Chapter 1570 Danger [9]

Name:Void Evolution System Author:
Chapter 1570 Danger [9]

Damien didn't know.

No matter what he learned, there was no way for him to understand his mother's strength.

After all, the records of the things she'd done back then had been erased from the world entirely. Even those who knew were forbidden to speak a word about it to others, lest their souls be taken by Samsara.

Claire made a sacrifice all the way back then. She sealed her power in return for silence, vowing to never bring it out again unless absolutely necessary.

And now that Dante was no longer able to calm her, it was unknown if anyone would be able to stop her if she truly let loose her power.

Nevertheless, because Damien didn't know, seeing his mother get injured was something he simply couldn't stand.

His body twitched.

He was absolutely prepared to do something stupider than anything he'd done in his life before by challenging the group of Gods around him.

After all, his mother's situation was getting worse.

As if Malefice wasn't enough, another person appeared in the vicinity, another enemy.

He was the person who set up the video feed that sent information back to the hidden Principality. Now that it had been modified to work without being directly controlled, he was also joining the battle.

Damien knew who he was through devoured existences. Claire knew who he was through experience.

His name was Erwin Ellowyn. Right, Ellowyn.

He was, by bloodline at least, Claire's great-uncle.

However, that connection had been destroyed a long time ago. Back then, before the Ellowyn Clan that Claire formed was ever a thing and they were just a large family in the Southern Region with a decent amount of influence, he, along with her grandfather, were the ones who led it.Fiind updated novels at

They practiced Creation even at that time, but they kept their laws unknown to the public so they didn't cause too much havoc with their existence.

This was the tradition their family had upheld for generations. It wasn't just for others, but for themselves as well.

Hidden in the shadows, they were able to live peacefully and properly foster their gifts of creation.

Plus, they hid a secret only known to the Clan Patriarch that made it absolutely necessary for their existence to remain a secret.

There was never a problem. At least, before Erwin Ellowyn.

He had a different belief. He thought the clan's techniques needed to be broadcasted. Thinking about the status and benefits they could gain, he was overcome by greed.

As he clashed heads with the patriarch, he was slowly isolated from the power structure of the clan, practically abandoned.

That was when he lost all reasoning.

The battle was about to become entirely different.

However, Claire didn't stay to witness it.

The instant her enemies were occupied by her summons, she rushed away from the battlefield as fast as possible.

She could feel it boiling up inside of her, a malevolent darkness unlike anything else that existed in this world.

Claire had...a special body. In a sense, she herself could be considered a type of portal.

She was born with a mysterious connection to another world. That world was completely outside the Heavenly World and had no connection to either the True Void Universe or the Sacred Abyss Universe.

It was completely inhabited by beasts, all of whom were far superior to all those except this plane's Godbeasts. Through them, Claire was able to gain the inspiration to create the twelve summons she relied on most.

However, the connection didn't just give her access to them. It gave them access to her.

The ruler of those beasts, a shadowy behemoth whose only features Claire had seen were its crimson-red eyes, had taken a special interest in her.

It used her connection to invade her mind, corrupting her with her darkness.

It wanted control over her body. It wanted to use her to create a portal that connected it to this world.

But if it was only this much, then Dante would have been able to cure her with his own power.

The real problem was that world itself.

Its existence had been slowly transferred into Claire's. The two overlapped until Claire essentially became a vessel of that world.

And though that granted her access to talent far beyond even the most talented geniuses...

...being influenced by an unknown world didn't come without its negatives.

Claire's body became the vessel for a monster, a rogue World Core who'd suddenly gained a chance to live as a human.

And that World Core was not a gentle existence.

The dragon sealed her bloodlust.

The tiger sealed her power.

And the monkey sealed her madness.

These three seals had now been released. Those things she'd kept locked away now flooded her mind again.

And the Claire Ellowyn that Damien and others had come to know well...

...vanished entirely, replaced by a being of chaos.