Chapter 67:

The Sky Meow Elf was speechless for a moment.

[System: Young man, you must think of the good in everything. 】

Wen Zhichu looked serious, "This is the best result I can come up with."

[System: What if the result is different? 】

Wen Zhichu understood, "You mean he could only be scratched?"

Sky Meow Elf: ...

[System: You must be confident in life. 】

Wen Zhichu turned back and refused, "But you can't be blind."

[System: You lack courage. 】

Wen Zhichu: "But I dare to recognize myself."


A child cannot be taught, and the Tianmeow elf hates iron but not steel.

[System: Young man, can't you trust yourself? ! 】

Wen Zhichu looked surprised, "Don't I want to?!"

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Wen Zhichu wanted to cry, "Didn't you see his arm, he can leave this beautiful world with one punch."

The combination of his two hands may not be able to break the opponent's arm. Compared with Qin Jiashu, Wen Zhichu is like a disheveled dog, and there is no room for fighting back.

Imagining that scene, Wen Zhichu couldn't help but tuck himself into the quilt.

At this time, the Tianmeow Elf still adheres to the principle of not abandoning or giving up.

[System: We can hit rocks with eggs. 】

Wen Zhichu said in a low voice, "This Chinese teacher said it was a derogatory term."

I have read the book, you can't lie to me.

Seeing the wariness on Wen Zhichu's face, the Tianmiao elf froze for a moment.

At this time, I remembered the useful things taught by the Chinese teacher.

Seeing that there was no sound in his mind for a long time, Wen Zhichu was surprised, "Tianmiao Elf, why don't you talk anymore."

[System: No, it was just a little accidental. 】

"Accident what?"

[System: This is the first time you are worthy of the Chinese teacher. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu was nestled under the quilt, staring at people with clear eyes without blinking. After counting, Qin Jiashu came to the dormitory for lunch break three times, but each time he did not bring a quilt, only a mattress there.

It may be because I have been thinking about how to complete the task all morning, and I didn't take a walk after lunch. Now my stomach is a little indigestible, and my stomach feels a little uncomfortable.

Wen Zhichu was stunned and thought of something, "Tianmiao elf, does dying count as injury?"

[System: Let the other party feel pain, it should be fine. 】

Wen Zhichu's eyes lit up after hearing this, she pursed her lips and said, "Qin...Qin Jiashu."

Qin Jiashu looked sideways at him.

Wen Zhichu was a little tangled, and asked slowly: "Are you...are you free tonight?"

Qin Jiashu's movements froze for a moment, and his black eyes looked at the opposite person under the blanket, "What's the matter?"

The deep voice was flat without ups and downs, but the heart seemed to miss half a beat.

After all, it was the inviter, Wen Zhichu sat up and looked at the other party sincerely, because he was nervous, his hands were tightly clasped together, fingers intertwined, "Do you you want to go to KFC for supper together?"

Qin Jiashu's pupils opened slightly.

As soon as these words came out, Wen Zhichu could see that the other party was obviously in a daze, and he was afraid that people would not rush to speak: "I invite you!"

[System: Young man, he's promising, he's learned how to treat guests. 】

Wen Zhichu smiled shyly: "Today is a crazy Thursday."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

It just knows.

There was silence in the dormitory, as if the surrounding air had frozen, Wen Zhichu gasped a little nervously.

Seeing the other party's silence, Ji Wen Zhichu licked his dry lips, and asked again cautiously: "Go... go."

It was originally a question sentence, but Wen Zhichu's tongue was tied for a moment, and the voice fell straight down, with a plea of ​​expectation and tenderness, as if the two of them had no sense of distance at this time, half of the body of the listener was a little numb.

Qin Jiashu swallowed, turned his head away, "Got it."

After the words fell, he turned and left the dormitory.

Wen Zhichu:? ? ?

"How did he leave?"

[System: Maybe I'm too full, let's go for a walk. 】

Wen Zhichu understood, and then went to bed.

[System: Aren't you too full to go out for a walk? 】

Wen Zhichu is like a salty fish without ambition, "I'll just be a negative teaching material."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

After Qin Jiashu went out, he closed the door of the dormitory, repeating what Wen Zhichu said just now in his mind, and the tall figure stood in front of the door for a long time without moving.

But the brain kept giving him five words.

"We have a date tonight."

Qin Jiashu raised his hand to cover his chin.

He is really proactive.

Ji Fengchang went crazy outside all afternoon, and when he returned to class, he collapsed on the desk exhausted and planned to sleep, but before he could close his eyes, he was picked up by someone.


Just as Ji Fengchang was about to lose his temper, he met Qin Jiashu's cold face, and for a moment his face looked as ugly as eating shit, "What are you doing?"

Qin Jiashu's face was serious, "There are some things."

Ji Fengchang waved his hands, "We'll talk about it when I wake up."

Qin Jiashu: "Now."

Ji Feng's long eyelids twitched, "You bitch."

Qin Jiashu did not refute.

Monsoon Chang was taken aback.

Fuck, he actually admitted it.

Then he raised his hand and took a few sips of water to wake himself up, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"Li Hua..."

Ji Feng raised his eyebrows, "Wait a minute."

Qin Jiashu raised his eyes to look at him, only to see that the other side was holding his face.

"What's wrong?"

Chief Ji Feng was surprised, "You still ask me what's wrong? Why don't you ask yourself."

Qin Jiashu looked calm, "Ask me what?"

"You have no heart, you bastard, when did you get so good with that Li Hua? How many years have you known each other?!"

