Chapter 1643 Gratitude [2]

Name:Void Evolution System Author:
Chapter 1643 Gratitude [2]

For the crowd, it really was an event to remember. The entire thing seemed to be plotted out well, keeping a sort of continuity that let them feel like they were really part of the action.

For the geniuses, on the other hand, it was a completely different experience.

They showed up, heard the horns, fought, and left.

At first, they were too focused. By the end, they were too weary to pay attention to anything else.

There was no closing ceremony. After all, they were all winners, so there wasn't much of a ceremony to hold.

They stood shoulder to shoulder and listened to the crowd for a few minutes before being ushered off through a door embedded in the side of the arena. It led to a place that visitors couldn't reach.

Only then were they allowed to relax.

August immediately collapsed against a nearby wall, creating water to drink.

It tasted like mana, but that was fine, since he didn't really mind it. Others usually felt awkward about drinking water they created.

"Damn! I wish we got to finish."

Valerie stood next to him. She hadn't been able to complain about their battle being cut short since they were in front of a crowd, but now that they were alone, she could truly let loose.

"I mean, I get that the battle had to end. Those two went overboard. But, still! They could've waited for a few more minutes, right?"

"That was never going to happen."

August wasn't the one talking.

At some point, the two in question had walked up to them and decided to join the conversation.

"You are...August Void, correct?" Lucas said, looking at him.

He was looking down since August was the only one seated, but his gaze didn't contain any notes of condescension.

If he was able to survive for so long against Valerie and even wound her a bit, then he was someone worth respecting.

Lucas nodded as he shook it.

"I look forward to seeing what you're capable of."

"That is indeed my name," August replied with a smile, holding his hand out.

Lucas nodded as he shook it.

"I look forward to seeing what you're capable of."

"You as well."

August and Ophelia exchanged similar greetings, though she was a bit more direct than the icy Lucas.

Her words were something along the lines of:

"Next round, you'll fight me. I want to see what you're made of."

...though, she didn't sound like she was being intentionally rude, so August didn't take it to heart.

The geniuses were being kept in this room. They were resting, sure, but they weren't allowed to leave.

It wasn't made clear yet why exactly this was the case, but since it was probably related to the heir wars, none of them made a fuss about it.

August sat and breathed calmly, focusing on that more than anything else while a conversation budded around him.

'These three...'

They were treating him kindly because they saw him as an equal.

A slight lull fell between them. August didn't really know what to talk about, considering their last interaction.

Melania, on the other hand, just needed a few moments to prepare herself.

Once she had, she immediately bowed a full ninety degrees in his direction.

"Thank you!"

She had been dying to say it.

"I'm really sorry for the way I acted back then. For you to still come back and give me don't understand how much that meant for me and my family."

She didn't want to bore him with her life story. She also wasn't trying to appeal to his pity by letting him know what she'd been through.

All Melania wanted was to convey her gratitude to him by any means possible.

"Even if you want me to serve you for life, I'll do it without hesitation. If you have anything you want, then please ask me without worry. I can't let a favor as big as this one go unrepaid."

August was shocked by her sincerity.

It came out of nowhere, especially when he considered his actions nothing more than a small act of kindness.

But Melania was serious. The look in her eyes told him that nothing could convince her otherwise.

He smiled somewhat helplessly.

"Actually, there is one thing I wanted."

"Really? What is it? I'll really do anything, as long as it's not...well, never mind."

August snickered a little. He didn't remember Melania being this jittery, but it was definitely fun seeing a side of her that acted more her age.

'Is this what Valerie was thinking when we met?'

He couldn't say he didn't understand the sentiment.

'Acting more my age...'

Maybe he could try it sometime.

But for now, there was something more important.

"The one thing I've wanted since you showed me kindness back about becoming friends?"

"Friends?" Melania echoed.

"Yeah. Friends and allies who support each other when things get difficult. That's what I want us to be."

Melania's eyes widened slightly.

Of all the requests she was expecting to hear, this was not one of them.

She couldn't help but smile.

"Friends, huh...?" she muttered.

"That doesn't sound too bad at all."

August returned her smile.

Yes, friends. That was all they were now.

But eventually, they would become allies who would conquer the world together.

And that...

That was August's one true wish.