Chapter 26:

Wen Zhichu made a doubtful voice, "Did you really just finish cutting?"

[System: Ninety-nine percent yes. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Why are you so sure, you cut it?"

[System: My last host cut it. 】


The previous host was really a ruthless character.

Afraid that he would not believe it, the Tianmiao elf continued to add.

[System: Otherwise, why is walking so strange, and the cerebellum is not well developed? 】

This can't be said casually!

With a pure and kind heart, Wen Zhichu chose to believe in the former.

Looking at the strange walking posture in front of him, the opponent may be quite difficult now.

It suddenly occurred to my mind that at that time, Mr. Li was whining and spinning in the office like an old-fashioned electric fan hanging on the roof. Wen Zhichu looked at the No. 6 Middle School bus again, and wondered if the provincial first came or not. Come.

After all, Mr. Li still couldn't swallow his breath when he mentioned Qin Jiashu's second prize.

Seeing that morning self-study was about to start, Wen Zhichu didn't wait any longer, and hurried back to the classroom.

Shen Jun raised his head and looked at the campus environment of No. 1 Middle School with a proud face.

As one of the top three high schools at the provincial level, No. 1 Middle School has a very good learning environment and teaching atmosphere. Coupled with some external support and investment, the scale of the campus is also very large.

Shen Jun glanced at it casually, and complained: "It's just so-so, without us learning..."

Before he finished speaking, he heard his companion on the side say: "Fuck, is that a fountain?"


Shen Jun looked disdainful, and looked at his companion like a dog, "My family also has that, and the school environment is almost unsatisfactory..."

The companion ignored his words and went to look at other things, "Fuck, that green trim is so awesome."

Shen Jun: "My family also has them."

"Fuck, that bird on the tree is so **** fat!"

"I have them too."

Little Bird: ...

A student from No. 1 Middle School who didn't know why heard this, and secretly asked, "Is your home an ecological park?"

Shen Jun's face was as ugly as if he had eaten **** for a moment.

Seeing that the students got off the bus, the teachers of No. 6 Middle School began to organize discipline, "Everyone, follow the team and go to visit the dormitory later. The debate competition will start tomorrow. After we have exchanged friendship with the students from No. 1 Middle School Team, In the afternoon, the students can make their own arrangements, have a good rest or visit the campus of No. 1 Middle School."

Shen Jun muttered in a low voice, "Is there anything good to see?"

Unexpectedly, the students around him began to chatter, "This school is so **** extravagant."

"I want to go to the cafeteria of No. 1 Middle School to try the food."

"Count me in."

Shen Jun couldn't see it, and pointed at them, "You guys think this school is good because of your short-sightedness."

Seeing the second generation ancestor who usually flamboyantly opened his mouth, some students looked at each other, and then secretly rolled their eyes.

Seeing that his companion ignored him, Shen Jun continued: "Don't act like adoring foreigners."


It doesn't matter if you don't know how to use idioms, but the other party's family background is there, and no classmates dare to challenge him.

Shen Jun continued to say: "You all know that other people's schools are good, don't we have good places in our school?"

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Shen Jun felt a little embarrassed, raised his hand and pulled a classmate next to him, "Speak up."

"Yes, yes, yes, our school has a pair of birds, but this school has only one."


After a moment of silence, Shen Jun continued to push and step, "It must be eating alone to be so fat."

Only the world where the bird was injured was reached.

Qin Jiashu walked into the classroom early in the morning, and was grabbed by Ji Fengchang, "Fuck, are you a **** or not!"

As he spoke, he looked outside the door to make sure no one spoke up, "I smoked all the **** pack of cigarettes."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him, "I will supply you later."

"That's about the same." Ji Fengchang: "Hey, I heard that people from the sixth middle school came to our school today, and the number one in the province seems to be there too. How about it, do you need a brother to help you..."

Before the other party finished speaking, Qin Jiashu interrupted directly, "Don't do useless things."

Ji Fengchang looked at him with strange eyes.

Qin Jiashu frowned, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Dog, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, and I'm pretending to be someone here."

Chief Ji Feng didn't need to guess to know, that province was broken into eight petals in this dog's heart the first time.

At this time, Jiang Yu came to the back door, "Qin Jiashu, the sixth middle school is here, and the teacher told us to go over."

Qin Jiashu: "Understood."

He casually put his schoolbag on the table and walked out.

The venue of the debate competition was decided to be held in the school's auditorium. The seats under the stage are mainly stepped, which can accommodate all the students of the school. If there are students who want to watch the debate competition, they can also fit them.

At this time, the seats for tomorrow's debate match have been arranged on the stage.

The students of No. 6 Middle School came in with the teacher and stood on one side.

Soon, the teacher of No. 1 Middle School came over with a debate team headed by Qin Jiashu.

"Fuck, the first one is so handsome." A female classmate secretly said to her companion.

"I'm so handsome, can I shed tears!"

The young man who was leading the way opposite him was tall, handsome, elegant and elegant, and then he glanced in this direction casually.

"This guy is unusually handsome."

"Why is it unusual?"

