Chapter 33:

Wen Zhichu stared at this side with bright eyes, longing for yearning, as if there were lasers in his eyes.

[System: Isn't it too blatant for you to look at it like this, are you afraid that the protagonist will notice? 】

Wen Zhichu shook his head, "No, there are so many people watching him, I'm just a small crowd."

[System: I don't allow you to talk about yourself like that. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that he was so special in the heart of Tianmiao Fairy.

[System: The people are not as unlucky as you. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

It is because he has no self-awareness.

The game ended, and it was five minutes since get out of class was over. The students left the basketball court one after another, and the tight place that was surrounded by it was instantly relaxed.

Qin Jiashu stood beside the bench and wiped his sweaty neck with the spare towel of the school team. The water he brought had already been drunk. At this time, another girl came over in groups with water bottles.

"Student Qin, this is for you."

Qin Jiashu looked at the pair of hands in front of him, and the corners of his mouth curled up like before, and he gave polite excuses and declined them one by one.

But with a sweep of his eyes, he suddenly found something strange mixed in with the crowd.

Wen Zhichu, who was originally slightly bent over and mixed in the crowd, saw Qin Jiashu surrounded by people, and stood up straight.

From Qin Jiashu's perspective, he clearly saw a head pop out of the crowd like a spring.

Qin Jiashu: ...

Then the head began to move quickly with purpose, but not to his side, but in the opposite direction.

The slender figure came to the bench and raised his hand to pick up the empty bottle he had put on the bench before.

Then, not knowing whether it was because of a guilty conscience or what, she glanced at him.

Wen Zhichu held the bottle in his hand and smiled silly.

With God's blessing, I didn't expect the task to be completed so smoothly. Presumably Qin Jiashu was surrounded by people at this time and couldn't notice him. He looked back and met the other party's scrutiny in an instant.

Wen Zhichu:!

The smile disappeared instantly on his face.

[System: Don't be stupid. 】

Wen Zhichu:?

[System: God will not let you go easily. 】


Qin Jiashu didn't understand the other party's behavior for a while, after all, the water bottle was worthless to him.

The other party looked at him, Qin Jiashu was the protagonist, and Wen Zhichu felt that he was looking directly at justice for a moment, and froze holding the mineral water that was worth 20 cents to him.

The victim went directly to the crime scene, and Wen Zhichu panicked for a moment, hiding the empty water bottle in his bosom dearly.

Qin Jiashu didn't understand the other party's intentions at first, but when he saw Wen Zhichu hiding the water bottle in a panic, his face twitched.

What is he doing with his water bottle...

This guess is absurd and reasonable.

Seeing Qin Jiashu's eyes sink, Wen Zhichu hurriedly fled the scene with a water bottle.

Then he ran all the way back to the teaching building, and when he got back to his seat, he fell limply on the table and gasped for air like mud.

[System: Why are you running in such a hurry? 】

Wen Zhichu: "There is no rush for a hit-and-run."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Although I was terrified just now, but fortunately the task was completed.

[System: The task is completed, the villain value is 35%, and the reward is RMB250. 】

Sure enough, Qian's voice is wonderful, even two hundred and five are so beautiful.

Most of the students in this class came back exhausted and sweating profusely. All the windows in the classroom were open, and even returning to the class did not get rid of the heat of a crazy class outdoors.

The exhaustion after the frenzy made the previously noisy classroom much quieter, coupled with the blessing of sleepiness in the afternoon, Wen Zhichu also felt a little heavy on his eyelids.

This section is the head teacher's class. Teacher Dou walked in from the door, and Wen Zhichu seemed to see a big sleeping pill walking onto the podium.

The first half of the class was okay, but after a long time, the number of heads supported in the classroom was reduced by half in an instant.

After Mr. Dou finished writing on the blackboard, he turned around and saw the magnificent scenery limited to the campus.

His eyelids twitched, and he slapped the blackboard vigorously angrily.

"Get up all the sleeping classmates!"

The force was so great that the chalk writing on the blackboard was slapped to dust, and Wen Zhichu, who had been holding on forcibly, became sober in an instant.

Teacher Dou stepped off the podium and inspected the circle, "Look at your negative attitude towards study! Your parents pay you tuition fees just to let you sleep. They all say that students are the flowers of the motherland, and all of you are mandalas. ?!"

The Sky Meow Elf was puzzled.

[System: What is a mandala? 】

Wen Zhichu began to popularize science, "Sleep during the day and bloom at night."

[System: The head teacher even compared you to flowers, so he was merciful. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Toxic."

[System: His mouth is not poisonous. 】

Wen Zhichu: "I mean the mandala is poisonous."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Seeing that the students were still staring at each other after being woken up, Teacher Dou was furious, "You are the worst students I have ever brought up, and I can be **** off by you 10,000 times a day!"

The Tianmeow Elf was greatly shocked.

[System: With so much anger, why didn't he choose to resign? ! 】

Wen Zhichu was silent for a while, "Maybe this is death."

