"Attack fierce tiger city... Attack fierce tiger city..."

Gu Fen murmured a few times, suddenly patted his thigh, laughed and said, "wonderful! Why didn't I think of this clever strategy?"

The seven star lamp was confused: "where is the beauty?"

The solitary grave pondered and said with a smile: "If I'm not mistaken, the scholar's intention is to encircle Wei and save Zhao and exchange. Liehu city wants to capture dawn city. Even if we help hold dawn City, it won't be of great benefit to us. However, if we turn our guns to fight liehu City, it will be completely different. In this way, we will instantly turn ourselves from a passive position to an active position, such as sitting The needle felt is not us, but the savage throne. Whether we return to defend the fierce tiger city or give up the fierce tiger City, Indian players will lose a lot. Once we capture the fierce tiger City, it will be a great harvest. Even if we can't attack it, at least we can make the fierce tiger City withdraw from the dawn city. It's much wiser than reinforcing the dawn city. "

I smiled: "uncle is right. In fact, it's none of our business whether Shuguang city is surnamed Han or India. What we should care about is holding several main cities in our hands. Even if Shuguang city is occupied by Indians, we can also enter liehu city and occupy this prosperous first-class main city. The scale of this main city is much larger than Shuguang city."

The seven star lamp finally woke up and grinned: "I see. In fact, I should have thought of it. Since it is so, let's start immediately?"

"No!" I shook my head: "It's about 5 hours away from the fierce tiger city. Don't worry. First send someone into the fierce tiger city to kill the transmission array. Then, if the barbarian throne is a little careless or underestimates the enemy, we will seize the opportunity. Once the transmission array of the fierce tiger city is destroyed, the main city will be ours! Now, let your guild members go offline for dinner. We must go online in half an hour , this battle will be fought for a long time. It is not only a competition of technology and equipment, but also a competition of players' physical strength! "

The seven star lamp nodded, "let's do it right away!"

"Well, not to mention the strategic intention, just let everyone go online in half an hour. I'll finish eating, washing hands, WC and soy sauce in half an hour!"


Soon after, the order was passed on, and everyone rested in Anding County, while I discussed with Gufen and listening to the rain through the window. In the years of snow moon and autumn rain, a large number of Assassin players were sent to the fierce tiger city immediately, and then we could take advantage of their unexpected destruction of the garrison of the fierce tiger city.

In addition, four Dragon riders mm, brave heart, bingzhiyi, LiuNian HuaHuo and Lingxue, flew high into the air together. Once the assassin player's task failed, they could only push down the transmission array. The fierce tiger city has just been taken back from the dark Legion. The arrow tower and magic crystal turret should not be refreshed. With the advantage of strength, several dragon riders mm should kill the transmission array It shouldn't be a problem.

All the people who went out of the task left, and the rest went offline one after another, and I went offline with Qin Yun and Daohuaxiang. There is only a short half-hour break, so I must hurry.

So, I hurriedly got into the kitchen and robbed the guests of several dishes that had just come out of the pot. Then I had a meal and ate in the lobby with Daohuaxiang and Qin Yun. Qin Yun laughed and laughed that a general manager of my hall actually robbed the guests' meals. It was too tasteless.


Half an hour later, it was already a sea of people under anding County, waiting for the order of several major league leaders.

Solitary graves, seven star lights, listening to the rain by the window, iced tea and other people went online one after another. Everyone informed each other, and finally the war order was issued - expedition to fierce tiger city!

I summoned the flame Kirin and took Qin Yun with me. Daohuaxiang was held in my arms by iced tea. The rogue iced tea surrounded Daohuaxiang and said with a smile that Daohuaxiang's chest circumference had increased again. It turned out that Daohuaxiang would continue to develop at the age of 19.

Gufen issued a system announcement, with clear words——

"Ding ~!"

System announcement (player Gufen shouts): Friends of Baiyun City, I think you should also know the news that liehu City attacked dawn city. Yes, liehu city is called the "Southwest tiger" of Linghan continent by world players on battle.net , they have a great appetite. After they have laid the dawn City, they will definitely point at Baiyun city. We have no reason to let the other party preempt. Therefore, several major guilds in Baiyun city have decided to join hands in the expedition to liehu city. Now, guilds such as snow moon, like the passage of time, listening to the rain Pavilion, vanilla ice and soul returning war robe have started to fight. I hope everyone in Baiyun city will not fall behind. Attack with ours Sweat and blood cast a bloody shield surrounding the land!


