Chapter 22:

Hearing this familiar intimate relationship, Wen Zhichu froze for a moment.

Then he turned his head frame by frame as if the disc was stuck, and as expected, he met the kind face of the dean.

Wen Zhichu: ...

For a moment, the air seemed to freeze at this moment, as if the sound of a needle falling on the ground could be clearly heard.

Wen Zhichu tried to hide the love letter in his pocket with lightning speed, but the next moment he got the head of the dean.

"Wen Zhichu! What are you doing here?!"

Although the dean didn't use much force this time, his head was not made of stone after all, and he groaned in pain for a while.

Wen Zhichu hugged his head, lowered his head and said, "No... nothing."

The dean folded his arms and looked at him, "Aren't you going to do some shady things?"

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook his head.

"You still don't admit it?"

Wen Zhichu stammered and said, "Spoken..."

The dean didn't believe it, his eyes were full of doubts, "Give me a reason that can convince me."

Wen Zhichu paused for a moment, and then whispered: "'s daytime, full of light."

You can't do things without seeing the light.


Qin Jiashu: ...

After finishing speaking, he was afraid that the dean would greet his Tianling Gai again, so he backed away slightly.

The dean looked him up and down, then found the key point, and asked in a stern voice, "What is in your hand?"

Wen Zhichu backed away slightly, "Nothing?"

"bring here."

Wen Zhichu didn't move, and even took a slight step back. At this moment, it was as if ten thousand alpacas were running fast in his heart, spitting at him while running.

Why is he so unlucky.

At this time, which pot of Tmall Elf does not open and which pot is lifted.

[System: Are you afraid of bad luck? 】

Wen Zhichu slowly typed:?

[System: I thought you were already used to it. 】


The dean once again said, "Give it to me!"

Wen Zhichu made a final struggle, "Can...not give it?"

"No!" The dean stepped forward and grabbed it, "Bring it to you."

The envelope in his hand was taken away, Wen Zhichu's face showed a panic visible to the naked eye, one hand was in the air to hold onto the envelope, his eyes followed the envelope, his lips that were glowing with healthy blood were tightly pursed, as if he wanted to say something What to say to stay, but can not open the mouth.

Qin Jiashu watched coldly, then glanced at the envelope in the dean's hand.

The dean brought the envelope over, and seeing the heart-shaped sticker on it, he was about to lose his temper.



As soon as the teaching director uttered a syllable, he was interrupted by a voice. He turned his head and looked at Qin Jiashu beside him in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Qin Jiashu smiled and said, "It's class time now."

There is a wall between the classrooms, not to mention the corridor, there are quite a lot of classes with doors open on this floor, as long as you say something loudly, there will be an echo in the corridor, and the class can naturally hear it clearly.

The graceful voice continued: "Educating Wen here will affect other classes."

No matter how reliable the study is, it is not as delicious as melons. No matter how serious it is, it will more or less slip away due to external influences.

The dean thought it made sense, "Jia Shu, you are right."

Saying that, he took a look at Wen Zhichu, "Come in with me."

As he spoke, he walked into Class Nine.

Wen Zhichu looked up at Qin Jiashu in surprise, but the other party was not looking at him, but followed the teaching director into class nine.

Although Qin Jiashu made this statement because he was worried about disturbing the students in other classes, it also protected Wen Zhichu's self-esteem invisibly on the other hand.

At this youthful and proud age, who would like and accept being criticized in public.

Wen Zhichu looked at the other party's tall and straight back, wondering if the other party deliberately excused herself, but thinking about how the other party hated her so much, it must be because she was really worried that it would affect other people's class.

Not long after the two walked into Class Ninth, Wen Zhichu also walked in slowly.

After entering, he still didn't forget to close the door intimately, in case the dean couldn't control the volume later, so that other classes could hear the other party's greetings to him.

The three came in and startled the two students who were originally in the class. The dean waved his hands, "It's nothing to do with you, what should you do?"

After hearing this, the two pretended to continue doing their own business, but they still quietly put their ears on it.

The dean slapped the envelope on the table, "What do you think this is?"

Although he can tell at a glance that this is a love letter based on his many years of experience as a dean, but because Wen Zhichu gave him a guarantee last time that he would not pursue Meng Yan, he asked again.

At this time, the male student sitting in front was also taken aback, then turned his head and looked at the three of them in disbelief, and then looked at the love letter slapped on the table.

Wen Zhichu was a little embarrassed to speak, his eyes were erratic.

The dean raised his thick brows, "Speak!"

Wen Zhichu shuddered in fright, "From...a self-recommendation letter."


Ghost letter.

Qin Jiashu was also speechless for a while. It was the first time he saw someone lying like this, and he could say that the other party would not lie at all.

