The importance of the guild station is self-evident, and the first one is particularly important. It is impossible for them to let out the heart of the city they have obtained. Dukang and longtengtianxia, the God of wine, also know this. What's more, at this time, the misty Pavilion is not short of funds, so they are not talking.

After a little meditation, Du Kang, the God of wine, said: "you can't give us the first city heart, Chengfeng girl, fireworks girl. But if you get the second city heart, can you give it to us?"

"Yes, if you do get the second one, uncle Dionysian and I can bid." Long Teng world road, he looked to break the waves and ride the wind: "after all, a gang to build a camp has been somewhat reluctant."

"This is not necessarily true. Now that we have sufficient funds, it is not impossible to build two residences at the same time. Didn't Dongfang family build two stations at the same time?" June flying snow whispered, her voice is growing louder: "if both of them are built, it means that they can make twice as much profit."

"You little girl, other people's heart is not enough to swallow the elephant." Du Kang, the God of wine, said with a smile: "even if brother Feng and brother Leng decide to invest, you will have a lot of pressure to build two stations at the same time. The most important thing is that you have so many troops stationed?"

"Yes, at the beginning, there were tens of millions of players in the Dongfang aristocratic family, guarding two cities. At that time, they were the first guilds worthy of our country, and there were few guilds in China who dared to provoke them." Long Teng Tianxia took over the words: "there are no internal worries, but when resisting foreign invasion, they are still under great pressure. Even a residence is destroyed and occupied by foreigners. Although it is finally robbed back, it also suffers heavy losses. The huge funds invested in the construction of the site have not even been recovered."

"Hey, Feixue is just talking. We are not going to build two stations at the same time." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at Du Kang, the God of wine, and others: "uncle, the first heart of the city is obtained through the guild war, and the second one doesn't know how to get it. There are so many guilds in the game, the probability that we can get it again is very small"

"as I said earlier, if you get it, you can give it to us, and if you don't, it will be fine." Du Kang, the God of wine, emphasized it, and then he said to himself, "but you misty Pavilion is now in the forefront of the game. Even 10 of the first 11 five turn players are your people, so you have a lot of chances to receive the task of rewarding the heart of the city."

"Haha, it's just a fluke. I accidentally completed a large-scale mainline task." Breaking the waves and riding the wind modestly, but the latter half of her words did not mean half modesty.

"You girl." Dukang, the God of wine, laughed and scolded: "it's settled that if you get the heart of the second city, then give it to us. I'll compete with Longteng boy fairly."

"Uncle Dionysian, the capital of our dragon family is slightly stronger than that of your wine family. You don't have much chance to compete fairly." Long Jieyu is half joking and half serious.

"Hey, Chengfeng girls, they don't attach much importance to capital now, but things that can improve their strength as soon as possible. We don't necessarily lag behind you in this regard." Du Kang, the God of wine, said with a smile. After leaving this sentence, he continued to chat with FengChen and Lengshuang.

"At this point, our dragon family is not bad." The tone of Longjie is Du Du Dao.

Next, Long Teng Tianxia chats with the people who invite the moon to raise their glasses, while those who break the waves and ride the wind discuss the affairs of the guild's residence.

"I won't elaborate on the importance of the camp. Now I want to think about how to win the heart of the first city." Fireworks easy cold way, always indifferent her tone also some dignified: "although only 200000 people's Guild war is very beneficial to us, but also can't be careless, after all, the number of other guild players is large, they can gather the most elite players together, such strength can not be underestimated."

"Don't worry about that. We have never underestimated others." After returning from the kitchen, I sat on the piano for a while.

"Yes, with fireworks, we can't make such a low-level mistake." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was a little excited: "Hey, what we need to do next is to win the first place in the gang war as much as possible and win the heart of the city. Do you think there is any good way?"

"How else can we improve our strength as much as possible and further expand our advantages?" The snow in June is very casual.

"Feixue, what you said is similar to what you didn't say. What's the specific method?" Black and white chess way, she looked at the public: "I feel that we should collect some hidden professional scrolls. We have not many hidden professional players in the misty Pavilion. The strength of hidden professional players is much stronger than that of ordinary classes."

Yes, although the game has been open for half a year, and there are some dual classes, but the number of hidden professional players in the misty Pavilion is not too many, only 1 or 200, which is very small compared with the number of 200000 players.