The crowd moved towards the southwest. Soon we had left the Outland. The snow moon silver Yao cavalry led by the shadow acted as the vanguard. More than 10000 people rushed out of the valley and galloped on the vast Outland plain.

At this time, there was a good report from the front line. The four Dragon Knights mm made meritorious contributions. With the advantage of speed, they had swept over the fierce tiger city in half an hour. The four people came to the main human city together, and the five transmission arrays of the fierce tiger city were destroyed between lightning and flint. In this way, the barbarian throne and others far away in the dawn city could not return to reinforce the fierce tiger city in a short time Tiger City.

Even, several dragon riders mm grabbed the front of our assassin team and completed the task. The task was over before Beisu Qingfeng had finished half the journey. However, there were still some casualties. In the last battle to destroy the transmission array, the players of liehu city were prepared. Under the volley of a large number of archers, bingzhiyi and LiuNian HuaHuo died. The brave heart escaped with a trace of residual blood. Ling Xue was calm and had more than half of his life when he left.

Soon after, two giant shadows appeared in the air. Bingzhiyi and LiuNian HuaHuo two mm hung back to the city and flew over quickly. The snow Silver Dragon and blue dragon hovered over the snow moon camp, adding a lot of momentum to us. The soul returning robe players of the square array on one side looked up at the sky and looked at the two dragon riding mm, both with a trace of envy in horror.

In the past battles, the Dragon riding mm has made great achievements, and the soul returning robe players have not suffered less. Moreover, who doesn't like this beautiful and powerful mm?


Flame Kirin got up and ran on the plain with four hooves. The iron hooves wrapped the flame and stepped across the grass, leaving a lot of flames. Fortunately, this flame would not hurt the master, otherwise I would have been roasted into a medium cooked steak.

Qin Yun sat obliquely on the back of the flaming unicorn, holding the staff in her hand. A pair of long snow-tired legs slightly exposed from the fork of the robe. It looked very attractive. She opened her snow-white fingers, waved at my forehead, and her wings flew up, which gave me a skill effect of the goddess oath. Her attack power was + 20% in 10 minutes!

"What are you doing now? It hasn't started yet..." I have some doubts.

Qin Yun chuckled: "don't be too sensitive. I'm just practicing skills. There's no war yet. The effect of returning to blue can't be wasted. Practicing this skill to ghost level may increase the amount of gain effect!"

"Oh, go on!"

I drew my sword, patted the ass of flame Kirin, and said with a smile, "move forward at full speed. The fierce tiger city is ours!"

Qin Yun couldn't help laughing and asked, "scholar, is liehu city so good? The defense and level of the city are not as good as Baiyun city? You don't have to be so nervous."

I smiled noncommittally.

Qin Yun thought I was hiding something, so she forced her to ask, "do you think there are other uses for liehu city?"

I nodded: "the purpose is not discussed, but for China, liehu city is really very important."

"How important?" Qin Yun blinked, puzzled.

I pulled out the system map, opened the flame Kirin's automatic way finding to let it run by itself, and then attentively said to Qin Yun: "you see, the green dots on this big map represent the location of the main cities of various countries on the lingwai mainland. The square lingwai mainland, but the Baiyun City in China is just in the center. What does this mean?"

Qin Yun's beautiful eyes were horizontal and said, "it means that once the war starts in China, it will become the target of public criticism?"

"That's right!"

I took a deep breath and said, "there are helmet City, fire dragon city and gale city in the north, dawn city and Luoyan city on the right, and India's fierce tiger city and another first-class main city in the southwest. Generally speaking, this strategic position is terrible. Once you fight, you are attacked on all sides. So, what will you do if you are the commander-in-chief of the war?"

Qin Yun uttered a soft chant, flashed a look in her beautiful eyes, and said with a smile: "attack the next direction first, remove a hidden danger for herself, and then get out of the situation of being attacked from behind?"

