Chapter 65:

Ji Fengchang turned to look at him, apparently surprised, but the other party said he was not hungry, so he only ordered his own portion.

Just as Ji Fengchang was eating Haisai, an indifferent voice came.

"The monsoon is long."

Chang Ji Feng raised his head and drooled, "What's wrong?"

Qin Jiashu remained expressionless, "Most people like their other half to be skinny?"

Chang Ji Feng had never been in a relationship before, how could he try to figure out other people's hearts, so he stuffed a mouthful of steak into his mouth and said indiscriminately, "It should be."

Then the love cheats I read before popped up in my mind, "Everyone has their own eyes, but it seems that most people like their significant other to be weak, so as to show their desire to protect."

After hearing this, Qin Jiashu was silent for a while, with a cold face, "Am I weak?"


Ji Feng froze in place for a long time, and almost spit out the rice for a while.

He looked at Qin Jiashu with a complicated face.

Are you OK.

Are you weak or not, do you have no points in your heart?

Looking at people's tight waist and strong arms, one punch can swing people to the Nantian Gate, it really has nothing to do with weakness.

Ji Feng chewed his rice for a long time, and was a little speechless, ""

Qin Jiashu: "What's wrong?"

Ji Fengchang: "Can you speak something human?"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Fengchang: "Are you worthy of those substitute fighters in the boxing gym?"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Chang Feng: "Apologize to the agent!"


If he hadn't known the owner of the boxing gym, Qin Jiashu would have been blacklisted by the boxing gym long ago. Those who knew it was for boxing, but those who didn't know thought it was for kicking.

So now that Qin Jiashu went to the boxing gym, no one dared to go on stage with him except the new substitute fighter.

Ji Fengchang still remembers the excitement of watching Qin Jiashu punch him once, and he wanted to go up and try it out, but he was punched and lay down at home for three days.

Now ask yourself if you are weak or not.

Do you deserve you?

Ji Fengchang: "The liking of this thing still varies from person to person. Most of them are most of them, but not everyone. Maybe some places have been deliberately changed, and others don't like it anymore."

Qin Jiashu was thoughtful, but said nothing.

The next morning when Wen Zhichu walked into the class, he saw Mu Qing who was listless. It was the same as yesterday morning. He stepped forward and asked the other party if he wanted to eat steamed buns, but the other party declined. The history is always surprisingly similar.

After listening to Mu Qing’s deskmate, I found out that Mu Qing was chasing stars recently. In a recent interview with a male celebrity, she said that she thought girls should weigh less than 100. After hearing this, Mu Qing interrupted her determination to lose weight.

Wen Zhichu was shocked when he heard this, and felt that it was very unhealthy.

[System: What are you going to do? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Persuade her."

After all, Mu Qing is also a friend, and now she is in her third year of high school, which is an important stage of energy consumption, and her body will not be able to bear it if she goes on a diet to lose weight.

After buying lunch at noon, Mu Qing's tablemate waved to Wen Zhichu, signaling him to sit here, he nodded and walked over to sit down, seeing that there was quite a lot of food on Mu Qing's plate.

Wen Zhichu smiled gratifiedly: "Mu Qing, don't lose weight."

Deskmate: "That's what I called her."


When he didn't say it.

Mu Qing looked at the rice and sighed, "I won't eat."

Wen Zhichu: "Don't...don't."

Mu Qing: "I'm too fat."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook his head in a rattle-drum style, "'re not fat, this is just right."


Wen Zhichu nodded.

Mu Qing was a little shaken when she heard the meal, after all she was really hungry.

Wen Zhichu saw the other party's vacillation, and said persistently: "Mu braver."

[System: You still tell others this. 】

Wen · super timid · Zhichu: ...

Mu Qing turned to look at him.

Wen Zhichu puffed out her chest, "Braveness know you will gain weight after eating this meal, but you still face the difficulties."

Tianmeow elf sea dog applauded.

[System: Wonderful, boy, I misunderstood you just now, your words and deeds are very consistent. 】

Wen Zhichu smiled shyly: "Really?"

[System: Of course, it's like you know that you will be beaten for doing this task, but you will become more and more frustrated. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Maybe he just wanted money.

After lunch, Wen Zhichu went back to the dormitory for lunch break. Except for the first lunch break in the dormitory after Qin Jiashu moved in, Wen Zhichu never saw the other party come, nor did the other party bring bedding.

I thought that Qin Jiashu would not come back today, but just as Wen Zhichu took off his coat and lay down, the door was opened from the outside, and a tall and straight figure stepped in.

Qin Jiashu came in too suddenly, Wen Zhichu was startled and quickly shrank under the quilt.

This scene reminded Wen Zhichu of the news he saw a few days ago.


[System: Rob what? 】

Wen Zhichu said truthfully, "Robbing money."

[System: Are you worthy? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Are you polite?

Wen Zhichu poked his head out from under the quilt, and seeing Qin Jiashu, he didn't know whether he should relax or not.

Just when Wen Zhi first looked at him, the other party glanced away inadvertently, and the two looked at each other unexpectedly.

Wen Zhichu looked at him with a powerful smile, "You... you are here."

Qin Jiashu glanced at him, turned his head away and said nothing.

