Chapter 43:

"family heirloom?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "Of course...I drink water within three yuan."

This price is not a family heirloom.

Seeing the heirloom in his hand with a retail price of seven yuan, Qin Jiashu's face twitched.

He sent it out before, and the other party sent it back to him in the name of a reward.

It can be said that it is taken from him and used for him.

Then I looked up at the person standing beside me. The light in the other person’s eyes was as if a ten-watt light bulb was installed, and it was written all over his face, take it for you, take it...

Qin Jiashu was speechless for a moment, and it took a long time before he said, "No need."

After saying that, he threw it back into Wen Zhichu's hands. Wen Zhichu, who was smiling like a sunflower fluttering in the wind, was taken aback for a moment, and his tone was a little flustered, "Here...for you."

Wen Zhichu didn't know why the other party didn't want it. After all, it was a good thing for him. He had never seen a bottle of water of normal size sold for seven yuan.

In his values, this is no different from robbing a bank.

The merchant could have robbed you of seven yuan directly, but instead gave you a bottle of water.

He walked a few steps forward when meeting people, shortened the distance between him and looked at the other person with a pair of eyes sincerely without any impurities, "You got the first place... this is your reward."

I was already in a bad mood tonight, but now that Wen Zhichu made it clear that he was going to hit the gun, Qin Jiashu impatiently waved away the opponent's hand, his face dark and frightening, "I told you, I don't need it."

Wen Zhichu was not considered a threat to him, but it was still a headache for him. The other party's feelings for him were true, and so was his feeling.

I thought that the other party would retreat when he saw his cold eyes, but the more frustrated he became, the more courageous he became.

"It's okay..." Wen Zhichu pulled someone's hand and stuffed it in, "You take it... Next time you get the first place, I... I'll buy it for you again."

Qin Jiashu was stunned, Junyi's face was stunned for a moment, and his heart felt heavy and dull when he heard this. The approach of the other party brought some faint smell of alcohol, which was not unpleasant, but in the end, he felt uncomfortable in his heart. Inevitably took a step back.

The words in the other party's mouth also confused his thoughts. In his cognition, there is no reward for the first place, only should it be deserved.

Compared with other rankings, he should be number one, and he can only get number one.

Second place has no value anywhere, and it doesn't in his eyes, so second place is a shame and evidence that he didn't try hard enough to be second.

So much so that Qin Jiashu couldn't reconcile with himself every time he failed.

The distance between the two is not too far, only a few steps. Qin Jiashu's tall body stands next to Wen Zhichu like a wall, blocking people from an angle, looking down at Wen Zhichu as if being pinched by someone. With the same red face, he told himself that he didn't care, but he still asked, "Is there a reward for the first place?"

Wen Zhichu affirmed, "Of course... the first place is so good, of course there should be a reward."

He still did not forget to praise, "You are the most outstanding person I have ever seen..."

Whether it is in the novel instilled in his mind or in the reality of this world, Wen Zhichu has never seen Qin Jiashu's failure, as if his existence is the control group, and his existence is to highlight how good and how good a person can be. powerful.

The other party's eyes were sincere and hot, as if he was speaking the truth, with a drunken and silly smile on his face, and he stuttered, but it was particularly eye-catching.

Qin Jiashu looked at the water in his hand. After all, he didn't want to owe it to the other party, and there was no reason to take it back now, "I won't drink it."

"'re welcome."

"Isn't it a family heirloom?" Qin Jiashu felt weird when he said this.


Qin Jiashu frowned, "Crying?"

Wen Zhichu gasped, "It's hard... No one can hurt the child."

Qin Jiashu: ...

In the stands today, Wen Zhichu's throat was about to burst into smoke, and he really experienced the feeling of being a father. He raised his hand and patted Qin Jiashu's shoulder, "You've finished your drink... Dad it for you."

Sky Meow Elf:! !

