Chapter 94:

The two high school sophomores trembled three times in fright at the dean's aura.

The boy in the second year of high school did not give up, trying to quibble, "But..."

The dean raised his eyebrows, "But what?!"

The boy swallowed.

"But what?!"

The sophomore boy shivered.

Dean of Education: My rules are rules! "

Wen Zhichu: ...

You said why did you provoke him, the dog shook his head when he saw it.

The Tianmeow Elf who was shaking his head in his mind: ...

The dean looked at the two students who fell in love with each other with straight eyebrows, and felt heartbroken.

Wen Zhichu, who was still eating melons, thought about whether he could leave, but before he could take a step, the dean turned around and waved to them the next moment.

Wen Zhichu blinked his eyes twice, turned his head and looked back, " one."

Qin Jiashu's voice was light, "I'm calling you."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Wen Zhichu didn't want to believe it, and shook his head violently, "'re wrong."

In the next second, the director of teaching breathed from his dantian, "Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu: ...

I still have to listen to the teacher's words, but maybe I also have some elements of puppy love, and Wen Zhichu is also a little childish, and I knew I would not eat melons.

Seeing Wen Zhichu coming, the teaching director raised his hand and patted the person on the back a few times, and said to the two sophomore students, "You seniors just want to fall in love early. After I found out, I dispelled the idea of ​​puppy love, and vowed never to fall in love again. of."

The sophomore girl asked curiously, "How do you get rid of the idea?"

Dean of Education: "Be influenced by me."

Wen Zhichu: ...

Thank you, Dean of Students.

Dean of teaching: "Since he was influenced by me, he has never thought of having a puppy love again. Are you Wen Zhichu?"

Wen Zhichu bit the bullet, "Yes."

The boy in the second year of high school was a little disbelieving and disdainful, "Maybe it's a lie?"

The dean glared at him, "Whether it's a lie or not, Wen Zhichu can't lie to me, I'm the roundworm in his stomach!"

[System: If he is the roundworm of two people, how will the two be divided? 】

Wen Zhichu: "Actually, I can give it to the other party."

Tmall Elf: …

Although the tone of his mouth was a little guilty, Wen Zhichu didn't lie, he really didn't have puppy love.

It's just that I didn't fall in love early, but I did everything that should be done and shouldn't be done.

Wen Zhichu quietly looked back at him like a vixen, and saw the other party standing beside him waiting for him.

The teaching director attaches great importance to reviewing Zhichu. After all, from the last problem student in the school to the one who can be called by the school's grades, there is only one in the whole school. Although he is not the best, he is definitely the hardest.

From bad to good students, I am proud of being a teacher.

The dean couldn't restrain his praise for Wen Zhichu, "You should learn more from your senior, he is now the 11th in the school, do you know what his exams were like in his sophomore year?!"

For some reason, Wen Zhichu felt a faint ominous premonition in his heart.

In the next second, the teaching director: When he took the exam in the second year of high school, he was showing his ability to tell others how many people there were in the second year of high school! "

Wen Zhichu: ...

Extremely Beautiful.

The bottom one, the name is the total number of people.

But no matter what, the dean was also praising him, Wen Zhichu was quite happy in his heart, and was dragged to say something, and then realized that he was about to miss the bus, so he hurriedly said hello and left.

When the two walked out of the school gate, the bus just passed by. Seeing the eager expression on Wen Zhichu's face, Qin Jiashu took the other's hand and ran forward.

Before Wen Zhichu could react, he was led up one step ahead of him.

He looked up at the figure in front of him, tall and straight, with warm street lights falling on his shoulders, his hand was held by someone, and the temperature from him was extremely hot.

The summer evening wind drives away dryness, passes through the foliage and blows on the young man, making his face soft, blowing through the young man's hair, and blowing the school uniform on the young man.

The two were running in the streets, holding hands tightly, the tall figure of the other was in front of them, unable to see the way ahead, but he followed the footsteps of others without any hesitation or timidity.

At the bus station, before the bus left, Qin Jiashu straightened up the messy man.

"Be careful on the road."

The deep and magnetic voice rang in his ears, carrying the rare gentleness of the other party.

Wen Zhichu reluctantly hooked her little finger, and then got into the car. After finding the seat, she popped her head out from behind the car window, looked at Qin Jiashu eagerly, and then waved goodbye.

The bus was driving smoothly, and Wen Zhichu took out his mobile phone to check his money balance, which he had saved for a long time, from spring until now.

He counted the balance carefully, saving some every day, not willing to spend it.

He knew that Qin Jiashu was kind to him, and because of his sensitive nature in his previous life, Wen Zhichu knew best who was kind to him.

Qin Jiashu is the best to him, the one who likes him the most, and also the one he likes the most.

He stared at the balance blankly. He wanted to use the money to confess to Qin Jiashu. Although he didn't know what to do or what to give, saving money was the right thing to do. He saw that when someone was in a relationship, there was always someone who wanted to be proactive and sincere. Confession, and at the same time prepare some gifts similar to surprises.

If it's still a high school student who can't fall in love early, then after the college entrance examination is over, he should be able to save some money in a month, and then he must...

Wen Zhichu clenched her hand tightly.

At that time, he must confess his love to Qin Jiashu.

As the college entrance examination was approaching, Wen Zhichu didn't dare to relax. Fortunately, the last month had passed, and it wasn't until two days before the college entrance examination that he finally relaxed.

Wen Zhichu packed her books, today is the last day in No. 1 Middle School.

This session is physical exercise class, when Wen Zhichu was packing up his books, suddenly there was someone at the door.

"elder brother."

Wen Zhichu turned his head and saw that it was Chen Chen, and smiled naively, "Little Chen, why...why are you here?"

