Chapter 63:

[System: Ding! The task is completed, the villain's value is 70%, and the reward is 100 yuan. 】

Hearing the news that the task was completed, Wen Zhichu lay on the bed and shrank back under the quilt with guilt.

"Sky Meow Elf."

[System: Huh? 】

"Do you think he will come up and give me a competition?"

[System: So why did you choose to provoke him when only the two of you were present. 】

Wen Zhichu: "Today at noon, the cafeteria released Liang Jingru's courage."

[System: Give you the courage to be beaten? 】


Wen Zhichu almost perfectly explained what it means to be addicted to food.

Afterwards, Wen Zhichu looked at Qin Jiashu with her head stretched out like a groundhog that only stayed in the hole, observing the other party's movements all the time.

Wen Zhichu's previous actions made his heart itch, but the relationship between the two has not been confirmed, and it is the first time that they get along so close.

Qin Jiashu felt his mouth was a little dry, and tried to ignore the other party with a stiff face, but Wen Zhichu's gaze was too hot, like a light bulb in the dark, shining brightly.

Qin Jiashu's voice was cold and hard, "Wen Zhichu."

When Wen Zhichu heard the other party call him, he turned his back in fright, "Wen...Wen Zhichu fell asleep."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Sky Meow Elf: ...

[System: You just don't have yourself. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu was covered with a blanket brought from home, she didn't know whether she was guilty or frightened, after Qin Jiashu called out just now, she did not move obediently, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Qin Jiashu was lying on the bed, pondering what Ji Feng said in his mind, maybe it was because of his brotherhood since he was a child. Although Ji Fengchang is two hundred and five, but Qin Jiashu believed his words, otherwise he would not have gone to the class teacher to arrange a dormitory for lunch break.

Try to stay with people as much as possible before getting together, and don't give others an opportunity. Whoever can't help it first will confess first. Although the other party also mentioned the right to speak later, Qin Jiashu doesn't care much about this.

The scene of Wen Zhichu's drunk last time flashed unconsciously in his mind, Qin Jiashu's face was pensive, his Adam's apple rolled.

Even if he doesn't have the right to speak, with Wen Zhichu's temper, he should obey him in everything.

But Qin Jiashu ignored one point. He has been in the leadership position among his peers since he was a child. Whether it is the monitor of the elementary school or the current student council president of the third year of high school, the more he is used to it, the easier it is to ignore it.

The evil and ambition he formed under the distorted environment are destined to be impossible to hide under the mask.

Apparently, the first lunch break in the bed room was destined to be unable to fall asleep. Qin Jiashu got up around the same time. At this time, Wen Zhichu was still sleeping soundly, with the quilt directly covering the top of his head, leaving only a delicate white arm outside.

Qin Jiashu frowned, stepped forward and pulled the quilt off the man's head, and Wen Zhichu's blushing little face suddenly appeared.

At this time, the boy's eyes were slightly closed, his black hair was sleeping fluffy and messy, and his white skin made his cheeks flushed from deep sleep even more salivating, like a ripe red apple.

Qin Jiashu couldn't take his eyes away after almost staring at them, his eyes were terrible.

The other party didn't know what he had dreamed of, and pursed his bright red lips. Qin Jiashu looked at the man's lips with burning eyes, and suddenly remembered the embarrassing morning before.

The dreams and morning memories that haunted him; anger, everything was caused by the person lying on the bed at this time, but the other person didn't know it at all, sleeping defenselessly,

With a tall and straight body bent down, Qin Jiashu raised his hand and crushed Wen Zhichu's lips in retaliation. The force was very light. His big hand with well-defined knuckles pinched the man's jaw, and his thumb crushed the man's lips. The soft touch came from the fingertips.

Fingers pointing down slightly, the lips followed suit, revealing the white teeth slightly.

Maybe it was uncomfortable being teased, Wen Zhichu pursed his lower lip meaninglessly, and the fingertips that were originally on his lips were instantly wet.

Qin Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, and a smile quickly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Oh shit.

When Wen Zhichu woke up, there were still ten minutes before class. At this time, he was the only one in the dormitory, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The werewolf left, tonight was Christmas Eve, and then hurriedly packed up and returned to the classroom.

After hearing that someone shared a dormitory with Wen Zhichu, the head teacher of Class 11 immediately found a class of teachers.

The head teacher of Class 11 looked surprised, "You put the students in your class and Wen Zhichu in our class in the same dormitory?"

The head teacher of Class 1 said in a relaxed tone, "Yes."

The head teacher of Class 11 breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you know what you are doing?"

What's more, there was an accident in the child's family, and there was no teacher in the teaching building during the lunch break. He was afraid that other students would look at him with colored eyes and cause an accident, so he arranged him in an empty bedroom.

The class teacher looked at him and comforted him, "It's okay, it's Qin Jiashu from our class who lives in."

The head teacher of Class 11 had a vicissitudes of life, "Then I'm even more worried."

"There's nothing to worry about, Jiashu won't provoke trouble."

Class eleven teacher: "I'm not worried about this."

"Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that Wen Zhichu will provoke trouble."

"..." Class 1's head teacher organized the conversation, "Don't worry, the two of them will never fight each other."

"You mean Wen Zhichu was unilaterally beaten?"


In the physics class in the afternoon, the head teacher of Class 11 took a closer look at Wen Zhichu after he arrived at the class, and found that the child was fine except that his hair was a little frizzy, and his limbs were still healthy.