I couldn't help laughing: "Smart! That's the reason. Look at the location of liehu City, which is just in the southwest corner of the mainland and surrounded by mountains. The only possible attack point is Baiyun city from China. Therefore, if we want to develop xutu, we must take liehu city as our rear area, and then take Baiyun City, Qingfeng City, Tianshui County, the capital of kings and apple County as the front cities For the battle front, compete with the strong enemies of dawn City, holy helmets city and fire dragon city. "

Qin Yun showed concern: "the strategic plan is really good, but you also know that the number of Indian players is more than the total number in China. Their strength can be imagined. If we win the fierce tiger City, will they give up? I think the barbarian throne will revenge at the first time."

"Hum, the barbarian throne is coming, so we can't welcome it any more. If China wants to eliminate the threat behind it, it's inevitable to fight several hard battles with India. My strategy doesn't include concessions. It's to nourish the war with war and force the players in India to another main city, ice wolf City, with the strongest elite in China!"

"Ice wolf city?"

"Well, in addition to the fierce tiger City, the other is the ice wolf City, which is located in the south of Luoyan city in France and dawning city in South Korea. It is juxtaposed with the fierce tiger city in the west of China. Once we capture the fierce tiger City, we will force all the players of the fierce tiger city into the ice wolf City, and then a war between us and the ice wolf city is inevitable."

Qin Yun smiled: "just fight. They say there is no righteous war in the spring and Autumn period. I think lingwai has no righteous war!"

"Ha ha, yes! In the world of great competition, the only competition is territory and land. It's hard to say who is right and who is wrong. It depends on who can become the king of the whole continent in the end."

Qin Yunbai glanced at me and smiled: "do you want China to become the king, cross and mourn the mainland, and establish a strong empire with the sun never setting?"

I nodded and smiled: "Do your best. After all, one person's strength is limited. It depends on everyone's play. I can only guarantee that snow moon will take the initiative in the war, and the rest will be out of reach. Besides, the so-called sun never sets empire is just a flash in the pan, and it will soon be taken back by the local regime. The same is true in the game. However, what I pursue is a flash in the pan Brilliant, people live in the world, always brilliant once, right? "


"What do you mean almost? You don't support me enough..."

"How can there be!" Qin Yun covered her mouth with a smile: "men fight endlessly, and I don't have the mind to dominate... Well, support you, will you?"

My arm tightened slightly and held Qin Yun in my arms. Because the flame Kirin ran forward, it had entered the jungle, and the large troops in the rear could not see what I was doing, so Qin Yun tacitly agreed with a smile.

Of course, the system does not support xxoo in the game. Besides, if Qin Yun and I hide in the forest, what's the name of the child? It can't be called Panasonic?


Flame Kirin flew through Outland. More than two hours later, I was already standing on a high mountain. At a glance, villages and towns or counties and cities of different heights appeared on the vast plain in the distance, but they were still in the hands of the dark Legion. In a more distant place, I could see the shadow of a towering city. Yes, that's right Is the goal of our trip - liehu city!

The map shows that we have entered the area of liehu city. The jungle in front of us is the mother forest of liehu City, just like the moonlight forest of Baiyun city. We have raised many novice players and grew stronger with them. However, this history is coming to an end in our hands. Baiyun city is going to expedition liehu city. We are bound to win this war!

There are many level training teams in fierce tiger city in the jungle, but they are not large-scale, and there are no 255 full-level players. Almost all full-level players in India have gone to participate in the war against dawn city.

I'm not interested in killing rookies. These people are too delicious. It's estimated that I can kill them with my bare hands. That's too unfulfilled.

So he urged flame Kirin to go through the jungle and gallop straight to the direction of fierce tiger city. In less than half an hour, flame Kirin's foot had reached the bottom of the city. It was obvious that the east gate of fierce tiger city was closed and had entered the state of confrontation. Moreover, many archers and mage players had emerged in the city, and the NPC Legion was actively preparing for the war. They should also be rewarded Wind, unfortunately it's too late. Several magic transmission arrays have been destroyed, which will be their biggest miscalculation.

At this time, a purple streaked across the sky. Ling Xue glided down with the Amethyst dragon and poured a sharp sword gas on the city wall, killing countless Archer players in a second. On the other side, the brave heart also began a wave of sneak attack. The light of the blood rose sword cut off the arrow buttress of the whole section of the city wall.