As soon as these words came out, Qin Jiashu's face darkened instantly, and he took a deep breath when he looked at the drunkard in front of him. He wanted to turn around and leave, but when he looked at the things in his hand, the voices in his heart suddenly diverged.

The other party is a drunk and nothing to worry about. I don't know what will happen if he is released on the street now. Although the other party's life and death has nothing to do with him, seeing the returned water, Qin Jiashu gritted his teeth and stopped in his tracks.

Then he raised his hand to hail a taxi on the side of the street, and took people into the car.

The driver asked for the destination.

Qin Jiashu looked at Wen Zhichu, "Where is your home?"

Wen Zhichu reported the address unpreparedly, and along the way, not knowing whether it was because the heirloom was given out or what, Wen Zhichu sat obediently in the car.

Qin Jiashu sat aside and closed his eyes to meditate. After a while, he felt someone lightly poke the back of his hand.

Looking up, he saw someone looking at him unblinkingly, Qin Jiashu said impatiently, "Say."

Wen Zhichu looked eager to try, "I'll cheer you on today... Did you hear that?"


"I didn't… didn't stutter."

As he spoke, he looked at Qin Jiashu eagerly, his eyes full of expectation.

Looking at the person's flushed cheeks, Qin Jiashu was silent for a while, and then said dryly, "You are awesome."

Wen Zhichu was very satisfied when he heard this, it was like a child can be taught.

Seeing the man's contentment, Qin Jiashu was a little funny for a moment, and he didn't expect that the other party would like him so much, because he became so happy with a compliment in his mouth.

There are quite a few people who like him, but Wen Zhichu is the first one to really get in touch with him without any external pretense.

So Wen Zhichu is a hidden danger to him, like a thorn in his heart, eye-catching but impossible to get rid of, and it will appear in front of him from time to time to remind him of his existence.

Qin Jiashu's fingers lighted up again and again, and a pair of eyes looked at Wen Zhichu in the dark carriage.

There was an inexplicable meaning in his eyes. This was the first time he looked at him seriously. He had no impression of Wen Zhichu's face before, and he could call him by name, but if he recalled this person's appearance, it was blank, as if the other party His face was just like a piece of paper with his name on it.

At this time Wen Zhichu was snuggling on the car seat contentedly after receiving the compliment, like a leisurely cat, defenseless, her eyes were narrowed, her face was flushed with drunkenness.

His appearance is not stunning at first glance, but it is comfortable to look at, more like the appearance of some innocent and harmless little animals, plus he is clumsy when he says bad things, and if he restrains his behavior, he can easily be aroused human love and protection.

The opponent's eyelashes are long and slender, and his appearance is clean and fair.

Qin Jiashu's gaze was arrogant and unrestrained, from the eyebrows to the lips to the white neck, looking down inch by inch, and after looking at the exposed skin, he began to look at the person's figure.

Compared with those young models in the box before, he found Wen Zhichu particularly pleasing to the eye.

Chang is to his liking, and he picks what he likes to say when talking, and suddenly thinks of Ji Fengchang's words before, wrap it up for fun, and change manual transmission to automatic transmission.

Qin Jiashu narrowed his eyes dangerously at the man, raised his hand to pinch the man's jaw and turned to himself.

Maybe the action was really a bit rude, Wen Zhichu muttered dissatisfied, "Unfortunate...uncomfortable."

This sound has no strength, it is soft, and the listener's heart itch.

The corner of Qin Jiashu's mouth suddenly curled up into a smile, his flair was vile.

Damn, it's **** appetizing.

He raised his hand and turned the man's cheek to one side, looking at the man's fair neck, which seemed to be his appendage.

When I asked him to praise him just now, I guess he was quite good at acting like a baby. The other party liked him, and if he got him on the bed to play with, he would definitely obey him in whatever he did.

When the idea appeared in his mind, Qin Jiashu was stunned for a moment, he returned rationally and took his hand back, feeling absurd for the idea just now, really crazy.

