Chapter 96:

Qin's mother, who came down from upstairs with Qin Jiahe in her arms, couldn't help being shocked when she saw this scene, her eyes were full of unbelievable Qin's father's gaffe.

What... what's wrong? !

She knew her husband best, it was impossible for her to make such a gaffe in front of the juniors.

For a moment, I couldn't help but feel uneasy, the situation between the eldest son and the family was already rigid, if the husband and son's boyfriend did not get along again, then Qin Jiashu might never reconcile with the family in his life.

At least until today, the relationship between the two sides has not eased.

Qin's mother looked at Wen Zhichu nervously. She had thought about what the eldest son's boyfriend was like before, but when she saw Wen Zhichu for the first time today, she felt that her eldest son...

In fact, Qin Jiashu has always been excellent in Qin's mother's heart, and no one is better than his son when he goes out to party with rich wives. No matter in terms of brains or appearance, he is the best, but he is too clear-headed, so now Qin's mother thought that his eldest son was He tricked people back.

After all, looking at the other person's appearance, it doesn't look like they would fall in love at this age.

Then I took a few more glances, Wen Zhichu's whole body was stiff, his hands were on his knees, his back was straight, and he was visibly tense, the large bouquet of flowers he brought was put aside, his face was fair and clean The human feeling is too well-behaved, not at all like a child who graduated from the college entrance examination, but looks like a minor.

This made Qin's mother secretly sweat for Wen Zhichu.

Qin Jiahe's round eyes lit up when he saw Wen Zhichu, "Brother Optimus Prime!"

Qin's mother hurriedly corrected her, "That's Wen Zhichu, brother Xiaochu."

Qin Jiahe was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that the name he remembered so hard before was actually wrong.

Wen Zhichu looked at Qin's father being choked, a little at a loss, "You... are you okay?"

Knowing that he had lost the face of his elders, Father Qin took a deep breath with a stiff face, and waved his hand at the person, "It's okay, I'll let you watch the joke."

Wen Zhichu hurriedly shook his head, ""

Father Qin looked at him.

Wen Zhichu: "Because's not funny."

Father Qin: ...

This kid is not generally honest.

For a while, Tian chatted to death like this, and the two of them began to feel awkward sitting in this luxuriously decorated living room.

At this time, Qin's mother came over with Qin Jiahe in her arms, and looked at Wen Zhichu's nervousness for no reason, "Xiao Chu, let's eat some fruit."

Very polite.

Wen Zhichu quickly thanked her, her heart was pounding, she looked at the family in front of her, she didn't know where to put her eyes.

When I was nervous, I also remembered that I came to confess today, to give Qin Jiashu a reputation, the other party treated him so well, now he should not shrink back, he should take responsibility.

Even if parents don't see each other today, they will still see each other in the future. After all, there is an old saying that it is better to hit the sun than to choose the day.

Wen Zhichu calmed down his emotions alone. Although he was still flustered, he had to take responsibility and not let Qin Jiashu follow him in vain.

Not knowing how to address him for a moment, Wen Zhichu blushed and said solemnly, "Mr. Qin!"

Qin's father paused while holding the teacup, and looked at Wen Zhichu.

Wen Zhichu clenched his hands on his knees into fists, telling himself not to stutter, absolutely not to stutter, and to present his best side, "My name is Wen Zhichu, I am eighteen years old, and I graduated from No. 1 Middle School with a high school diploma. But soon enough to have a college degree."

Father Qin pretended to be calm, "That's it."

Wen Zhichu nodded sharply and continued: "There is a suite at home."

Said to report the address.

Seeing Huatou, Qin's father followed along and asked, "Do you have a car?"


"How many cars?"

"Throughout the country."

Father Qin was slightly surprised, "What car?"

Wen Zhichu: "Bike sharing."

Father Qin: ...

Seeing that the atmosphere was about to fall into embarrassment, Mother Qin hurriedly came out to smooth things over, "Xiao Chu is really humorous."

Wen Zhichu blushed a little, "It's...really."

When I was embarrassed, I did not forget to continue to think about myself, "My parents left early, but you can rest assured that their education will affect my whole life. They are all upright and positive, because they are all party members."