"Handsome is an antonym, it is both flamboyant and restrained."

Shen Jun knew the other party. He had met him at the National Mathematics Competition before, but he just watched with his father and was unable to participate. The other party was on the stage at that time.

Listening to the discussion behind him, Shen Jun felt a little impatient, "Could you stop being an idiot, you don't understand a little bit of reserve, he's just like that."

Several classmates glanced at him with helpless expressions.

At this time, the team of No. 1 Middle School had already walked in front of them. The teachers of both sides exchanged greetings, and then said to the students:

"You all shake hands to get to know each other and exchange friendships."

As soon as these words came out, two or three people stood in front of Qin Jiashu.

"Hello classmate, my name is Li Yanyan."

"Hello classmate, my name is Huang Xu."

Qin Jiashu smiled and shook hands with everyone, "Qin Jiashu."

When Shen Jun arrived, Qin Jiashu's dark eyes darkened imperceptibly, "Hello."

Shen Jun stepped forward to shake hands impatiently, and as soon as he put his hand on it, he had other thoughts in his mind, and he planned to give the other party a blow.

Immediately afterwards, he began to secretly exert force on his hand, and when his hand was so hard that it trembled slightly, he secretly smiled and wanted to see the embarrassing face of the other party.

Unexpectedly, the other party looked at him completely, and the smile on his face just now did not show any signs of loosening, and his eyes narrowed dangerously at him.

Shen Jun was taken aback for a moment, and the next moment he felt a sharp pain in his hand, which made his face change instantly, and his fingers were gathered and pressed together vigorously, as if they were about to crush bones.

"You..." Shen Jun quickly pulled out his hand.

Then he gave Qin Jiashu a stern look, turned around and walked away swaggeringly.

Jiang Yu said from the side, "Why is he walking so strangely?"

Qin Jiashu: "Maybe he just got circumcised."


When Wen Zhichu was approaching the end of the fourth class, he received a mission from the villain

[System: Villain task, if you speak ill of the protagonist, the villain value will increase by 4% after the task is completed, a reward of 100 yuan, and a penalty of 100 yuan will be deducted for failure of the task. 】

After hearing this, Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up for a moment, this task is good.

The bell rang for the end of get out of class, and the students seemed to be participating in a running competition. They started to leave from their seats like the wind, and soon Wen Zhichu was left alone in the classroom.

Wen Zhichu opened his mouth, "Qin Jiashu is a big fool!"

There was silence in my mind.

Is it almost mean?

"Qin Jiashu has two faces!"

At this moment, the Sky Meow Elf spoke.

[System: What are you doing? 】

Wen Zhichu said directly: "Speak ill of the protagonist, can't you hear it?"

[System: Have you ever seen someone speak ill of someone by himself? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Is this still a multi-person project?"


[System: Otherwise? ! 】

Wen Zhichu heard this, her fair face wrinkled, and she muttered, "I knew you didn't have the kindness to give me such an easy task."

The Tianmeow elf looked at the bear's face in this nest: ...

On the way to the cafeteria, Wen Zhichu felt a little embarrassed, Qin Jiashu was full of loyalists, if he talked to his classmates, it would definitely arouse public outrage.

After lunch, I planned to go to the dormitory to rest, when passing by a quiet corner, I suddenly heard a sound of cursing.

"Damn it, no matter how majestic you are, you won't lose to me. If labor and capital can be number one, they can always overwhelm you."

Wen Zhichu poked his head curiously, and saw the circumcised brother.

At this time, the other party was standing under a hidden tree.

Shen Jun saw the other party as soon as he looked up, "What are you looking at?!"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, ""

He was going to leave, but the next moment he heard the other party say, "Qin Jiashu, you **** wait for me."

Wen Zhichu paused, then looked back at the other party, "You...are you going to speak ill of Qin Jiashu again?"

Shen Jun frowned, "Why not?!"

Wen Zhichu made a positive voice, "One...together."

Shen Jun was taken aback, looking at his school uniform, "Are you from No. 1 Middle School?"

He nodded.

"You hate Qin Jiashu too?"

Wen Zhichu didn't say anything this time, he didn't hate it and even felt guilty, but he had a mission.

Seeing that he was silent, Shen Jun asked, "What's your name?"

"Wen...Wen Zhichu."

"Wen Shichu?"

Sky Meow Elf: Hahahahahahahahaha.

Wen Zhichu: "...Wen Zhichu, about you?"

My name is Shen Jun. "

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, isn't that the name of Provincial Number One, and his name is still in the folder.

Shen Jun looked at his height and looked him up and down, "How tall are you?"

"1.79 meters." Wen Zhichu: "What about you?"

Shen Jun: "I'm 1.7 meters."

After Wen Zhichu heard it, she thought in her heart, oh, it turned out to be one six five.

Shen Jun: "I asked you if Qin Jiashu was particularly good at acting in school. I don't know what others like about him. He looks ordinary. His height is not very outstanding. Yao Ming is considered tall."

Wen Zhichu nodded sympathetically, and began to speak viciously, "If he... doesn't have 188, his height is really quite ordinary."

Shen Jun: ...