At this time, the boy lowered his head and dared not look at anyone. He didn't know whether it was because of shame or because his ears were red and bleeding, and he grabbed the sleeve of his school uniform with his fingers.

The dean was about to refute, but after thinking about it, he paused.

If you think about it carefully, isn't a love letter just a cover letter? !

Taking a look at Wen Zhichu, this kid is quite euphemistic.

But if the word "love letter" is not forced out, the dean will not give up.

"Since it's a self-recommendation letter, explain to me why there is a heart on the envelope."

Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded for a moment.

"say something."

Wen Zhichu bit the bullet and said, "To express sincerity."


Wen Zhichu continued to speak, with a nervous trill in his voice, "Let... let the other party know that I'm leaving... I've lost my mind."


In the end, the dean couldn't help but stepped forward, raised his hand and patted Wen Zhichu's head several times, "Still sophistry! Still sophistry! Still sophistry!"

Knowing that something happened to the child's family, his mind is as fragile as a piece of seaweed now, he can't verbally hurt his spirit, he can only raise his hand to attack physically.

For a moment, Wen Zhichu felt that his head was like a ball, and he could only hide behind when he was photographed.

"Teacher...Teacher, don' will hurt."

The dean heard this, thinking that the other party was caring about him, "I don't hurt."

Wen Zhichu swallowed, "I'm talking about me..."


The dean took a deep breath for a while, and kept brainwashing himself to be loving and patient towards the students, and said, "I'll give you one last chance, do you think this is a love letter!"

Wen Zhichu admitted, "Yes."

Although he admitted that it was a love letter, Wen Zhichu didn't intend to call out the buyer, after all, it was his own mistake.

"To whom?"

"Meng...Student Meng Yan."

"Okay, I knew you didn't have the truth in your mouth." The dean was furious for a while, because what Wen Zhichu said in the teaching office last time was fragmented.

The dean opened the love letter angrily, and handed it to Wen Zhichu without reading it, "Read it to me."

Wen Zhichu blushed, obviously a little embarrassed.

This is the first time he wrote this kind of thing, and he was quite embarrassed.

"Teacher... you are still yourself... see."

Dean of Education: "Who cares!"

However, the next moment he turned the paper around, he began to look at it with great interest.

Wen Zhichu: ...

Qin Jiashu: ...


"Dear Meng Yan, hello. You are very beautiful. Every time I see you, I can't stop looking at you. There is a nose under your eyes, and there is a mouth just under your nose. You are both in my heart. Special but not special, because others also have a nose under the eyes, and a mouth just under the nose..."

The dean's eyelids twitched for a while looking at the love letter. It was the first time in so many years that the vocational teacher doubted himself so much. This might really be a self-recommendation letter.

Then he said in a hoarse voice, "Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu looked up at him.

"Did the teacher misunderstand you?"

Seeing Wen Zhichu shaking his head, the dean's eyes instantly went dark.

This love letter was written strictly according to the buyer's standards. Don't write the other party as a licking dog. Write the other party's feelings in a non-essential way, but at the same time express your appreciation and admiration for Meng Yan.

It means that love is not mentioned in every sentence, and love is never separated from every word.

And when he sent the content of the love letter in the morning, the other party was very satisfied and said that he would add five yuan to him, so that he could earn a huge sum of thirty yuan.

At that time, Wen Zhichu was a little touched, but now let alone thirty, he doesn't even have Sanmao.

The dean read it roughly, and found that there were no bold and explicit words in this love letter, but more about how outstanding and dazzling Meng Yan was in life and study, and there was not even a single favorite word in the whole text.

Then he coughed, "Are you really just admiring classmate Meng Yan, nothing else?"

Wen Zhichu nodded.

The dean took another look, and then asked doubts, "What do you mean by that last sentence?"

Then he read out the last sentence, "Student Meng Yan, are you yyds in my heart?"

"Kashu, do you know?"

Qin Jiashu didn't care at all, "I don't know."

Dean of teaching: "Wen Zhichu, please explain to me what this means, just this yyds."

Wen Zhichu was silent for a while, and then said, "Forever...forever single."


Qin Jiashu: ...

Good guy, destroy it if you can't get it.

Since we can't be together, I wish the other party will be single forever!

The dean's eyes widened, and he didn't know what to say to Wen Zhichu for a while, it was really outrageous.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

Wen Zhichu lowered his head and said obediently, "Attempt to commit...a crime."

The teaching director severely criticized him, and let it go now. There were still a lot of drafts, but he was afraid of telling the child some psychological problems, so he gave up.

"For the sake of your attitude of admitting your mistakes this time, I will forgive you once, and next time I will directly criticize you with 10,000 words, do you know?"

Wen Zhichu nodded hurriedly, "I know... I know."