Just as Father Qin was about to speak, Wen Zhichu continued: "And..."

"And what?"

Wen Zhichu's heart was broken, "Qin Jiashu and I are better than others, and can avoid the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law."

Father Qin: ...

Mother Qin: ...

Qin's mother made up her mind almost instantly, the child was tricked back by Qin Jiashu.

Wen Zhichu's nervous hands were trembling, and his breathing was already very chaotic, but he still forced himself to look at Qin's father.

The other party has been in the business world for so many years, and now that he is sitting in a high position, he has an aura of calmness and prestige.

Wen Zhichu looked at him firmly, then lowered his head slightly, "I will treat Qin Jiashu well in the future, please give me your son!"

After the words fell, there was a loud sound from the entrance, followed by a rush of footsteps, Qin Jiashu strode in with an ugly expression, and was a little dazed after seeing the scene at this time.

When Wen Zhichu saw someone coming, she hurriedly picked up the bunch of bright red roses she bought, "Qin Jiashu."

Qin Jiashu strode towards him, "Why are you here?"

Wen Zhichu said nervously, "I want to ask your parents for permission."

Qin Jiashu pulled Wen Zhichu up, "We don't need anyone's consent to be together."

Qin's father's face turned ugly for a while, but when he looked at Wen Zhichu, he felt that the child was sincere and eye-catching, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

In the end, to save face, he said in a bad tone: "Who do you love to be with!"

Qin's mother listened to her tone, "Husband..."

Father Qin turned his head angrily.

Qin Jiashu glanced at Father Qin indifferently, and then pulled Wen Zhichu out the door.

The Qin family is big, walked out of the house for several minutes but did not reach the gate.

"Qin Jiashu! Qin Jiashu!"

Wen Zhichu pulled the other party to stand on a lawn of the Qin family, "I...I have something to tell you."

It was only then that Qin Jiashu saw the other party's attire clearly. When he went to find Wen Zhichu, he saw that the other party was not there. It happened that Ji Fengchang called, so he knew that the other party had gone to his house to look for him.

Naturally, he also knew that Wen Zhichu wanted to confess his love, but even if he already knew it in his heart, he couldn't help but tremble when he looked at Wen Zhichu now.

There was a rare tenderness in the dark eyes.

Wen Zhichu sent the flowers in his hand to Qin Jiashu's arms, "This one is for you."

However, as soon as the flowers were sent out, she couldn't speak because she was nervous, "I...Qin Jiashu...I and you..."

In the end, there was nothing he could do, Wen Zhichu hurriedly took out his 5,000-character confession note.

Qin Jiashu looked at it for a while, a little bit dumbfounded, but his heart was soft and messed up.

Wen Zhichu said, "Thank you for your company and care all the time. I have many shortcomings, and thank you for your tolerance. I got in touch with you at first because of your good looks, but...but gradually I...I..."

Qin Jiashu stabilized Wen Zhichu's trembling hand, "Don't be nervous."

Wen Zhichu: "Okay."


"I... I like you Qin Jiashu. In fact, I have wanted to confess to you since half a year ago, but the time has not come yet. I like your gentleness, your character, and all the qualities in you. In my eyes, you are more important than anyone else. To be special is the insurmountable number one in my heart.”

"I hope…"

Qin Jiashu clenched Wen Zhichu's hand tightly, hugged him before the other party finished speaking, and continued the other party's words: "I hope we will be together forever."

Wen Zhichu nodded sharply in the person's arms.

"We're always together forever."

As she said that, Wen Zhichu held the person's face in her hands, and suddenly smacked the person's cheek several times.

Qin Jiashu has been waiting and looking forward to the response from the person he likes, and finally got it today. That handsome face is rarely a little red, and after Wen Zhichu kissed him, his ears were even redder, and he couldn't hold back his smile.

Qin's mother heard that the two hadn't left yet, so she wanted to come out to take a look, and when she walked not far away, she saw Qin Jiashu, who was smiling happily.

Qin's mother couldn't help being stunned. The sincere smile on Qin Jiashu's face was something she had never seen as a mother. Even Qin Jiashu had always kept the smile before, but it was just a mask of illusion.

