Chapter 232 - Journey [2]

Name:Void Evolution System Author:
Chapter 232 - Journey [2]

“Your ability to fight above your level is frankly insane.” Ruyue continued.

“What’s your level right now? 130? 140? After all the killing you’ve done in the past month, it should’ve increased significantly. Still, that doesn’t really matter.

“Even when you were still in the 120s, you were able to fight against people at the mid or high levels of 3rd class. It isn’t a simple jump in levels, it’s closer to a jump in rank.

“Whether it’s due to your comprehension of your elements or your insane physical body, or maybe a combination of both, the fact that your ability is higher than theirs is still obvious from the information we’ve received

“The only problem is, your level is too low. You haven’t had the chance to level up as rapidly or fight as constantly as them since you lived in the outside world instead of this kind of environment.

“In the end, whether you or them, I can’t decide who’s stronger until you actually fight. But even without experiencing their power, I have trust in your abilities. You should be able to defeat those two Phoenix Queens, even if it’d expend a lot of effort.

“As for the first rank…we don’t know anything about him and that’s the main problem. A known danger isn’t as threatening as an unknown danger, after all. Not only that, but even his title is in a different league than the rest.

“Spirit King, what could this mean? Combining this title with the corpses of his victims, I can at least infer that his ability is more spiritual and ethereal than a base element. Just like my yin affinity, he must also have some sort of rare affinity.”

Ruyue gave a lengthy explanation of her thoughts to Damien. He was a bit embarrassed by the massive amount of trust she seemingly had in him, but her words were true.

He also felt that he would be able to take the two Phoenix Queens one on one. In a group scenario, he couldn’t say for certain.

But what she said about the first rank was what concerned him the most. He was someone with a decent amount of creativity, so he could slightly infer what the Spirit King’s affinity was, but none of his guesses seemed probable.

They were simply too wild.

Shaking his head lightly, he spoke up. “Well, there’s no point in worrying too much about them. We will be able to get a more proper read on their abilities when we see them in person.”

Damien had trust in his eyes. Against someone in the same class as him, he was certain he’d be able to read their mana. With this, he should be able to gauge both their true power level as well as their affinities.

“The Primordial Undying Realm and the Primordial Undying Tree within…”

He had to say, each and every new piece of information he received about the coming event made his blood boil with excitement.


The entire 3000 Beast Mountain Range was in a state of upheaval over a piece of news that recently made itself known.

The opening of the Primordial Undying Realm.

It was a once-in-a-lifetime event for most people since a lifespan of tens of thousands of years wasn’t achievable to them through ordinary means.

The only ones who were alive at that time were the Beast Kings who ruled over them.

Countless people made their way to the World Tree for this event. After all, such a massive competition was something everyone wanted to witness.

But they had all heard the rumors. They wouldn’t be able to actually see what happened within the realm, they’d only be able to see the final victors once they emerged.

Yet, the fact didn’t hinder them from making their journeys. The opening of the Primordial Undying Realm was simply too big of an event to miss. Not to mention, there would be plenty of festivities that would surround the World Tree within the event’s duration, keeping them occupied and excited until the final victor emerged before them.


Within a massive mountain that was bathed in constant blistering heat that could even melt a regular 2nd class beings, there was a mighty and grandiose palace that overlooked it all.

The palace was made of an elegant red metal that was covered in flames from dusk till dawn.

Those that lived within this palace all exudes an air of majesty and elegance, their heads held high in pride.

Not to mention, each and every one of them was a soul-stirringly beautiful woman.

“Qing’er, this time, you must obtain one of the fruits of the Primordial Undying Tree. It is imperative for your evolution. Perhaps, if you can truly succeed, our Clan will rise to become the peak power within the entire mountain range.

A beautiful mature woman with flowing red hair and similarly colored eyes spoke. Her expression that was usually covered in frosty indifference was now incredibly doting. This woman was the Matriarch of the Fire Phoenix Clan.

