Chapter 90:

When Qin Jiashu returned to the room, he rarely took out a cigarette from the drawer. After being with Wen Zhichu, he knew that the other party didn't like him, and he had rarely smoked it.

With the fire extinguished between his fingers, he looked down at Wen Zhichu's photo on his phone.

Most of the angles are candid shots, each of which is stored in the hands and the computer, and even a firewall is set up.

Yun Yan spat out from her mouth, her black eyes were filled with the reflection of the photo, seeing the smiling face of the person, her mood improved a lot.

He is well aware of his own paranoia, Wen Zhichu is timid, if he confesses to others from the beginning, it may scare them badly.

But no matter what his behavior is, it's fine to be him in the end, as long as Wen Zhichu is there, even if they just stay together and don't talk.

The other party was too special in his heart, as if buried in the flesh and blood, irreplaceable.

In the evening, Qin's mother came and knocked on the door, and said a lot of things unilaterally. Qin Jiashu lowered his eyes and wondered whether he listened or how much he listened to.

"That kid must be very good."

This was the only time Qin Jiashu said in this conversation, "He's fine."

So good that he surrendered willingly and refused to let go.

After a short day of relaxation during the holiday, he returned to the intense preparations.

Maybe he also knows that the goal is too far away, Wen Zhichu studies every day almost to the point of forgetting to eat and sleep.

During tutoring, compared to two months ago, he worked very hard. Looking at the person who was working hard, Qin Jiashu saw all the hard work of the other party, but he never said anything to make the other party relax.

Unless Wen Zhichu voluntarily gave up on this matter, he would not intervene in any way, after all, that would be irresponsible to him.

Qin Jiashu is not good at expressing, except when he confessed at the beginning, he rarely talked about his love feelings. He thought that actions and results represented everything.

What he has to do is to lead people up, to become a better and better person, to let him have a place for himself, without looking at anyone.

So his desire will never appear when the other party is studying hard, even if he wants to, he will restrain himself. He also knows that his attitude is harsh during tutoring, but he has to do it if he can't bear it.

Wen Zhichu finished the paper and handed it to the other party. Seeing that there were still a few minutes before the end of get out of class, he swallowed nervously, almost timed out.

"I finished writing..."

Qin Jiashu took it over for someone to check, time passed by, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Mu Qing and the others greeted each other and left one after another.

Wen Zhichu stretched out his head, looked nervously at the paper in his hand, and waited for a while before listening to him: "Yes, except for the composition, there is no unreasonable loss of points."

Wen Zhichu heaved a sigh of relief when he heard this, "How much is that?"

"One hundred and twenty nine."

When Wen Zhichu heard it, her eyes sparkled instantly, and she hugged him excitedly, "Really?!"


"It's... nice."

Wen Zhichu hugged the person and swayed slowly, like a fat mouse hugging a nut.

Qin Jiashu raised his hand to embrace the other party, with an imperceptible joy on his face, obviously the other party's behavior was very useful to him.

With a little force, she hugged the person onto her lap, Wen Zhichu was startled, ""

Qin Jiashu comforted him, "No one will come."

The two were close, and the heat directly hit the skin. Every time Wen Zhichu was a little shy at such a close distance, he lowered his head and held each other's hand with both hands.

Qin Jiashu took the test paper and analyzed it for others, "If you want to be a teacher in the future, there are a few good colleges to choose from."

He went back to look up some information, and before he even opened his mouth, he heard the other party say: "I...I have already decided where to take the exam."


Wen Zhichu looked at him, his fair face was full of seriousness, "I want to go to a university with you."

After the words were finished, Wen Zhichu could clearly feel the stiffness of the arms around his waist. After speaking, he felt a little embarrassed, his face burned in panic, and he simply hugged the other party, his cheeks pressed tightly against the person.

"I just want to take an exam with you..."

To Wen Zhichu, this sentence is equivalent to a confession.

There was a soft squeeze on the face, Qin Jiashu was stunned for a moment, and great joy burst out in his chest.


Wen Zhichu didn't expect the other party to ask back, and didn't know what to say for a while, "It's just..."

Qin Jiashu:?

"It's just... I heard that the food there is good."

Qin Jiashu: ...

After returning to class, Wen Zhichu's heart was still pounding, recalling the conversation just now, he hugged his head and was madly annoyed.

Almost said it.

The Tianmeow elf was released from the shield again, looking at Wen Zhichu.

[System: What are you doing, sudden illness? 】


Wen Zhichu sat up straight, "'s nothing."

[System: Guilty is written all over your face. 】

"You read it wrong."

[System: Impossible. 】

Wen Zhichu: "There is a saying that goes like this."

Sky Meow Elf:?

Wen Zhichu: "Everything is possible."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Then Wen Zhichu discovered Huadian, "Sky Meow Elf."

[System: What's wrong? 】

"Why are there no missions recently?"

[System: You are about to take the college entrance examination, so you haven't sent it yet. 】

Wen Zhichu was a little moved when he heard it for a while, "I didn't expect you to be such a cat elf."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

It's obviously a compliment, but why doesn't it sound like a trace of joy.

The Sky Meow Elf cut.

