiashu's school uniform.

Wen Zhichu blatantly said, "Willing...wasting his will."

"..." The male student couldn't take it anymore, "You **** kidding me?!"


Seeing the other party's way of fooling, the male student lost all patience, then quickly stepped forward and snatched the scissors from the cabinet, glaring at Wen Zhichu, "Give me the school uniform if you don't do it."

[System: Ahhhhhhhhh he is so fierce, protect me! 】

Wen Zhichu's heart, which was about to scream, was immediately kicked back by Tmall Elf's words.

Seeing the other party not moving, the male student said, "Give it to me."

Wen Zhichu shook his head, the school uniform in his hand was wrinkled, "No... no."

"Give me!"

Wen Zhichu's scalp was numb, his legs were half limp, and he couldn't even finish his sentence, "It's mine... mine..."

"Damn, you are a pervert!!"

The male classmate stopped wasting words with him, and strode forward to grab him. The opponent was extremely fast. Wen Zhichu stood by the door and wanted to open the door and escape, but obviously there was not enough time. Seeing the opponent coming this way, he was busy. Hide aside.



Just as Wen Zhichu hid to the side of the door, the originally closed door was suddenly opened. He held his school uniform and raised his head, caught off guard, and looked at the visitor.

The boy's penetrating and bright eyes shrank suddenly.

Qin...Qin Jiashu!

Qin Jiashu stepped in and glanced at Wen Zhichu, then looked away.

The male student holding the scissors was lying on the ground covering his bruised forehead.

"Fuck, who the **** opened the door."


There was severe pain in his head, and he felt dizzy and nauseous as if he had been on a roller coaster no less than ten times. The male student barely sat up with his arms propped up, and when he raised his eyes, he saw Qin Jiashu standing in front of him and looking down at him.

Seeing the person standing in front of him, the male student seemed to become dumb for an instant and silenced his voice. He looked at the scissors in his hand for a moment, and hurriedly hid behind him.

"Qin... Qin, you came just in time. Wen Zhichu didn't know what to do with your school uniform."

Wen Zhichu:!

The thief shouted "Stop the thief!"

"I...I didn't."

Qin Jiashu looked back at him, and Wen Zhichu pursed his lips.

"Nothing, whose school uniform are you holding in your hand?"

Saying that, the male classmate staggered to his feet and held onto Qin Jiashu's shoulders, "Student Qin, he wanted to cut your clothes just now, so I snatched them away..."

However, before the conversation was over, the male classmate's hand was snapped open. Qin Jiashu didn't smile on his face, but he couldn't see any anger either. He raised his hand and patted the shoulder that was held just now with disgust, as if he was patting something. Like dirty stuff.


Qin Jiashu glanced at him, but the other party couldn't say a word for a moment.

The male student felt a sharp pain in his forehead for a moment, and he couldn't stop sweating, "If student Qin is fine, I'll leave first."

As he spoke, he was about to step away.

"Did I say let you go?"

The male student's scalp was numb, "I was really helping you just now, you see, I snatched these scissors."

Qin Jiashu glanced at it casually, then reached out to take it.

The male student secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment the tip of the scissors would stab him.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Heart-piercing screams sting the eardrums.

The male classmate fell to the ground, Wen Zhichu was so frightened that he turned his head away, and was completely paralyzed on the ground for a while, and then hurriedly rolled himself up to reduce his sense of existence.

The heart beat wildly in the chest.

It won't really kill people!

He didn't dare to look at the screaming male classmate on the ground, let alone Qin Jiashu holding the scissors.

For a moment, he closed his eyes tightly, holding the school uniform in his arms like a talisman.

Qin Jiashu looked at the shocked man who fell to the ground and chuckled, but Wen Zhichu shuddered, and the other party was still laughing.

Qin Jiashu held the scissors and looked at the male classmate, his face had returned to his usual smiling face.

"It's cold on the ground, get up."

The male classmate looked at him with horror and lingering fear in his eyes. The sharp point of the scissors almost pierced his eyes just now.

Then he got up staggeringly.

Qin Jiashu looked at him, without any anger or boredom in his tone, "Don't forget to admit your mistakes to the teacher."

The male classmate looked at him sharply.

Qin Jiashu took out the mobile phone from his pocket and shook it in front of the person, a recording was impressively displayed on it.

Lowering his voice, he said, "I'll give you a chance."

The male student felt cold all over in an instant, "I know... I know."

With that said, he ran out of the changing room in a panic.

Hearing the sound of someone running out, Wen Zhichu quietly opened one eye to look like a thief.

[System: You look like a human being now. 】

Wen Zhichu: Who? "

[System: Brother with one ear. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: One eye. 】


Just as Wen Zhichu wanted to secretly breathe a sigh of relief, the next moment, a shadow shrouded his body, and Qin Jiashu stood in front of him intact.

Wen Zhichu:!

The other party will not want to beat him!

Just when Wen Zhichu was about to hug his head, the other party suddenly extended a hand to him.

Wen Zhichu was stunned, and was a little dumbfounded for a while.

Then he looked at him, then at himself, hesitated for a while and stretched out his hand in fear.

Qin Jiashu frowned slightly when he saw someone put his hand up.

With Wei Liang pointing at the palm of his hand, Qin Jiashu pulled him up from the ground expressionlessly, just like pulling out mushrooms last time.

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, but she didn't expect him to be quite nice.

[System: That's not what you said when he stabbed someone with scissors just now. 】


However, the opponent did not take back his hand after pulling him up.

Wen Zhichu was a little foggy for a while, and blinked her eyes twice.

Qin Jiashu: "...bring it here."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly came back to his senses, oh, oh, then, like a child who has done something wrong, he raised his hand and put the thing in the opponent's hand.

Looking at the pig head sticker in his hand, Qin Jiashu: ...

The other party took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said, "School uniform."

"Oh, oh oh."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly handed the school uniform to the other party. It turned out that the other party didn't want to pull him up just now, but asked him for the school uniform.

The other party didn't say anything after getting the school uniform, but turned around and put away his things from the cabinet, and went straight out of the changing room.

Wen Zhichu breathed a sigh of relief for a moment.

[System: I escaped a life. 】

Wen Zhichu: "The rest of my life after the catastrophe."

After a few minutes, the Tmall Elf said in his mind: [The task is completed, the villain is worth 18%, and the reward is RMB.100. 】

Wen Zhichu suddenly had doubts, "Tmall Elf."

"I'm here."

"When was the task completed?"

"While you were cutting the thread."

"Then why didn't you say it then?"

Tmall Elf was silent for a long time before uttering four words shyly, 【I'm afraid. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The farce was over, and the lunch break was almost over. Wen Zhichu stomped on his still weak legs, and then hurried back to the teaching building.

After entering the class and returning to the seat, just sat down, the table was knocked, "What's wrong with you?"

He looked up and saw that it was the second-to-last one, and before he could raise any questions, he heard the other party say: "I've been dead for three days and haven't been as pale as you are now."

Wen Zhichu was stunned.

Penultimate: "Didn't you have a good rest at noon?"

"Forget...forget it."

"No wonder."

The penultimate thought of something, "By the way, I added you as a WeChat friend this morning, why didn't you pass?"

Wen Zhichu: "I didn't look at my phone."

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on WeChat, and there was a red message prompt as expected.

Wen Zhichu clicked in, and the other party's wechat avatar was the penultimate person, and he saw the other party's application introduction just when he was about to agree.

"Wenzi, pass, it's my daddy."