Wen Zhichu looked at it and shut up honestly, this brother's perfect appearance is not limited to him, and at this moment, his displeasure has already been written on his face.

Qin Jiashu has never been to the lunch break dormitory since the first time he saw someone sleeping unsuspectingly touch each other.

After seeing Li Lei and Han Meimei eating together today, he came over with a cold face.

Seeing people ignoring him, Wen Zhichu fell asleep, but maybe Qin Jiashu's sense of presence was too strong, Wen Zhichu didn't feel sleepy at all.

Then he thought of something and hesitated for a long time, not knowing whether to speak or not.

[System: Young man, just say what you want, I am your strong backing. 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled, "Is there any effect?"

[System: Give you comfort when you are beaten. 】


Thanks, some don't need it.

After hesitating for a long time, Wen Zhichu finally spoke, "Qin...Qin Jiashu."

The latter looked up at him.

Wen Zhichu swallowed, "I finished my English workbook..."

There are a lot of test papers and exercises to be done every day in the third year of high school. Even so, many students will buy extra workbooks to write. Recently, with the addition of club tutoring, the workbooks in Wen Zhichu's hands have been written. I want to buy new ones, but I don't know where to buy them. It was better, so I thought about whether to ask Qin Jiashu, after all, the other party's achievements are too impressive.

"Have you... Do you recommend any practice... practice..."

Seeing people talking more and more nervous, Qin Jiashu said bluntly: "I'll take you to buy it tomorrow."

After Wen Zhichu heard this, a smile appeared on the corners of his mouth, his eyes slightly curved, "Thank you, thank you, you are so kind."

Qin Jiashu didn't say anything, knowing that the other party was acting good, but he also listened to what the other party said.

The other party's answer was so straightforward that Wen Zhichu forgot that the other party could tell him his name and he would go to the bookstore to buy it himself.

After lunch at noon the next day, Wen Zhichu went to wait for Qin Jiashu at the school gate, who knew that the other party was already waiting there when he went.

Wen Zhichu was a little surprised, "No... sorry, I'm late."

Qin Jiashu turned around without changing his expression, "Let's go."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly raised his heels, then took the time to check the time and found that he was not late.

The two went all the way to the bookstore and went in one after another. Wen Zhichu thought he was not short, but standing next to Qin Jiashu, he looked a little short.

The opponent is tall and has long legs, wide shoulders and narrow waist. Even in a uniform school uniform, his figure is very impressive. Wen Zhi has seen the opponent play for the first time, and his arms covered under the school uniform are very powerful.

After entering the bookstore, Qin Jiashu went directly to the store manager, the two talked for a while, and the latter took out two sets of exercises.

The store manager looked at Wen Zhichu: "Have you brought your student ID?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "Take... I did."

As he spoke, he took out his student ID card from his pocket and handed it over.

The store manager and Qin Jiashu exchanged glances, and said with a smile: "Our store has an event recently, and you can enjoy a 30% discount on purchases with a student ID card."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect such a good thing to happen to him.

[System: Something is wrong, something is wrong. 】

Wen Zhichu was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

[System: This doesn't fit your unlucky nature. 】

"Can't I be lucky?"

[System: Are you not guilty of saying this? 】

Wen Zhichu: ...There is a little bit.

After paying, Wen Zhichu walked out of the bookstore with his things.

Wen Zhichu looked at the person in front of him, "Today, thank... thank you."

Qin Jiashu looked at him and responded lightly, and then the two planned to go back to school.

While walking on the road, the old man on crutches suddenly fell down.

Wen Zhichu saw it and wanted to go up to help.

[System: Wait! What are you going to do? 】

Wen Zhichu: "That old man fell down, I want to help him up."

[System: How much money do you have on WeChat now. 】

"three hundred."

[System: Are you worthy? 】

"..." Wen Zhichu: "Maybe he won't be a bad person?"

[System: I encountered such a situation with my last host, and went up to help, but the other party turned out to be a bad guy. 】

"And what happened to him?"

[System: He has no money and is lying on the ground with others. 】

What a wonderful person.

Qin Jiashu looked down at the hesitation on Wen Zhichu's face, "Want to help?"

Wen Zhichu saw that the other party didn't look like a bad person, so he nodded. Members of the Communist Youth League respect the old and love the young


Wen Zhichu looked up at him, and said pleasantly, " also respect the old and love the young."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Speaking of Wen Zhichu, he planned to step forward to help him, "Master... are you alright?"

The people who fell on the ground saw that they were two students, secretly happy in their hearts, and gestured to their accomplices in the distance with the hand behind their backs.

Just when Wen Zhichu was about to pull the opponent's arm, a voice came from beside his ear, "Wen Zhichu, you lost your money."

Wen Zhichu lowered his head suddenly when he heard it.

Money dropped!

where? where?

When Wen Zhichu was looking for the king's coin, Qin Jiashu stepped forward and pulled the man's arm.

The old man who fell to the ground was overjoyed. The little classmates couldn't help him, so this is fine.

Unexpectedly, the next moment, a sinister voice came from the ear.

I saw the other party smiling elegantly, "Old man, if you dare to lie to him, you will die."