After educating the dean of students, he walked away, and Qin Jiashu also walked out. When he left, he noticed the way Wen Zhichu looked at him, and there was secret gratitude in those eyes.

Qin Jiashu knew why the other party looked at him like this, and he didn't intend to help him just now, but just wanted to return the favor of the school uniform last time.

After all, it would be awkward for anyone to owe such a favor.

Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief after the teaching director and Qin Jiashu left. Now that the love letter has been dismantled, it should no longer be usable. He planned to take out his mobile phone to contact the buyer to cancel the order.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took out his mobile phone, it was a transfer of 30 yuan. The time was displayed five minutes ago, and his eyes widened for a moment.

Well now, not only have to contact the other party to cancel the order, but also contact the refund.

Wen Zhichu suddenly felt a blow to the head, and was about to leave before the money in his hand was warmed up.

At this time, the female students in Class Nine had left the class at some point, and just as Wen Zhichu was about to refund the most handsome man on the surface, a voice came from beside his ear, "Wait a minute."

Wen Zhichu followed the voice suspiciously, and saw the male student sitting in front standing up proudly, "No refund!!"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, looking at the male student in disbelief: "You are...the most handsome on earth?!"

The male classmate came over, "What are you talking about, speak louder."

Wen Zhichu raised his voice, "You are the most handsome... on the surface."

The male student smiled crookedly, "That's right, it's me."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Tmall Elf: …

He was sure that the other party definitely heard the first sound just now.

But since the buyer is right in front of him, it's even more convenient.

Wen Zhichu said: " saw it too, the love letter has been can't be used anymore, I will give you a refund now."



The male classmate said: "I am very satisfied with this love letter, please accept the money."

As he spoke, he took the love letter from Wen Zhichu's hand, "Leave the love letter."

Wen Zhi couldn't believe it in the first day of junior high school, "Really...really?"

"Yeah." As he spoke, he raised his hand and patted Wen Zhichu's shoulder, "I just wanted to tell Meng Yan that I like her, but I didn't want to disturb her so I didn't leave my name. I asked you to write a love letter because I didn't want to tell her."

"I didn't expect you to be the ghostwriter. Although I don't like you, thank you for not confessing me."

[System: Good one slaps a sweet date. 】

The two were just in a business relationship. Since the other party accepted the goods, there was no need for Wen Zhichu to communicate with the other party, but in the end, he returned half of the money to the other party.

He had been in a state of high tension just now, and when he returned to class, Wen Zhichu slumped on the table like a lump of jelly, letting himself relax.

At this time, there are still two or three minutes before the end of get out of class.

[System: You should get up. 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head.

[System: It's time for lunch. There are sweet and sour ribs in the cafeteria today. 】

The next moment, Wen Zhichu slowly got up, "Then I'd better get up."

Because of today's high tension, Wen Zhichu made some extra meals at noon, and after eating, he planned to go straight to the dormitory to sleep, but just as he walked downstairs to the dormitory, he saw a familiar figure, none other than Meng Yan.

The other party saw him frowning slightly, but still walked up.

"Wen Zhichu, can we talk?"

Wen Zhichu was stunned for a moment, "Yes... yes."

The two came to a shady area, and Meng Yan went straight to the point, "I heard someone say you sent me a love letter today. I'm here to say again, Student Wen, that I don't like you. There is no possibility between us."

Wen Zhichu nodded, "I'm sorry about the past..."

Although it was the things that Yuanshen did, but now he is the Wen Zhichu of this world, so I still want to say sorry to Meng Yan for Yuanshen.

Meng Yan looked at him boredly, "I hope you don't pester me in the future, I will never fall in love with you, you are very different from the person I like, I like people who shine."

As he said that, he stepped away, and when he turned around, the other party's high ponytail almost missed his face.

[System: Who is the person he likes to shine? 】

Wen Zhichu didn't know either, and then thought about it, "Maybe it's a programmer."

Tmall Elf:?

"Because their heads are shining."

In the afternoon nap, he almost took the bed and fell asleep. When he woke up, he was almost late, and then he quickly got up and went back to the classroom. There were still five minutes before class, and when he walked in, he was watching something on his mobile phone.

Wen Zhichu was a little curious, so he went up to take a look.

"What... are you looking at?"

The penultimate saw him, and shook the phone in front of the person's eyes, "Look at the horoscope, do you want to read it?"

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "I... don't need it."

Penultimate: "You don't believe in horoscopes?"

Wen Zhichu: "Well, I believe in science."

The penultimate man looked at it and said, "It says that Capricorn, Aquarius, Gemini, and Aries will get rich in the second half of the year!"

Wen·Aries·Zhichu silently rubbed back.

