Chapter 75:

At this time, the opponent had just returned from playing, with his sleeves rolled up on his strong forearms, even if he didn't step forward, he could still feel the vigorous heat from his body. He was looking down at him with thick eyebrows and deep eyes.

Wen Zhichu thought back on what he had done, the more he felt guilty, the proper behavior of a scumbag, and what the other party said just now, he wanted to bury his head in the ground.

[System: What is this? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Five bodies cast to the ground."

[System: This is the first time I know the meaning of this idiom is so literal. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

[System: Promise me, don't say idioms anymore, okay? 】


Wen Zhichu thought for a while and wanted to explain, but his tongue seemed to be tied up, and he couldn't say a word.

Looking at the tall man in front of him, he couldn't help swallowing, remembering so many self-recommendation letters in the other party's cabinet, and looking at the other party's face, he had to say that it was not unreasonable for Qin Jiashu to have so many suitors.

This face is indeed a masterpiece of God.

Although Qin Jiashu didn't show it on the face, his eyes were meaningful.

He didn't like him and sent him a love letter, but when he was discovered afterwards, he still pretended to be pitiful and innocent.

At this time, Wen Zhichu raised his head slightly, with a flustered expression, like a groundhog found in its nest, kicking and kicking uneasy.

Qin Jiashu had both joy and anger in his heart, but the former outweighed the latter. During this time, he had endured it for a long time. He didn't go to the lunch break dormitory, and he didn't do anything excessive to others.

If he wanted to, when Wen Zhichu fell asleep during lunch break, he could do whatever was clamoring in his mind.

The reason why he suppressed it was because he was afraid of scaring the other party. After all, Wen Zhichu was timid. He didn't want to leave a bad impression on the other party. What he wanted...

The black pupils fell on the handsome and innocent face, and those eyes were clear and bright, and they were looking at him nervously at this moment, harmless to humans and animals, as if they didn't understand anything.

That's what he wants, the more he doesn't understand anything, the more he will deliver it to his door, be submissive to him, and know how to please him.

Wen Zhichu felt uneasy in his heart, as expected, the marriage was broken, and the sky was struck by lightning, but he didn't expect the retribution to come so soon.

The other party's voice sounded like a guqin, "If..."

Wen Zhichu shuddered, " listen to my sophistry!"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Sky Meow Elf: ...

[System: If you just say this, you can do it. 】


Wen Zhichu wanted to cry for a while, but the next moment the other party said: "If you have nothing to do, then go."

Wen Zhichu was taken aback, huh? "

[System: He told you to get out. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Thank you for your translation, Mr. Meow.

Qin Jiashu wore the elegant gentleman's smiling mask on his face, "I have something to do today, and I will give you tutoring on Friday."

Looking at the smiling face of the person, Wen Zhichu felt a little uncomfortable, but it was really good-looking.

With guilt in her heart, Wen Zhichu decided to admit her mistake to others, "Just now...just now I..."

"I do not care."

Wen Zhichu looked at him in disbelief, and Qin Jiashu silently recited the second article in "The Secret Book of White Lotus", admonishing to highlight his empathy.

"You don't have to worry about it, I don't care."

Wen Zhichu: "Oh... oh, good."

Wen Zhichu was almost on the same hands and feet, and left the first class while the other party was watching him off.

Wen Zhichu's figure disappeared around the corner, and the smile on Qin Jiashu's face disappeared instantly. He stepped to the cabinet and quickly took out the love letter that the other party had stuffed in.

It can be said that the words "don't care" are vividly displayed.

It's just that when the cabinet was opened, the papers that had been piled up to the limit also poured out.

Almost spit out twice as many envelopes as the cabinet could hold.

It can be called a master of contemporary architecture.

Qin Jiashu looked at the scattered love letters on the ground and bent over to pick them up one by one. Although he didn't want to waste energy on unimportant people, he was also not interested in ruining people's hearts.

Just as he was picking up the letters, he found a lot of letters in the same envelope as Wen Zhichu's. He held them together with knuckle hands, and finally opened them, only to find that they were filled with money.

The amount was not much to him, but it was a full three thousand, and there was a note inside, in Wen Zhichu's handwriting, to compensate him for his mobile phone.

