Chapter 50: Mission E (18)

50 Chapter 50: Mission E (18)

We walked for a few more hours; nothing unusual happened during this time period. Right now, we're resting around some bushes.

"Elsa, how much longer do you think until we reach the beast's zone?"

Elsa took out her map and observed it for a few minutes.

"If I'm not mistaken, we should arrive in a few more hours of walking. We need to find a reference point, which is the small ruined house, and go from there."

Thinking for a moment, I reply: "Alright then, let's rest a bit more."

"Oh, by the way, we need a plan. As you know, we're facing an intelligent beast of maximum-silver rank. It's a step above me, but it shouldn't be a problem. According to the guild mission, there are 3 beasts of the same species as its minions."

"I can handle all 4, but I need to completely cover myself in aura, and at the same time, I need to stay focused. For that, I need you to stay out of this fight."

Elsa lowered her head and responded in a low voice, "Sorry for being useless."

"Hehehe, you're not useless. If you weren't with me right now, I might have gone crazy. Besides, you're doing your best. You adapted very quickly to this place. For a moment, I thought you would cry constantly out of fear, hehe."

Elsa glanced at me quickly with annoyed eyes. "Tsk, stop teasing me," her cheeks puffed up in annoyance.

It's always a good time to tease her.

Although I'm not lying, this place is dangerous. The eternal silence and the feeling of being watched at all times are deadly for anyone daring to come alone. Additionally, there's the variable of being chased by a monster stampede. Coming accompanied is of vital importance.

"But I'm telling the truth. Thank you for being with me." n0ve(l)bi(n.)co/m

Elsa, a bit stunned by the sudden declaration, opens her eyes with a bit of shyness and blush on her cheeks, nodding her head docilely.

"Hmhp," she turns her head with another pout.

Maybe she's still a bit annoyed. Giving a sigh, I say: "So, when we find the house, we'll check that everything is in order and that they're not inside. And if it's safe enough, you'll hide in that place. If there's any trouble, scream with all your might. I'll be patrolling the area, so I'll be able to hear you."

"Okay," Elsa replies.

"With all that said, let's take a little break," settling under a tree, I close my eyes, drowning in the world of dreams.


Upon opening my eyes, I find myself in my apartment. Getting up, I sit on my bed and, rubbing my eyes, I stretch, shaking off the remaining laziness.

I stand up and head to the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and washing my face, I go out. Upon reaching the kitchen, I put water to heat for some coffee. I return to my room to dress and go back to work. Wearing a black suit with a tie, I return to the kitchen, sweetening my coffee and sitting at the table.

Grabbing my phone, I start scrolling through the news.

Drinking my hot coffee, I sigh.

"Seriously, what a boring life."

After eating something, I leave my apartment.

Heading to work in my Porsche, I park in the parking lot of a very large building.

Entering the building, I'm greeted with a hello.

"But look who we have here, how's it going, friend? How are you?"

Looking at William in a suit like mine but with brown hair and blue eyes, he's younger than me and married, unlike me, who is single.

"Well, thanks, buddy. Just a bit lazy, you know," I reply disinterestedly.

I look ahead and see a tall boy with white hair and red eyes, very beautiful. His body is perfect, unlike mine, which is a bit overweight.

I want to go back, I want to be in that magical place, I want to get out of my world, I want to feel free. I know the dangers of my decision, but I don't want to stay on Earth. I don't want to go back to the same old thing and maybe die alone, with no one caring at all.

"I want to go back," I reply with determination.

I want to break free from my boring routine. Besides, Elsa and my sister are waiting for me. I can't disappoint them.

"Do you want to go back?" the same question.


In front of me appears a homemade knife.

"Do you want to go back?" the same question.

Grabbing the knife tightly, I nod my head.

"Do you want to go back?"

"Do you want to go back?"

"Do you want to go back?"

My hands tremble. I know what it wants me to do. I'm sure it wants me to commit suicide. It takes courage to kill yourself. It requires a lot of courage. I guess it wants to see how determined I am with myself and how far I can go.

"Do you want to go back?"

"Do you want to go back?"

"Do you want to go back?"

*Huff... huff.*

Adrenaline runs through my blood. Placing the knife directly on my heart, I take a deep breath. My hands keep shaking, my heart beats very fast. I grip the handle tighter. It's hard to try to calm down when I want to kill myself.

The question that was repeating in a loop suddenly stops. The whole place becomes silent again. All that could be heard was my irregular breathing.

Making a decision, I clear my mind and count to 3, the famous technique for making decisions in difficult moments. You clear your mind of any thoughts and count to 3. When you reach 3, you do the first thing that comes to your mind.




Opening my eyes, I plunge the knife directly into my heart, gritting my teeth, waiting for the pain.

I feel nothing. Looking at where the knife should be, there is nothing. Looking ahead, I see my old self on the ground, dead. Around him, a pool of red blood has formed.

"Well done, kid," says the same deep voice.

I feel the space around me becoming chaotic, as if space is twisting.

Opening my eyes, I look around. Nothing but fog. There is only fog. I am back.

Looking down, I see Elsa asleep.

"What just happened?" I say, confused.

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