[System: Being a father can also allow you to sleep on the street near the college entrance examination. 】

As winter went to spring, Wen Zhichu also successfully passed the second-model exam. On the day of scoring, he was as nervous as the college entrance examination. When he saw that he was only 15 minutes away from the passing line he had drawn, he was excited and incoherent.

Qin Jiashu didn't do too much with others during this time, so he couldn't help but take advantage of people's nap to kiss on people's faces, for fear of disturbing Wen Zhichu's study state.

After the evening self-study and school, Wen Zhichu came over with the grades of the second model. While excited, he saw that there was no one in the class, so he kissed someone in the corner for a long time.

Wen Zhichu's legs were weak, if not for Qin Jiashu's arms, he would have collapsed.

Perhaps during this period, Wen Zhichu endured a little discomfort, Qin Jiashu saw that the person seemed to be having difficulty breathing, so he opened a little distance to let the person breathe.

Unexpectedly, the other party clasped his hands around his neck, and refused to let go like a little grinder. He could see clearly with the tip of his open mouth and tender red tongue, and his arms clung to him, "I still want more."

It's rare for the other party to take the initiative, and some can't stand it

Qin Jiashu's ears were a little red.

Oh shit.

In the end, the two kissed for a long time before they came out. If you look closely, you can find that both of their mouths are a bit swollen.

It was drizzling the next day, and when Qin Jiashu went out, Qin's mother called out to him, "Jiashu."

Qin Jiashu turned to look at her.

"The driver at home will take you off." He said, looking at his son nervously, "I won't forget this time."

Qin Jiashu didn't say anything, Qin's mother looked at it and hurriedly turned to the restaurant to take Qin Jiahe out.

The little boy didn't know what was going on, but he was happy to see his brother and didn't ask anything.

We sat in the car together to go to school, chatting with his brother about the benefits of studying **** the way.

Little did he know that his brother had already been escorted.

Qin Jiashu looked out the window and didn't respond, and walked out with an umbrella in No. 1 Middle School.

Seeing Qin Jiahe lying on the car window looking at his brother again, the driver asked suspiciously, "Brother took away Xiaohe's Ultraman umbrella again?"

Piggy shook his head with a serious face, "No."

The driver knew it, so it wasn't.

The next moment, I heard the little brat continue: "Brother took my Sailor Moon umbrella away."


History is always strikingly similar.

When school was over in the evening, Wen Zhichu walked with Qin Jiashu as usual, and when they arrived at the entrance of the teaching building, it was still raining continuously outside.

Qin Jiashu took out his umbrella.

Wen Zhichu suddenly remembered that when the two of them opened their umbrellas for the first time, the huge Ultraman waved to them.

"This time it won't be... Tiga."

Hearing the smile in the other party's words, Qin Jiashu also smiled helplessly when he remembered before.

"Not anymore."

Said the umbrella was opened with a "bang".

Sailor Moon saidhi to them!

Wen Zhichu: ...

Qin Jiashu: ...

Wen Zhichu's face turned red for a moment, "Why don't you hit me."

He said and took out his umbrella.


Unexpectedly, when I opened it, I found that the old umbrella had a hole.

Wen Zhichu: ...

Qin Jiashu: ...

[System: This incident tells us a truth. 】

Wen Zhichu: "What reason?"

[System: God's will is hard to break. 】

"..." Thank you, it has to be your teacher Miaomiao to be reasonable.

The surroundings were quiet for a while, Wen Zhichu and Qin Jiashu were relatively silent, and when the surrounding students had left, they walked out with this pink umbrella.

As soon as he walked out of the school gate, he heard a childish call not far away.

"Brother! Brother hiccup hiccup hiccup!"

Looking along the sound, I saw Qin Jiahe lying on the car window and shouting loudly.

From far away, Wen Zhichu couldn't see his appearance clearly, "Whose family's child?"

Qin Jiashu remained expressionless: "I don't know."

However, just when he was about to pretend he didn't know him and walked by, Qin Jiahe yelped, "Brother! Xiaohe, don't you want Xiaohe?!"

Qin Jiashu: ...

Seeing that the rain tended to fall heavily, even if Wen Zhichu took the bus home and got off, he still had to walk a certain distance, but Qin Jiashu got on the bus with someone.

Wen Zhichu hadn't recovered yet, and was a little nervous sitting in the car. This car probably had enough seat belts for him to work hard for several years.

Then he turned his head and met Qin Jiahe's big eyes seeking knowledge.

The two looked at each other in shock.

Wen Zhichu:!

Small version of Qin Jiashu! !

Qin Jiahe blinked his big eyes, "You monkey."

Wen Zhichu was dumbfounded for a moment, Qin Jiashu saw Wen Zhichu's hot and curious eyes just after he finished adjusting the seat belt.

Wen Zhichu looked at the little guy's fleshy face and then at Qin Jiashu.

Oh ho!

It was the first time that Qin Jiashu had a crisis on Qin Jiahe, this piggy had that cool face ability besides his pig cry, and he knew better than anyone that Wen Zhichu was a fan of sai and liked good-looking ones.

Qin Jiashu: "What are you looking at?"

Wen·Dasai·Zhichu: "Russian nesting doll."

Qin Jiashu: ...