Wen Zhichu felt the head teacher's gaze.

"Tianmiao Elf, why do I think the teacher's eyes are weird?"

[System: Maybe the prescription of the glasses is not enough. 】

Wen Zhichu understood that he didn't take it seriously, and went home to play with the little animals that greeted him at night, then went to the bathroom to take a bath, and then collapsed on the bed like a dead fish.

At this time, the mobile phone placed next to the pillow vibrated, and Wen Zhichu picked it up to check, it was a message from a friend.

[The most handsome man on the surface: Are you there? 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled, and then replied the message.

[Greenhouse Mushroom: Yes. 】

[The most handsome on the surface: Do you still accept ghostwriting, I need a copy. 】

When the business came, Wen Zhichu hurriedly answered and asked the other party's requirements.

[The most handsome on the surface: This time it is for Meng Yan, anonymous, help me write a letter of advice. 】

Wen Zhichu was a little surprised when he saw it, and confirmed.

[Greenhouse Mushrooms: Persuasion? 】

[The most handsome on the surface of the earth: Yes, I advise her not to put her mind on Qin Jiashu. I also admit that the guy is very handsome and awesome, but the other party's mind is obviously not on her. You write to persuade her, let her Give up, write better, it doesn't matter how long it takes, just send the letter this week. 】

Wen Zhi was stunned when he saw it for the first time.

[Wen Zhichu: Okay, is there a word count requirement? 】

[The most handsome on the surface: ten yuan. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

The list was accepted, thinking about the high quality required by the other party, I wrote it for two nights, and took it to school on Friday.

I originally planned to deliver the letter before self-study, but Meng Yan was already in class, so Wen Zhichu changed his strategy and planned to leave ten minutes early for club activities today to deliver the letter.

Before leaving the club, Wen Zhichu put the letter in the book in case he would forget it.

The class bell rang, Qin Jiashu walked into the activity room, Wen Zhichu looked at him, thinking about how to ask someone for leave.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at the person and said, "Qin...Qin Jiashu."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him from the side, and asked in an indifferent voice, "What's the matter?"

"It's's just that I want to finish class ten minutes early today, and I have...some things."

Wen Zhichu spoke carefully for fear that the other party would disagree.

Qin Jiashu saw it in his eyes, "It's up to you to complete the progress."

Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up for a moment, "Really...really?"

As long as he completes today's tasks, he can leave.

Qin Jiashu gave a faint "hmm".

I saw a bright smile on the other side, " are so kind."

Qin Jiashu's expression remained unchanged, his slender fingers curled up.

In order to catch up with the progress of this class, Wen Zhichu actively asked questions when he almost encountered problems he didn't understand, and would pester people to explain again when he didn't understand. Obviously, the other party's soft attitude of asking for a simpler explanation was very useful to Qin Jiashu.

The two got close, and Qin Jiashu could clearly feel the faint fragrance of Wen Zhichu's body. Just after Wen Zhichu finished asking the question, Qin Jiashu couldn't help lowering his eyes to look at him.

He glanced around and found something.

There seemed to be something under Wen Zhichu's English book, Qin Jiashu's face darkened for a moment after seeing it clearly.

TO. Meng Yan.

There is also an unrealistic love heart at the back.

Suddenly remembering that Wen Zhichu had asked him to ask for leave when he was in class, Qin Jiashu stared at the letter, his black ink-like eyes became deeper and deeper.

Wen Zhichu had crazily pursued Meng Yan before.

Then his eyes fell on Li Hua on the English test paper.

Wen Zhichu finished the task of this class ten minutes ahead of schedule, and happily left with her things. Half a minute after walking out of the activity room, Qin Jiashu also got up.

Looking at the figure in front of her, she followed all the way to the class where Meng Yan was in Class Nine, Senior Three.

I saw that the boy looked around when he entered the class, and when he found no one, he went in and put the letter on the desk.

The most handsome on the surface, the more conspicuous the better, Wen Zhichu sneaked away like a little mouse thieves after he was done, Qin Jiashu saw everything in his eyes, his eyes were frighteningly cold.

"Jia Shu."

Just when Qin Jiashu walked to the door of Class Nine, he was suddenly stopped, and when he looked back, it was none other than Meng Yan.

Meng Yan looked at him happily, "Jia Shu, why are you here? What's the matter?"

Qin Jiashu put on his usual smile, "Just passing by."

Meng Yan was a little disappointed after hearing this, "Really."

Then through the open back door, he saw the letter on his desk.

Meng Yan was taken aback, then quickly went to pick it up, and then came to Qin Jiashu's side, "Jiashu, did you see someone delivering a letter to me?"

Qin Jiashu was silent for a moment, "No."

"Could it be someone else's prank?" Meng Yan glanced at him and said tentatively, "Let's watch it together."

Although this letter is clearly a love letter, it will allow Qin Jiashu to see others praise him, and it will also highlight his outstanding memory.

Qin Jiashu couldn't help laughing, "No need, this is your letter."

However, after the letter was opened, Qin Jiashu's eyes were like a torch.

Meng Yan: ...

When they saw the contents of the letter, both of them froze.

Dear student Meng Yan, hello.

I am a helpful student, you don't need to know my name, you just need to know that what follows is for your own good. I know you have always liked a classmate, please give it up, why hang him on a "tree", there are still many classmates with trees in our school, but this is just persuasion, not to call you in love... Finally I would say, stay away from love and you will be happy.

After all, love is like leaves, either green or yellow.