Chapter 1747 Crown [4]

Name:Void Evolution System Author:
Chapter 1747 Crown [4]

Having Damien as a father, August had become more than used to being transported into separated realms.

His consciousness had been pulled into many spiritual realms to help him comprehend his law and strengthen his spiritual energy.

His body had been pulled into many hidden realms for different trials that gave him opportunities to adventure and train.

And illusions were something he'd become used to, as they were the best way to bring experiences into reality so he could experience them in a simulated environment.

His mind immediately recognized its spiritual state when he arrived in that place with rolling hills in the distance. Within the first second of being there, he already knew that his consciousness had been separated from his body.

With the preceding events painting an obvious picture, August could deduce that he was within a realm of the crown's creation.

He was only left to wonder what kind of trial he'd be facing here.

'It would be nice if I could get out soon.'

Regardless of how promising the situation outside looked when he left, he didn't want to leave his friends sitting in the cavern for too long. If Wilhelm or some of their other enemies appeared, the situation would become quite troublesome.

August immediately went to look around and learn something about his situation. It didn't take long for him to realize that he didn't have much space at all.

In fact, the hills in the background didn't actually exist. They were just created through illusions to extend the environment.

'If there's nothing here and the space is so small...' Geett the latest novels at

...then he had no choice but to wait.

August sat down where he was and closed his eyes. Meditation was never a bad thing. It wasn't as if he would be able to comprehend anything in this fake environment, but it was still a good way to pass the time.

August could indulge himself in thoughts or empty his mind completely, allowing the waves of reality to take them to whatever destination they sought.

This time, he didn't choose to think. He had been overworking his mind recently. Every decision he made had to be considered three or four times. In moments when he wanted to let his emotions take control, he was forced to take a step back and think about the greater good.

He couldn't do anything for himself in the situation he was in. It was frustrating at times, especially when he couldn't even confirm that the decisions he made with so much thought were actually the right ones.

'Is this the path I've chosen for myself?'

It was something he'd never taken the time to ponder.

The consequences of trying to be responsible for so many people when his experience level was nowhere near enough for him to have that kind of ability; he accepted them in theory long ago, but only after carrying out an operation concerning the lives of so many people did he experience the reality of those theoreticals.

Even back then, he was ancient and revered.

With a body spanning over a kilometer even in his smallest form, pitch-black scales with accents of red that screamed of destruction, blood-red eyes, horns that looked like a metallic crown with two sharp blades protruding from it, and those very telling patterned wings that had never been seen in another dragon, this man had an extremely telltale form for anyone who had heard his legacy.

August caught his breath and steadied himself. With a bow, he properly introduced himself.

"August Void, descendant of the Azure Dragon, greets the First Dragon Emperor."

[Haha, good manners. The Azure Dragon...indeed, I remember meeting such a character in the past. It is good that his bloodline has survived the tests of time.]

August smiled wryly. He wanted to tell the First Dragon Emperor that he wasn't quite correct, but he refrained.

Now wasn't the time for him to tell his life story. This being was far too noble to care about anything like that.

Rather, seeing him now, August could confirm that what Iridia told him was not a lie.

'The throne of the Dragon Emperor is more than just a position. It is deeply interconnected with the fate of the kingdom.'

Otherwise, there would be no need for someone like the First Dragon Emperor to contain a piece of his soul in the crown to meet future emperor candidates.

[You are well informed, child. If you wish to learn more, however, you must first pass my trial.]

August nodded with a grin.

"In the first place, I came here to take your trial."


The First Dragon Emperor extended his wings and flew into the air.

[Boy, your task is simple. Land one blow on my body. Once you have achieved this feat, I will tell you all that you wish to know.]

August's eyes narrowed.

'He'll tell me what I want to know, not acknowledge me as a successor.'

Then, there was some other condition he had to fulfill if he wanted that privilege.

August cracked his neck and stretched.

Landing a single hit on the First Dragon Emperor...

'How hard can it be?'