The penultimate surprise, "Didn't you not watch it?"

Wen Zhichu: "The end of science is metaphysics."


After watching the constellation video, Wen Zhichu returned to his seat and sat down complacently. The thought of getting rich in the second half of the year made his heart feel extremely smooth.

[System: You don't really believe in constellations, do you? 】

Wen Zhichu: "It's better to believe in something than nothing."

But in the afternoon, I was informed that there would be an English quiz next week, and Wen Zhichu quickly forgot about the matter of believing in constellations.

In the past few days, I have not only read English for evening self-study, but even before I go home and go to bed, I will read English to read, for fear that after the quiz, the English teacher will call me to the office to talk.

Hard work pays off, although the English quiz score is not good, but it has also improved by 20 points.

Just when Wen Zhichu was looking at the seventy-five on the handed out paper, the English class representative came over and knocked on his desktop, "The English teacher asked you to go to his office."

Wen Zhichu: ...

History is always strikingly similar.

He sighed, stopped struggling like a salted fish who had accepted his fate, and walked towards the English group.

After walking into the office, the English teacher glanced at him, and then went to get the report card.

" need."

English teacher:?

Wen Zhichu: "I brought it myself..."

As he spoke, he took out a stack of square English papers from his pocket.

"..." The English teacher coughed, "Let's summarize myself."

Wen Zhichu: "There is... there is progress, but only a little."

As he said that, he gently squeezed a small slit with **** to show this progress.

However, before the English teacher commented on Wen Zhichu's performance in this quiz, the door of the English group was pushed open from the outside, with such force that the door smashed directly against the wall, which shocked many people.

I saw the English teacher from class one angrily came in from the outside, holding a stack of honorary certificates and medals in his hand, and angrily threw them on the table.

With a bang, Wen Zhichu looked at his little heart and trembled.

The English teacher in Class 11 was also stunned, and then comforted him, "Just sit here and wait, and I'll draw the key points for you later."

Wen Zhichu obediently found a seat and sat down, surrounded himself, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

The English teacher in Class 1 is also the leader of the English group, so it doesn't necessarily mean that something happened with this angry rushing in.

Someone asked, "Mr. Li, what's the matter, so angry?"

Teacher Li's face was ugly, and he raised his hand to put the certificate of honor on the desk on the largest desk in the English group, angrily not wanting to explain, "Look for yourself."

Several teachers came forward, including the English teacher of Class 11.

"Isn't this the selection of provincial English articles?"

"Isn't it great? There are so many awards."

"It's pretty good."

Just as everyone was chattering, a teacher found Qin Jiashu's certificate of honor. When the red skin was opened, it was a golden certificate with the second prize written impressively inside.

Provincial awards, one first prize, two second prizes, four third prizes.

Seeing the second prize behind Qin Jiashu, it was a bit surprising, and the teacher said directly, "Why is Qin Jiashu from Class One the second prize?"

"second prize?!"

"No way, I've read his composition too, it's absolutely brilliant, it's the first prize no matter what."

"Isn't it written, the second prize."

"There are better students this time?"

Wen Zhichu was listening and knew that it was the world of a group of great gods.

"Mr. Li, there are really students who write better than Jiashu. It's really eye-opening. I thought that Qin Jiashu was already good enough. Sure enough, there are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains."

Unexpectedly, Teacher Li's face turned black, "Fart!"

With this sound, many people were stunned and knew something was wrong, "What's the situation?"

Teacher Li was filled with righteous indignation, "What else can happen, operate in secret!"

"No way, is it really a secret operation?"

"Can't it, isn't it provincial?"

"How is it impossible?" He continued: "Some students know to go through those back doors and take shortcuts if they don't want to work hard. I don't believe that anyone can control them for the rest of their lives. This selection is meaningless, and there is no fairness at all. It should be done!"

Such things are very common in society, but no matter how many times they encounter them, they will be filled with righteous indignation. They are not worthy of those who work hard, and at the same time hate the villains who play tricks behind them.

Teacher Li saw that some people didn't believe it, so he directly sent the folder he saved to the English group.

"See for yourself."

Then he stood up and walked around the office angrily.

The teacher in Class 11 was charging her mobile phone, so she went back to her desk to look at it on the computer. Wen Zhichu was also a little curious, and poked her head out slightly.

I saw the mouse click to open the folder, and large paragraphs of English came into view. Wen Zhichu was suddenly dazzled, and he didn't know abcd for a while.

Only the rankings are published on the official website, but not the articles. Teacher Li saved it when he went there.

After swiping the mouse a few times on the page, the number one English article was finally revealed.

Although Wen Zhichu's English vocabulary is very poor, he can barely recognize the title of the number one article.

"My mayor''sfather"

My mayor's father.