Looking at the two teenagers under the sun, Qin's mother didn't step forward to disturb them. Maybe this was for the best, and this was what Qin Jiashu wanted.

After confessing his love, Qin Jiashu wanted to go back with him, but Wen Zhichu rejected him.

Wen Zhichu found a reason, persuaded him, and then returned home, because the moment Qin Jiashu appeared, the reminder that the task was completed had already sounded in his mind.

The villain value is 100%.

He didn't want Qin Jiashu to see him in a mess, it was already dark after all the tossing, Wen Zhichu walked towards the neighborhood with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

"Tianmeow Elf, what form will the last Sleeping Street come in?"

The Tianmeow Elf couldn't bear it, 【You'll know in a while. 】

Wen Zhichu's heart skipped a beat, but he still walked in the direction of home. When he entered the community, he found it was very noisy. Wen Zhichu was so dazed that he didn't know what they were talking about.

Until he walked downstairs, his eyes widened in disbelief.

I saw a worker in blue, who was writing on the wall of the building with a bucket of red paint.

A big "demolition" character.

Wen Zhichu covered her face with her hands for a moment.

Thinking about when Wen Zhichu saw other people’s homes written with open characters before, and said that he wanted to be as pitiful as them, Tianmiao Fairy was still feeling the kindness of this child at the time, but now it seems a little unacceptable, Tianmiao Fairy couldn’t bear to see it , Comfortingly said: [Young man, don't be too sad. 】

In the next second, Wen Zhichu covered his face, "Hahahahahahahaha."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

Joy comes from sadness?

That night, Wen Zhichu decided to go down to the park and sit there for half the night, thinking it was sleeping on the street, because the task of sleeping on the street with the red character was completed.

Wen Zhichu looked at the stars in the sky, and suddenly realized a question, "Tianmeow Elf, will you leave?"

[System: Yes, probably in a month. 】

At that time, Wen Zhichu just started university.

For some reason, Wen Zhichu's nose suddenly felt sour, and she couldn't help but want to cry, "Aren't you coming back?"

[System: That's not true. 】

Wen Zhichu's tears stopped there, "That's it."

Sky Meow Elf: ...

"Then when will you be back?"

[System: I can come and see you on weekends. The previous host saturday, and your Sunday is full. 】

Wen Zhichu: "What about the rest?"

Sky Meow Elf: are quite greedy.

Wen Zhichu scratched his head in embarrassment.

After chatting together for a long time, Wen Zhichu looked at the night sky and said softly, "Tianmeow Elf, thank you."

It took a long time for the Tianmeow elf to reply that you are welcome. In its eyes, Wen Zhichu already exists like a family member.

The night sky is dotted with starlight, one twinkle is tiny, but there are many stars, covering the night sky.

After one month passed, Qingqiu drove away the tail of the scorching heat, and the young man stood in front of Qingman's gate with a tall and straight figure, his eyes sparkling with dazzling light.

The person in front of him had been waiting for a long time, and those eyes were only fixed on his eyes, as if he could only pretend to be alone.

"Wen Zhichu."

Wen Zhichu looked at Qin Jiashu and took a step forward.


The boy is walking on the breeze, the breeze cannot take away the boy's timidity, nor can it take away the boy's bravery.

They never turn back, they are always brave.

They will achieve better selves in the future, but the only thing that remains the same is that they will be together forever.


In the chaotic time and space, the Tianmiao elves came to the main hall of the main **** with the human observation diary.

The divine master sitting in a high position looked at it, and gave it a reward because the host he led successfully achieved the villain's achievement.

Tianmiao elf said a few words politely.

Lord God: "What kind of person is your host this time?"

Tianmiao elf handed over the human observation diary.

The Lord God opened: ...

"My host is a timid, cowardly, unloving, stammering, poor English, abusive person, long reflex arc, tangled in doing things..."

The Lord God took a deep breath and continued to read. The first few pages were full of articles, but there were only two sentences on the last page.

"Cross out, none of the above."

At last:

"Wen Zhichu, timid and brave."

The author has something to say: This is the end of the text here, thank you for your company all the time, I wish you all a smooth shit, I love you, and the episode will start tomorrow.