Ji Fengchang always thought that he was Qin Jiashu's only friend, and the only reason he pursued and courted Qin Jiashu outside was because the other party would pretend to be attractive.

Qin Jiashu thought for a moment, and Li Hua already had it on his junior high school test paper.

Then he said frankly, "Six years."

Long monsoon:! !

Ji Fengchang looked disgusted, "Sure enough, you guys are all alike."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Fengchang: "I don't want to answer."

Looking at the person's face, Qin Jiashu said, "What do you want?"

"Unless you repeat the promise you made when you were a child."

Qin Jiashu: ...

Ji Feng stretched out his hands, "Forget it."

Qin Jiashu gritted his teeth, "Ji Fengchang and I are friends for life."

Is there anything more pleasurable in this world than watching a dog bow its head.

Ji Fengchang smiled with satisfaction, "Let's talk."

"Li Lei invited Li Hua to have supper tonight."

Chang Feng: "What do you eat?"


Seeing Qin Jiashu's face getting darker, Ji Jifeng coughed hurriedly, "You mean they have a date tonight."

Qin Jiashu responded lightly, "Yes."

Ji Fengchang was surprised, he didn't expect Li Hua's life to be quite good, "So what does he want to know?"

"He's on a first date and doesn't know what to do."

Ji Fengchang: "What else can I do, just obey my heart, and if I ask someone out for supper at night, it's also possible that Li Lei wants to confess his love to him."

Qin Jiashu was taken aback, "Really?"

Ji Fengchang nodded with a mature face, "The possibility is 80 percent."

Qin Jiashu's Adam's apple rolled, "What does he need to prepare?"

Chief Ji Feng didn't understand, so he casually said, "Change clothes."


Long Monsoon:…

Wouldn't wearing a suit and eating supper really be regarded as crazy?

"There's no need to be so exaggerated. It's fine when the supper arrives. Anyway, be serious."

At the end of the conversation, Qin Jiashu pondered for a long time, thinking about how to respond so as not to disappoint if Wen Zhichu really planned to confess his love at night.

No matter what happened, Qin Jiashu's reaction to the outside world was calm and flat, but he was afraid that a flat response would disappoint Wen Zhichu's expectations.

The evening self-study is over, today Wen Zhichu didn't sprint 100 meters to catch the bus, but stood at the school gate and waited for Qin Jiashu to come out.

Qin Jiashu was usually the last to leave and turn off the lights in the classroom. He thought he would have to wait for the other party for a while, but the other party appeared not long after Wen Zhichu arrived.

When Wen Zhichu saw someone coming, she nervously held on to the strap of her schoolbag, "Let's... let's go, let's eat supper."

Qin Jiashu looked down at him, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Wen Zhichu walked side by side on the road, the atmosphere was awkward for a while, thinking about whether to say something.

It took a long time to hold back a sentence, "Do you... like KFC?"


Although he said it was okay, he had never eaten fast food like that. When he was a child, many parents would take their children there after school. Qin Jiashu didn't cast envious glances, but the stewards around him said that those things were not good. It is not clean to eat.

After the words fell, the air returned to silence again.

Qin Jiashu couldn't help frowning.

Isn't his answer just now a little too cold?

After being silent for a while, Wen Zhichu said dryly again, "Qin...Qin Jiashu, thank you for always helping me with tutoring."

In fact, completing the task was part of it, and part of it was that he wanted to invite Qin Jiashu to eat. He wanted to thank him for helping him with tutoring for so long.

The two stood at the intersection and waited for the red light. Wen Zhichu's left was a thick and tall telephone pole.

"Because of English score has improved a lot. Thank you very much for helping me with tutoring. You are really good. You can understand all kinds of questions." Wen Zhichu looked at him with starry eyes, " I thought it would be great if I could be as powerful as you, but...but I can't seem to do it."

Qin Jiashu opened his eyes slightly.

"You must have put in a hundred times more effort than ordinary people to be so good, and you will always... always be the number one."

Because Wen Zhichu talked too much at the moment, his cheeks flushed in a hurry.

The huge black hole in his heart was instantly filled, Qin Jiashu was stunned for a moment, and a childish voice sounded in his mind.

"But Jiashu can't always be number one."

Thinking of the scolding he gave him back then, Qin Jiashu unconsciously clenched his hands into fists, and said hesitantly, "I can't always be number one."

Wen Zhichu turned to look at him, and said with a smile, "It's doesn't matter, you will always be number one in my heart."

Qin Ji Jiashu stared at him in a daze, a little speechless for a while, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth for a long time.

The appearance of Wen Zhichu broke the obsession that had bound him all this time.

He was the first one, and maybe there won't be another one in the future.

Qin Jiashu: "Really."

Wen Zhichu smiled and nodded, "Yes."

Qin Jiashu couldn't move his eyes from looking at the person's smile. He didn't let go of his clenched hand, but took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

I saw the tall man coming down to the mansion, slowly approaching the smiling young man.

[System: Young man, you lost your money. 】

Wen Zhichu was startled, and hurriedly bent over to look for it, "Where is it?"

The next moment there was a muffled sound, Wen Zhichu looked up at Qin Jiashu who was covering his forehead in doubt, and hurriedly stood up, "You... are you okay, is it okay?"

No matter how hard he bent down, he was injured, Wen Zhichu hurried to pick the person's hand to check the injury.

Unexpectedly, the white hands were held backhandedly.

"Wen Zhichu."

Looking at the serious face of the other party, Wen Zhichu swallowed, "Huh?"

Qin Jiashu: "I like you."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

Terrible, he smashed his brains out.