Thinking that the other party dropped a grilled sausage on the ground before and planned to wash it with water before eating it, looking at the three thousand dollars was very unpleasant for a while, as if something was stuck in his heart, and then opened the last one, which was given by Wen Zhichu today .

Inside was a coin and a piece of paper with only nine characters written on it.

"Those who like Qin Jiashu don't count."

Ji Fengchang waited outside the east wall of the school. Seeing Qin Jiashu appear, he raised his hand and raised his wrist watch, "Damn, you're late."

Looking at the second hand on the dial, which has gone 20 seconds after three o'clock, Qin Jiashu: ...

The two went to the Internet cafe, and after playing games in the evening, Ji Fengchang started to wonder who Qin Jiashu's heart was after he had some leisure time.

"Qin Gou, I want to ask you something."

There was no sound from the opposite side.

"Brother, I want to ask you something."


"..." Doggy.

Ji Fengchang asked curiously, "The person you like has long hair and short hair?"

Qin Jiashu said concisely, "A man."

Ji Feng grew up, and then recovered from his shock, "A man?!"

"Fuck, are you crazy?!"

The same-sex marriage bill in the current society has not been passed, and a family like Qin Jiashu can play around, but after all, he still needs to find a woman to start a family, let alone Qin's father is a very machismo.

Qin Jiashu turned a blind eye to Ji Fengchang's surprised reaction.

Ji Fengchang took a sip of water, "No, is he really a man? Are you afraid that your family will know?"

Qin Jiashu's expression was indifferent, and he said something that couldn't be more ordinary, "They can't control me."

I don't care about him either.

Ji Fengchang looked at the person and didn't ask any more questions. After all, it's not uncommon to play with men. He just had a surprise that Qin Jiashu liked a man.

Then Thief Xixi asked: "Is it good-looking?"

Qin Jiashu glanced sideways at him.

Qin Jiashu has been extremely possessive since he was a child, even if he made concessions, it was just a show in front of outsiders. Ji Fengchang smiled and said, "Aren't I just curious?"

Thinking of Wen Zhichu's small face this afternoon, Qin Jiashu's mouth curled up into a nasty smile, "Pretty."

Ji Fengchang was taken aback. It was the first time he had heard the description of a man as beautiful. After thinking about it, he guessed it was a coquettish little slut. In his impression, the one who matched Qin Jiashu was always the hot girl Yujie.

After all, the body shape is here, too petite is a bit against the law, and I can't stand it.

The flirtatious hook should be quite seductive, but I didn't expect this dog to force it so well.

The embarrassing incident of being directly arrested at the scene of the crime happened. Fortunately, there was no tutoring the next day, so Wen Zhichu had the face to come to school.

And prayed silently in my heart, don't meet the protagonist today, and wait until the other party is in a better mood.

Fortunately, with God's blessing, everything was safe and sound all day, Wen Zhichu planned to leave with his schoolbag on his back after evening self-study.

Qin Jiashu was in charge of turning off the lights, and if he left late, as long as he ran fast, he would not meet him.

Thinking about it, he picked up his schoolbag and walked out of the classroom. The autumn night brought a bone-chilling coolness, and the evening wind blew through his face sorely. Wen Zhichu shrank his chin into his collar.

[System: Members of the Communist Youth League walk with their heads held high. 】

Wen Zhichu heard her back straight at first, but her chin was still tucked into her collar, like a little turtle.

[System: Please don't pretend to be a fool. 】

Wen Zhichu was taken aback.

[System: Too similar. 】

Wen Zhichu: ...

Are you polite?

Just when Wen Zhichu crossed a street and was about a hundred meters away from the bus station, there were some noises from the passing alley.

Not very loud, but Wen Zhichu could hear it clearly.

"What are you doing to eat? Didn't your mother tell you to bring some money over here to send the beggars?!"

"Stop talking nonsense with him, I think this kid just doesn't have a long memory, just beat him up."

There was a trembling voice with fear, "Don't, brother, I really have no money. I gave you all the living expenses for this month, so I really have no money."

Unexpectedly, those two voices didn't hold back at all, and said sarcastically: "If you don't have money, you can ask your parents. Are you **** fatherless or motherless!"

Those who go to No. 1 Middle School must either study well, or have a relationship with their family’s money, but it does not rule out that both good studies and money have something to do with it.

