Chapter 35:

[System: Very good young man, this kind of mentality is what he wants. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Spirit Tianmeow, your way of thinking is amazing."

[System: Of course, the system is not something that a cat or a dog can be. 】

However, after saying this, the more Tianmiao elf thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

After systematic enlightenment, Wen Zhichu's fear of Qin Jiashu decreased a lot.

If Tianmeow Elf is a pyramid scheme, then Wen Zhichu is the first lower limit of his development.

Wen Zhichu returned home with a good attitude, but the next morning when he arrived at school, he immediately collapsed.

As soon as Wen Zhichu entered the class, the representative of the English class walked towards him.

After he repeatedly confirmed that the other party was walking towards him, a shy smile appeared on Bai Nen's cheeks. Although it was still a little unnatural to greet people, he tried very hard and said, "Mu...Mu Qing, good morning."

But Mu Qing stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, shook her head and said, "It's getting late."

Wen Zhichu glanced sideways at the clock hanging on the wall, confused, he wasn't late.

The next moment, the bad news came out of the other party's mouth like a catastrophe, "Today's first English class quiz."

Wen Zhichu's original smile suddenly collapsed on his face, and he was a little flustered, "I...I don't know."

"The English teacher just told me this morning that it was a random check in English class, but let me tell you when I see you coming."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, not understanding the English teacher's intention, "For...why?"

"She is afraid that you will anger her, so she asks you to hug Buddha's feet temporarily."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Then she is so sweet.

Ever since Wen Zhichu suddenly had the lowest score in English, the English teacher noticed him.

After all, sitting on the throne of the bottom one all the year round, it is inevitable that the teacher's individual attention will be aroused by sudden hard work. A poor student who is the worst in a subject will definitely attract attention. Wen Zhichu regretted it for a while. Just work **** English.

However, if a subject's score was lower than English, the English teacher would not be so persistent with him.

After returning to his seat, Wen Zhichu took out his English grammar notes and started cramming, but he gave up suddenly after reading halfway through.

[System: Why didn't you read it? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Everyone doesn't know, but I know, I'm not good at learning secretly."

[System: If you can't memorize it, just say it. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Sure enough, the English teacher of Class 11 of the first English class walked in with high heels and a stack of test papers in his hand.

"Today's English class quiz, everyone put away all the books in their hands."

"Ah~" There was a wailing in the classroom.

However, the English teacher turned a deaf ear and handed the test paper to the class representative, "Send it out, the time will be based on the time after class, and it will be handed over to the podium automatically."

The sound of the test paper being turned in circles rang in his ears, and Wen Zhichu heard the whispers of the students in front of him.

"Why the sudden quiz? I haven't read anything yet."

"You should get used to this kind of thing, and there will be more in the future."

"Actually, a quiz is fine too. My grammar is good."

"I'm good at writing."

Hearing others talking about his strengths in English, Tianmiao Elf also asked Wen Zhichu.

[System: What about you? 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled shyly, "I'm in a good mood."


Very well, Wen Zhichu's fearlessness always appears when it shouldn't.

After the English quiz was over, when Wen Zhichu put the test paper on the podium, the English teacher took a look at him.

The English teacher said, "Is it difficult?"

Wen Zhichu felt better than last time, "'s not difficult."

The English teacher looked meaningfully, "Then why did you choose C for the first question?"

Wen Zhichu: ...

After being terrified, he looked calm. He knew that regular English group sightseeing was indispensable.

[System: Villain task, throw the protagonist's things into the trash can, the villain's value will increase by 5% if the task is successful, and the reward will be 200 yuan, and a penalty of 200 yuan will be deducted if the task fails. 】

Unexpectedly, after this mission, Wen Zhichu was obviously not as anxious as before.

[System: Why don't you worry anymore. 】

Wen Zhichu: "It's similar to the last mission, I just go to the basketball court and pick up a water bottle."

[System: Ding! The task is changed, throw the protagonist's things into the trash can at home. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Why did you add this one all of a sudden?"

[System: Because you didn't bring home the last water bottle. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

He shouldn't be talking too much.

I thought the results would be out tomorrow morning at the earliest, but who would have thought that if the English teacher had some magical skills, the third self-study class in the afternoon would give out the test papers.

The English class representative came to Wen Zhichu, "Wen Zhichu..."

Before the other party finished speaking, he stood up automatically and walked to the English office.

[System: How do you know that the English teacher called you. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Practice makes perfect."

[System: If you have the ability to speak louder and let the language group listen, you will have another teacher who will take good care of you. 】


No... no more trouble.

Wen Zhichu walked to the English group, although he didn't know how many times he had been here, but he still couldn't help being nervous. He knocked on the door and heard the sound of welcome from inside, and then opened the door and walked in.

The English teacher put the test paper in front of him, "Tell me."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

"Talk about everything."

Wen Zhichu raised his hand and flipped through his English test paper. It wasn't that he didn't want to learn well, but that English was like a bible to him.