"Well, the output of a hidden class is almost equal to that of two ordinary players. If we have more hidden classes, our overall strength will be greatly enhanced." Samadhi said, she looked at the book in the middle of the night: "the game has been open for a little half a year, the price of hidden professional scrolls has plummeted. We have sufficient funds now, and our relationship with the commercial alliance is not bad. If you want to buy some books from the commercial alliance, there should be no problem?""Well, we can't get more. We can't get dozens of them." In the middle of the night, books are full of complacent tunnels.

"No accident, after knowing that the guild system is about to open and how to win the heart of the first city, the major guilds will take action, and they will also buy hidden career scrolls." Fireworks easy cold way, she looked at the book in the middle of the night: "so we need to take action at the first time, little book, you can contact business people now, order some, the more the better, you can use [dragon scale saddle] or subdue the devil suit as bait at the critical moment."

The attribute of dragon scale saddle is too strong. If this kind of thing comes out, it will surely be valuable without market. If there are some in the business alliance, it will surely make a lot of money. Businessmen attach great importance to interests, and use this kind of thing as bait. I believe that the chamber of Commerce will make great concessions in business.

As for the value of the demon subduing suit, let alone that it can greatly enhance the strength of a guild. The current value is even higher than the dragon scale saddle.

He has been in contact with business and trade for a period of time. He is as smart as midnight and knows how to use resources. He laughs: "sister fireworks, don't worry, give it to me, and you will be satisfied."

Finish saying that, in the middle of the night book went to contact business.

"In addition to buying some hidden professional scrolls, the other is to kill boss explosion." Samadhi says that she looks at Ye Luo and breaks the waves and rides the wind: "after the Spring Festival, ye Luo and Feng Jie had better act alone. It's good news for us to explore deeper terrain or meet boss."

"OK, I'll go when I get ray to the right level." Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded, and ye Luo had no objection, after all, he had planned to do so.

"The next step is to help others do the level 5 Guild test task." At this point, samadhi's lips sparked a smile: "the guild station is very important, but now there are not many level 5 guilds in the game of skyscraper. I think there will be many people asking us to help. Then we will propose to hide professional scrolls and equip props, which can enhance our strength. I think there will be a lot of harvest."

Hearing the speech, everyone's eyes brightened. They had gained a lot from helping people do level 5 Guild trial tasks. Now the guild's resident system is about to open, and their harvest will undoubtedly be greater.

Thinking of these, people are looking forward to returning to the game early.

"In addition to these, we also said earlier that we should try our best to obtain materials for making [dragon scale saddle], which can greatly improve the strength of our cavalry." Samadhi continued, her tone full of expectation: "if we can get some, even if it is only hundreds or thousands of pieces, we have the strength to reverse the situation, let alone our strength is very strong."

"Leave Ye Luo and yue'er with the task of finding manufacturing materials. When Sister Feng and I can ride the dragon, we can also help." "As I said earlier, it will take some time for the guild system to open, and it will take some time to participate in the guild war, so there is still a chance to gather materials."

"Of course, even if it's not for the sake of collecting materials, they need to explore the map in depth." The fireworks are easy to be cold.

"Yes, it's best for Yueer and yeluo to do it." Black and white nodded.

"In addition to these, we can also step up the fight against skeleton dragon commander." Fireworks easy cold way, she looked at the crowd: "also said earlier, to participate in the gang war to win the heart of the city will take some time, at that time, some of our misty Pavilion will reach 200 level, equipped with dragon Shuai suit, their strength will be improved a lot, which is also one of our great advantages."

The overall attribute of the long Shuai suit is not less than that of the demon subduing suit. If equipped with such a suit, then the overall strength of the player in the misty Pavilion will be greatly improved than that of other guild players, so that the possibility of winning the first place in the guild war will be greater.

"Hey, don't worry, give it to me. After the game is opened, I will go with Yixiao Hongchen and others to kill the skeleton dragon commander in the land of keel." The black and white chess way, and then thought of something, she looked at June flying snow: "the magician's output of skeleton dragon commander is higher, then Feixue will transfer me some ice cavalry, with exclusive mount, their output is much stronger than nightmare cavalry."

"Well, well, that should be enough." June snow nodded.

"Hey, uncle Dionysian is chatting with the old man, and Long Teng is drinking to the moon. They have no intention of preparing in advance." Breaking the waves and riding the wind with a strange smile: "in this way, our advantages will be greater."

"Sister Feng, they are bewitching you and me. Although uncle Dionysian and dragon Teng have no action in the world, their daughter Hong and dragon Jieyu are acting. They are frequently contacting others." Samadhi poetry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!