Wen Zhichu stopped and looked at the dark alley, obviously he wasn't the one being bullied inside, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead listening to the conversation inside.

The bus passed by on the street, the lights behind it were on, and it slowly stopped at the bus stop.

Wen Zhichu doesn't want to cause trouble for himself, the most important thing for a person in a strange world is to protect himself, he has no ability to protect others.

With heavy steps, he opened his legs and walked slowly towards the bus stop.

"If you are always so cowardly, no one will like you, and neither will I."

That stern and angry voice sounded in his mind, he didn't know why he suddenly remembered it, but it seemed that he did it deliberately in his heart.

Wen Zhichu lowered his head, the biting autumn wind had been blowing for a long time, and he could no longer feel the coolness.

The boy nana said, "Tianmeow Elf."

[System: I am here. 】

"Do you think I'm brave?"

The Sky Meow Elf was silent for a while, and then a mechanical sound rang in his mind.

[System: Brave. 】

As soon as the words fell, the boy who had lowered his head turned around and started walking, almost running back to the alley.

The dim street lamp filled him with dazzling light, and he didn't stop walking, rushing into the dark alley without the slightest hesitation.

"Hey! Over there..."

Gao Yisheng, who was sitting on the ground, stared blankly at the figure, as if he saw the savior.

The two who were spitting dirty words turned around and saw a figure standing not far away.

"Who the **** are you, don't meddle in other people's business, or I will beat you together!"

The other party's tone was too fierce, Wen Zhichu instinctively took a step back.

Boo! !

Sky Meow Elf: ...

[System: Boy, come on. 】

Wen Zhichu took a deep breath, trying not to let his stammering spoil his momentum, "If you don't stop...I'll call the police."

At this time, the tall figure was hidden at the entrance of the alley, watching the movement inside.

Qin Jiashu wanted to go directly to the clubhouse tonight, but it was not easy to take a taxi due to traffic jams around the school, so he heard the noise inside as he passed by.

But he was like a bystander crawling in the middle of the night, he didn't intend to help at all, but quietly looked at the people in the alley.

But I don't know if it's his eyesight, Wen Zhichu's legs seem to be shaking.

Qin Jiashu: ...

At first, the two thought that Wen Zhichu was just trying to scare them, but who knew that the other party really took out his mobile phone and wanted to broadcast 110, seeing that the situation was not good, they gritted their teeth and left.

However, as soon as he ran out of the alley, someone grabbed him by the collar.

Qin Jiashu looked down at one person, with the strength of his arm, the other person couldn't break free, his eyes were playful, as if looking at another ant that he was playing with, "Don't do it again."

The other party's tone was light and light, but it made people feel chills down their backs, and when the other party let go, they hurriedly ran away with their companions.

Wen Zhichu was relieved when he saw someone leave, looked at the person sitting on the ground, and stretched out his hand to pull him up from the ground.

"You... are you okay?"

The other party looked at his face and said in a daze, "It's okay."

Wen Zhichu smiled, "Then... that's good."

Then he handed the person two tissues, and the person looked at Wen Zhichu with the tissues, his eyes were full of his reflection, "Thank you...thank you."

Wen Zhichu: "It's okay."

Then he asked the other party how to get home, knowing that the other party wanted to take the bus, and left him two dollars, then turned and left, and just walked out of the alley, he ran into Qin Jiashu who was guarding the alley.

Wen Zhichu opened his eyes slightly, " do you..."

Before he finished speaking, a big hand covered his head and rubbed it lovingly on his head.

"well done."

Seeing the gentleness in the person's eyebrows and eyes, Wen Zhichu blushed, hurriedly lowered her head, and stammered, "It's...not very good either."

As he spoke, he laughed foolishly. It had been a long time since he received the praise for being brave, and the last time it was from his parents when he was a child.

But looking into the person's eyes, Wen Zhichu couldn't help but said, "I...was I serious just now?"

Qin Jiashu felt itchy when he saw the man's obedient appearance, "Of course, like a hero."

Wen Zhichu couldn't restrain his joy, and smiled at people, his eyes were like the bright moon in the sky, and they were extremely beautiful.

"Sky Meow Elf, am I good?"

Tianmiao elf looked at the man's stinky fart, "Of course, Ge Shiyingxiong."