“Yes, mother. I promise. Me and Luna already promised to work together this time to secure ourselves the green fruits. As for the purple one, we’ll take it and fight for who gets it after we return back to the clans.”

The beautiful girl that replied to her looked almost exactly the same as her, besides the fact that her hair was a glimmering blonde color.

“Sheesh, you and that Luna lass, aren’t you a little too close? If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you were planning to tie our two Phoenix clans together through marriage.” The Fire Phoenix Matriarch teased.

“Mother!” Feng Qing’er cried out with a healthy blush covering her face. “You know that we’re not like that, don’t tease me!”

Her relationship with the girl from the Ice Phoenix clan who shared the same social position with her was indeed considered by some a little too close. It made the two’s mothers endlessly sigh at the fortune of their clans.

These two clans that were constantly at odds seemed to have been pulled together as friends by their next-generation heirs.

“Haha, Mother is just playing with you. With how many times you’ve had to clarify yourself to our clansmen, how could I not know how you feel?”

Feng Qing’er blushed further. “Let’s not talk about this anymore, Mother. With me and Luna working together, even that Hun Fang bastard won’t be able to stop us. This time, we’ll truly dethrone him from his number one spot.”

“Mm, Mother believes in you.” The Fire Phoenix Matriarch replied. Though, she couldn’t stop the flash of worry from streaking through her eyes.


The Endless Snow and Endless Flame mountains were polar opposites of each other. One contained the heat of the sun while the other contained the chill of the night.

In an area of the Endless Snow Mountain far away from the areas Damien was near, there was an ice palace that, oddly enough, mirrored the flaming palace on the Endless Flame Mountain.

Even the inhabitants of this palace were similar, all of them being jaw-dropping beauties that could destroy continents with their looks.

However, if there was one difference, it was the temperaments between the two. In the Endless Flame Mountain’s palace, those beauties all held flaming pride, showcasing it for all to see. Their behavior was blatant, as if daring others to challenge their majesty.

Whereas the beauties in this ice palace were different. They were cold and aloof, their pride also evident, but seemingly reserved at the same time. With such opposing temperaments and positions, it was clear why the two powers had been at odds for many millennia.

“Luna, this time is imperative. I understand the agreement you have with that Qing’er lass, but I still feel the need to warn you. Don’t let anything get in your way.”

The woman speaking carried an inexplicable mature charm, with a temperament similar to the Fire Phoenix Matriarch. Naturally, she was the Ice Phoenix Matriarch.

These two had a close relationship as well, though not as close as that of their daughters, merely, they were already old and experienced. They put their clans above personal feelings and maintained the age-old grudge between them.

They always counted themselves lucky to have such daughters, as with them, they were finally able to find an excuse to lay down all pretenses and hostility.

“I’m aware of the circumstances, Mother, there’s no need for all these warnings.”

The beautiful girl with light blue hair and eyes spoke to her mother lightly. There was no change in the expression on her face, remaining cold and aloof, but her mother could clearly feel the warmth in her words. As the person who raised her, how could she not understand how to read this daughter of hers?

“Confidence is good, but don’t let it breed arrogance. In fact, I heard a rumor that the White Dragon King is sending two new talents this time instead of someone from the True Dragon Troops. Although their strength hasn’t been verified, to earn the favor of that old monster isn’t easy. Maintain your caution around them.”

“Yes, Mother.” A hint of curiosity swirled through Lunaria Snow’s eyes for an instant before disappearing entirely. Her gaze then shifted to the towering tree that could be faintly seen in the distance.

‘It looks like this year, the competition between geniuses will be much more fierce.’


Similar conversations took place in many corners of the 3000 Beast Mountain Range as geniuses began to leave the safety of their residences to embark towards the grand World Tree.

Among them were Damien and Ruyue, who were currently speeding towards the World Tree while wrapped in the White Dragon King’s mana.

‘Finally, it’s almost time to begin.’