Then he moved his gaze out of the window and stopped looking at the people around him.

Qin Jiashu's body was agitated, and the recent backlog hadn't been cleared out, and now he was a little irritated in his heart.

No one knows himself better than him. Once an idea arises, he has a thought. He has always looked directly into his heart, but this candidate is too absurd, so it is better to be rare in the future.

It didn't take long to arrive at the place Wen Zhichu said. Qin Jiashu got off first. Although Wen Zhichu was drunk, he knew he was home and obediently got out of the car.

"Do you remember the building number?"

Wen Zhichu patted his chest, "Remember...remember."

As he said that, he walked towards the unit building. Seeing that the person behind him hadn't followed, he turned his head and looked at him suspiciously, "Go to my house... have a seat."

Qin Jiashu only felt a rumble in his mind, rationally told him that he could no longer contact people, and refused indifferently, "No need."

Wen Zhichu looked at the big boy he picked up on the street, "Are you...going back?"

Qin Jiashu responded indifferently.

Wen Zhichu was touched for a moment, he was such a dutiful son, and even sent him home, and then stepped forward, clasping his hands together.

Qin Jiashu was hugged by someone before he recovered from his senses, his god-like face instantly became ugly, and there was a bit of annoyance in his voice, "What are you doing?"

However, the other party was dishonest, arching against his neck, his adam's apple itching as his hair rubbed against it.

Wen Zhichu raised his hand and patted the opponent's back showing his tight muscles, "Well done... well done, Qin Jiashu, you are really great."

Qin Jiashu lifted the man off his body, and said with a dark face, "Go home."

Wen Zhichu nodded, and waved his hand when he left, "Goodbye...goodbye."

It was almost the figure of the other party entering the unit building, so Qin Jiashu got back into the taxi and returned to Qin's house.

The sound of footsteps came from the porch. Qin's mother hurried over, looked at her tall son and said, "Jiashu heard that the school has a sports meeting today. How about it? Are you happy?"

With fire on his body, Qin Jiashu went upstairs with a smile and perfunctory words, returned to the room and threw the things in his hand into the drawer, then walked into the bathroom.

Wen Zhichu came to the door of the house, then fumbled for the key in his pocket.

[System: It is a miracle that you can find a home. 】

Wen Zhichu couldn't understand the meaning of the Tianmeow Elf's words, so he patted his head, "It's not that powerful."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

I'm not praising you, are you? ! !

Wen Zhichu fiddled with the key for a long time, then frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly, "Who changed the lock of my house."

[System: No one. 】

"Then why can't I open it?"

[System: You put the key in the slot! 】

Wen Zhichu understood, "Oh, I took the wrong key."

Listen to it and count me as a loser.

Sky Meow Elf: ...

You only have one **** key!

Finally, after working for a long time, Wen Zhichu successfully entered the house with his unyielding spirit.

After washing with the last thought of loving cleanliness, I went to bed.

"Sky Meow Elf."

[System: Why? 】

"Good night."

[System: You will definitely regret it tomorrow morning. 】

The next morning Wen Zhichu was woken up by the alarm clock, probably because he didn't drink too much and didn't have a hangover headache, so he tucked the quilt on the bed in a daze, and didn't want to get up.

At this moment, the mechanical voice in my mind spoke.

[System: Are you awake? 】

Wen Zhichu muffledly replied, "En."

[System: Do you still remember what you did yesterday? 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, trying to recall the memory of yesterday, but found that he couldn't remember anything, so he lay on the bed and shook his head.

[System: You are going to give away the heirloom. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, "Who is it for?"

[System: Here's to you. 】

Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this, isn't giving him a big son just to pass on the family heirloom?

But then the more I thought about it, the more something went wrong. Who is he?

Just listen to Tianmiao elf demon whisper, "Qin Jiashu."

Wen Zhichu:! !