[System: Are you not afraid that the Chinese teacher will chase you down? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

For the remaining half of the class, Teacher Dou's voice reminded him of the loudspeaker of the uncle downstairs. It's not easy for people's teachers.

Because the English class representative also fell asleep in class because of exhaustion, I only took one or two lines of physics notes.

Wen Zhichu sat on the seat, saw someone approaching beside him, and looked up.

Mu Qing looked at him, "Wen Zhichu, did you sleep in class?"

Wen Zhichu answered truthfully, "No...but I'm a little sleepy."

"Then can you lend me your physical notes?"

After the Sixth Middle School incident last time, the two are now considered friends. Wen Zhichu didn't refuse when he heard that the other party wanted to borrow his notebook, but handed him his notebook.

In the next session of self-study, Mu Qing took it back to her seat and planned to make up notes.

Wen Zhichu's handwriting was very neat, and the paper was kept very clean without erasing words. Mu Qing wrote for more than ten minutes, and then she was taken aback when she saw a group of ghostly symbols.

I saw that there were scattered lines, dots, and apostrophes on it, which formed a sharp contrast with the regular font before.

Seeing that Mu Qing suddenly stopped moving, the deskmate looked up.

"Oracle bones?"

Mu Qing: ...

The mineral water bottle that Wen Zhichu brought from Qin Jiashu had been kept in the table hole, and he remembered to take it out during the evening self-study at 9:30 in the evening and put it in the net pocket on the side of the schoolbag, ready to take it home and save it.

He stepped out of the classroom with his schoolbag on his back, and ran into Qin Jiashu who had descended to the second floor as soon as he walked downstairs.

Wen Zhichu frowned and took a few steps back.

[System: Are you a nose-walking creature? 】

Wen Zhichu slowly typed out:?

[System: Walk backwards. 】

Wen Zhichu: "...No, I just saw him nervous."

[System: What is there to be nervous about. 】

Wen Zhichu whispered: "I just took his things this afternoon."

Before the Tianmeow elf could speak, the boy continued.

"It's a guilty conscience."


It may be that Wen Zhichu's nasal animal behavior is rare, and he successfully attracted Qin Jiashu's attention.

Hearing the sound, the other party looked back, and saw Wen Zhichu standing behind him nervously, only a few steps away, and in the net pocket on the side of the other party's schoolbag was the empty water bottle that had been taken away after drinking it all in the afternoon.

It was the bottle of his usual sports drink.

Qin Jiashu's eyes darkened, and he looked up at him warningly.

Wen Zhichu shivered instantly.

Good... so badass.

At this time, the students had already gone seven or eight times, and there was no one around in the stairwell on the second floor. Wen Zhichu just stood on the stairs with his hands on the stairs, his legs trembling slightly.

Qin Jiashu's eyes drifted away from him, his jet-black eyes seemed like the invaders were patrolling the occupied territory, arrogant and arrogant, with a strong sense of oppression, Wen Zhichu swallowed in fright, and didn't dare to look up for a while.

Why didn't he leave.

[System: Maybe I have cramps in my legs and want to stand up for a while. 】

Qin Jiashu read panic and fear of him from him, but the other party's behavior was completely opposite, bold and outrageous.

Watching his empty water bottle being carried by someone, a strong sense of discomfort swept over him.

A deep voice sounded, mockingly, "Isn't the photo enough?"

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

The string-like sound continued, "What are you doing with the water bottle I drank?"

Wen Zhichu obviously read the anger from the other party's words, and when he looked up, Qin Jiashu's face was quite calm.

The tall figure seemed a little impatient when he saw that the person had not spoken for a long time, and his tone hit people's hearts, "Speak."

Wen Zhichu shivered in fright, "I...I'm useful."

It is useful again.

"What is the use?"

Wen Zhichu's watery eyes were a little helpless, he didn't know where to place his eyes, he hesitated for a long time before saying: "This is... It's privacy."

After finishing speaking, I don't know whether it was a guilty conscience or something, Wen Zhichu secretly glanced at him, with drooping brows and eyes, coupled with that delicate face, he looked like a small animal forced into a hole by a wolf to crazily dig the soil.

Screaming and screaming, pitiful and helpless.

He hadn't noticed the other's bewitching face before.

Hearing that phrase of privacy, Qin Jiashu's face darkened for an instant, and just when Wen Zhichu thought that the other party was going to fail in the negotiation and planned to use force, a voice suddenly came from above his head.

That voice was thick and rough, but it also had the dawn of hope, refreshing, like a blessing from a **** to him.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

I saw the dean coming down from the recording building after inspecting the class. It was like a 60-watt incandescent lamp, so dazzling that no one could look directly at it.

The mask was put back on his face, Qin Jiashu: "It's just that I came out late."

Oh, the dean, then he glanced at Wen Zhichu, "Aren't you the most active after school, you're also late."

After Wen Zhichu nodded gratefully, he didn't move.

"Why are you still standing here?" Then the dean looked Wen Zhichu up and down, and saw that the other side was pale and ugly, "I want to stand for a while because of leg cramps?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Unexpectedly, the roundworms in the stomach will also have a day of sharing.