Chapter 1591 Catch [1]

Name:Void Evolution System Author:
Chapter 1591 Catch [1]

Grand Duke Maveth never once approached the action.

He was the first to sense Damien, as he was the current strongest Noble. However, even then, he remained hidden behind countless walls as if he was the weakest.


Was it because his mind was better than his strength?


Maveth did have a great mind. He was able to create technological systems like the drones that blanketed the world in search for Damien after glimpsing similar technology in the True Void Universe.

The Sacred Abyss Universe didn't have anything of the sort as precedent, so Maveth could only be considered a genius.

Still, his strength was his best asset. Maveth trained from his youth as a warrior, not an intellectual. His mind was just an added plus, a talent he could use to further boost his true power.

But that left the question unanswered.

Why did Grand Duke Maveth seem to fear direct combat in this instance?

The truth was, he didn't.

Maveth was just like his peers. He had absolute confidence that he could defeat Damien if they fought in single combat.

He'd done it before, hadn't he?

Damien underestimated his pain amplification power, but that was because he didn't realize how fast things could get bad.

Maveth squared the pain. He didn't just double it. If he had hit Damien with even one more attack, perhaps he wouldn't have been able to find a way to escape.

His reason for staying back was different.

This wasn't battle. This wasn't a personal grudge. This wasn't something that required respect or emotion in any form.

This was a hunt for prey. It was the elimination of an anomaly, a process that was highly streamlined.

Damien had shown them too many mysteries. He was dangerous and cunning. If they didn't properly understand him before attacking, they would lose.

This had been proven over and over again.

First, he escaped them in the Heavenly World. Then, when he came to the Sacred Abyss, he humiliated them endlessly.

The Barons, Viscounts, Counts, and even Dukes were inconsequential.


'...I am the last remaining Grand Duke.'

Grand Duke Lance's life signature had already vanished, while the chaotic explosion still continued to rage.

As for Klaus...

Huge beams of orange chaotic energy splashed out of geysers that formed on the dark beast's shell.

At the same time, an ear-shattering bang rang out. Klaus managed to pierce the turtle's shell, creating a path to its fleshy inner body.

Unfortunately, his timing was off.


Those waves of chaos crashed down on his barrier like a tsunami. Instead of pursuing the opening he'd made, Klaus was forced to block with all of his power.



From the top and the bottom of the dark beast's body, a beam of pure white energy burst forth, slamming into the ground below and the sky above.

The dark beast was pierced by a Godly force. Its shell exploded along with its insides, leaving a gaping hole in its body that was big enough to house a nation.

'It's like an Achilles heel.'

Because every other part of its body had been fortified to the point where even Klaus could barely damage it, the body the beast hid inside of its shell was incredibly fragile.

The dark beast died, its body crashing to the ground and deepening the chasm it created by another margin.

Damien watched it from the sky, and...


He coughed out a mouthful of blood.






At this point, he was practically vomiting organs.

His face turned pale and his body wobbled in the sky. Soon enough, it looked like he couldn't take it anymore.

Damien started to fall, desperately reaching out.


His body crashed into the ground, but...

As it turned out, he'd managed to recall the corpse of the dark beast into his storage.

'But even with that, he is severely injured.'

It was too much for him to mess with Klaus' soul and then try to kill the dark beast. Even if he had incredible power, it was too much for him to think he was a real God.

'Ever since he got here...'

He'd been using trick after trick, evading everything even when he could've easily fought.

'He is not a coward.'

But he was aware of his limits.

That was Maveth's final assessment of Damien Void.

'He'll be going into hiding again now.'

Until he recuperated, Damien wouldn't show his face, and as had been proven over the past year, they wouldn't be able to find him.

Which meant...

'...we have to act now.'

No, there was no longer a "we."

Maveth had to end this himself and eliminate the anomaly while he had the chance.

He had to join the battle.