Waking up as Cinderella's Stepsister - Chapter 1

When I first woke up here, I thought, why am I lying in a themed hotel room?

I don't even sleep in such cumbersome pajamas, and in 21st century Korea, there are no other places other than hotels where you can see medieval interiors like this.

Did I drink so much that I lost consciousness?

Then maybe a one night stand?

I've never had a one-night stand, but there was no other way to explain it, so I had no choice but to look around with a puzzled face.

Wearing the wrong clothes could only be interpreted as meaning that someone had taken off my clothes and changed them.

But I was the only one lying on the spacious bed. There was no such man with a wide back of a man with tight muscles over his raised eyelids.

Maybe he already left?

I was caught in anger and snorted. I was exhausted from working overtime for three straight days, and as soon as I got home, I immediately collapsed and fell asleep. No matter how much I thought about it, I didn’t remember drinking alcohol.

So then what happened?

I had no idea what had happened, so I laid down and blinked, but the door quietly opened with a knock.

‘It’s time for you to get up.’

The woman who opened the door was a blonde foreigner. Her fist-sized face was so pretty as an angel and she was wearing a dress.

I hope she's not a real angel.

Although I only thought it was a joke at first, the corners of my mouth soon hardened. It was because I had led a life that would not be strange even if I died from overwork.

While it would make sense if there was a grim reaper wearing a black hat, there was no way that a blonde angel would appear to me as a Korean. I shook my head to and fro, but nothing came to mind.

As I continued to linger in bed, she looked at me curiously and motioned for me to get up.