Then he pursed his lips and said, "Some...the use of grammar is not yet proficient, and reading...has not improved either."

When he turned to the back of the paper and saw the composition score, Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up, "There has been some progress in writing... the composition."

As he spoke, he pointed to his six-point composition, and looked expectantly at the English teacher.

Five points last time, six points this time.

The English teacher was a little strange after hearing this, "Really?"

As he spoke, he stretched his neck and took a look, "Ah, that one is for your roll."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Sky Meow Elf: "Heh..."

" can laugh if you want."

[System: Hahahahahahahahaha. 】

A class of English teachers came over to take a look at the serious situation here, "Your class also took the quiz?"

The teacher of Class 11 nodded, and then glanced at Wen Zhichu, "Isn't that the most headache."

Wen Zhichu blushed a little after hearing this.

At this time, a familiar voice came from my ear, light and elegant, "Teacher, the exercise book is here."

Teacher Li: "Okay, please help the teacher to check the list of ordered materials.

Qin Jiashu walked to the desk and planned to operate the computer, but the gaze from the side was too blatant, so he turned his head and glanced.

I saw Wen Zhichu looking at him secretly like a little thief, his eyes were shining brightly, as if he was looking at the wax on the lampstand.

The English teacher of Class 11 looked at it, "Isn't your class representative Yang Yao, is it Qin Jiashu?"

Teacher Li smiled and said, "No, Jiashu is a warm-hearted kid, and the workbook class representative helped move it here after he struggled with it."

As he spoke, he continued to look at Wen Zhichu's test paper, "This kid has a lot of problems with English composition."

"Who said no."

Wen Zhichu, who was still secretly looking at the money tree, looked away instantly when he heard it.

Teacher Li frowned and smacked his lips, "It won't work if you go on like this. You have to watch and practice more. It just so happens that today's quiz in my class is also the same set of papers."

He said and looked at the young man beside him, "Jia Shu, show your test paper to the students in Class 11."

Wen Zhichu opened his eyes sharply, " need."

Although it seems that the other party has the blessing of the filter of the money tree, he is still a little afraid of money.

Teacher Li: "What are you polite about?"

"Qin...Classmate Qin, it's...not convenient now."

"That's right." Qin Jiashu was checking things, but the test papers of the students he taught couldn't be displayed, and Teacher Li felt a little pity, "Jiashu, is it convenient for someone to pick it up for you?"


The other party's spoken language was flat, without any emotional ups and downs, but Wen Zhichu clearly read the impatience in the other party's expression.

"This... this is not good."

"On my desk, there are several sheets of paper covering it. Please, classmate Wen, throw it away for me when you get it."

Qin Jiashu's eyes were full of warnings. Wen Zhichu didn't understand at first, and the other party was clearly unwilling, but he wanted to agree to the teacher's request.

In the end, Wen Zhichu had no choice but to go to Class 1 in despair. Fortunately, during the self-study time, not many people pay attention to him.

Sure enough, there were a few pieces of paper on Qin Jiashu's desk, Wen Zhichu glanced at them hastily but didn't look carefully, only saw a pile of ab English letters, then he raised his hand and was about to throw it into the trash can according to the other party's instructions.

But I suddenly remembered the task issued in the morning. Since the destination of these chapters is the trash can, it is more comfortable to lie in the trash can of his house, and then I kicked the paper into my pocket.


[System: Beggar behavior. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu returned to the English group with the other party's English test paper, and a class of teachers took Qin Jiashu's test paper to give him a lecture, and then asked the other party to come over and give him some composition ideas.

Only one point was deducted for Qin Jiashu's composition, and Wen Zhichu praised it almost instinctively, " are really amazing."

The other party looked at him with yearning and adoring eyes, Qin Jiashu's eyes were still indifferent as always, but the fingers holding the test paper curled up imperceptibly.

She turned her gaze away from Wen Zhichu's starry eyes, but when she turned her gaze, she found the piece of paper protruding from the person's pocket, and her brows frowned suddenly.

Seeing that get out of class was about to end, the English teacher told them to go back.

Wen Zhichu followed behind Qin Jiashu and walked out of the English office, heaving a sigh of relief.

However, a voice as cold as the wind came from above the head, "I didn't tell you to throw it away."

Wen Zhichu's originally breath of relief hangs in front of his chest for a moment, not daring to breathe out.


Qin Jiashu looked at him coldly, "Privacy again?"

Wen Zhichu shuddered for a moment, thinking that if he really said that, the other party might wring his head off.

Wen Zhichu bit the bullet, "I..., your English is good, I... I want to keep it as a collection."

Unexpectedly, when these words came out, Qin Jiashu was stunned for a while, and then he was puzzled by himself, for a moment he didn't know why he had to care about the person in front of him.

Wen Zhichu was a little surprised when he saw it, "Why... what's wrong?"

"Wen Zhichu." There was obvious helplessness in the other party's melodious voice.


"That's the straw paper of the Mathematical Olympiad."

Wen Zhichu:!