Chen Chen's face was full of reluctance, and he didn't look energetic. He was obviously very sad that Wen Zhichu was about to graduate from the college entrance examination.

"School will be closed tomorrow because of the college entrance examination. I was afraid I wouldn't see my brother, so I came here."

After the two chatted for a few words, Wen Zhichu started packing up again.

"Brother, where do you plan to take your university entrance exam?"

Chen Chen wanted to ask if he still had a goal in the future.

Speaking of the university to be admitted to, Wen Zhichu's eyes were full of yearning, and he saw a pure smile on his clean face, without any falsehood, "If it is possible...I want to pass the exam."

When he said this, Wen Zhichu's whole body was lit up, which was very different from when he first came to this world.

Chen Chen silently wrote down in his heart that he didn't expect his elder brother to pass the school exam so difficult, and he was sweating for a while for his studies.

"Brother, why do you want to take the exam there?"

When Wen Zhichu heard it, she was a little nervous for a while, and he hesitated and said: "First of all, it's because... I want to be a teacher."

In fact, two months ago, Qin Jiashu was escorted there firstly, his thoughts were known, and he was severely punished, so he changed the number one to his own intention.

Qin Jiashu didn't want Wen Zhichu to give up anything because of him, where the other party wanted to go, where he wanted to take the test, he hoped that it was the other party's heart, Wen Zhichu's yearning, not his.

It's not that he didn't want to, such thoughts filled Qin Jiashu's mind countless times, but after thinking about it, he couldn't bear it.

If you like him deeply, you will naturally want the other party to be with him, but Qin Jiashu's liking is too strong, and if you don't pay attention, it will give people an extremely suffocating feeling, especially when the two are alone.

In fact, if we say that Wen Zhichu entangles Qin Jiashu, it's better to say it's the other way around, no matter how he is in front of others, he's just pretending, and he can't separate him even for a moment.

Chen Chen looked at the smile on Wen Zhichu's face, and asked sullenly, "Is there any other reason?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "I...I want to go to the same school as Qin Jiashu."

Kao Qingman's gaze was first, and Qin Jiashu's second.

When Chen Chen listened to his back, he immediately collapsed, and he knew it was this vixen, but he would try his best to be admitted to the same school as Wen Zhichu, and he would never give up.

His fighting spirit was instantly high, but after saying hello to Wen Zhichu and leaving, he bumped into Qin Jiashu and Ji Fengchang as soon as he went out.

The other party looked at him condescendingly, Chen Chen just wanted to say something majestic, but the other party didn't even look at him, and went straight to Wen Zhichu's side.

Chen Chen was not reconciled to seeing it.

Ji Fengchang: "Okay, don't watch it, you have nothing to do."

Chen Chen was dissatisfied, "Why am I out of action?!"

"Do you know why Qin Jiashu was able to chase Wen Zhichu?"

Chen Chen was dubious, "Why?"

Ji Fengchang clapped his hands, of course it was because of the exclusive secrets of me, the master of love. "


"Of course!"

Chen Chen: "What secret science?"

Ji Fengchang looked at the other party being robbed of his love by his brother, and said mercifully: "It's okay to tell you, listen carefully."

Chen Chen instantly pricked up his ears.

"Outside the long pavilion, beside the ancient road, there is a sky of fragrant grass."

The more Chen Chen listened, the more something was wrong, "Where's Bilian?"

Ji Fengchang: "Bilian doesn't want it."

Chen Chen: ...

A few days ago, Wen Zhichu had already taken some of the items and books home, and now there were not many left, so Qin Jiashu took the man aside to avoid delaying his actions.

But Wen Zhichu made it sound like a little pig moving house, so he put on a smile for a while.

Wen Zhichu looked at him, "What... what's wrong?"


Wen Zhichu didn't believe it, "You... you laughed at me."

"I'm not laughing at you."

"Then you...then you are still laughing now."

"That's because I like you."

Wen Zhichu's cheeks flushed instantly when he heard it, and he didn't dare to look at Qin Jiashu, " can't talk nonsense."

Qin Jiashu looked at him with fiery eyes, "Is it nonsense?"

Like a red apple, Wen Zhichu said after a long time: "No...not."

Fortunately, there was no one in the classroom. Qin Jiashu stood in front of the person and covered the monitor and kissed him on the cheek. As long as they were not kissing, Qin Jiashu always kissed him very gently, such as the tip of the nose, cheeks and ears. The other party liked it very much. Kissing him here seems to be very cherished.

Wen Zhichu just stood there blankly, knowing that he would be embarrassed and didn't hide, he liked Qin Jiashu treating him like this.

After the kiss was over, the other party whispered a word of "like" in his ear.

Wen Zhichu hooked the person's fingers, and nodded up and down like a piggy bun.

There was no evening self-study today, Wen Zhichu was waiting for someone at the school gate after school, when Mu Qing came from behind and patted him on the shoulder, "The college entrance examination went well!"

With a smile on his face and eyes, the young man was as gentle as a gentle breeze, "You too... the college entrance examination passed."

Mu Qing looked at him carefully, and found that the young man in his memory who was walking with his shoulders bowed and his head bowed was straight now, and the previous anxiety was no longer on his face.

Mu Qing smiled and said, "Wen Zhichu, do you know?"


"You are much better than before."

Wen Zhichu opened his eyes slightly, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with joy, "Really?"

"Of course." Mu Qing was curious, "Who changed you so much?"

Wen Zhichu pursed her lips, "Actually, I have two dear friends."

Qin Jiashu and Tianmiao elves.

Mu Qing: "Really?"

Wen Zhichu nodded, "They believe in me more than my mother."