Waking up as Cinderella's Stepsister - Chapter 6.4

My closed eyelids trembled at the soft and warm sensation of bare skin. In between sweet sighs, he poured out a breathtaking kiss.

As he was about to take off my clothes with our lips overlapped, he saw the tightly crossed laces and groaned.

I laughed and shook my shoulders at his cute appearance, but I had to tense up at the end of his patience as he untied all the laces. The blue eyes staring at me were full of burning desire.


The clothes that were hanging from my shoulder grazed my side and fell over my waist. Even the chemise I was wearing underneath was removed, and I felt a chill as my upper body was exposed.

He touched my neck and shoulder with his big hand, and he bowed his head and kissed me, and then stroked the tip of my chin and collarbone with his teeth.

Licking my collarbone with the tip of his tongue, he lowered his lips to the raised nipple. He opened his mouth and suddenly swallowed my breast, sucking it straight as if he was inhaling nectar, then rolled the upright nipple with his tongue.

“Ah, haa.”

I twisted my body as I exhaled continuously at the itchy yet thrilling sensation.

With one of my breasts in his mouth, he rubbed my other soft breast. The bouncy, buoyant breast was twisted as he massaged them.

His movements were careful, but his palms, which had been forged with weapons for a long time, were rough and hard. I rather liked the rough feeling, so I bent my back and responded to him.

“How can human skin be so soft?”

Mumbling, he then moved over to my flat stomach and licked me all over with his tongue. It was like a puppy in front of a delicious snack who was savoring it little by little, because he wanted to eat it sparingly.

I wanted to do something for him instead of just enjoying it myself.

But I just tightened my arms that was holding his neck. Since I was a aristocratic young lady, I couldn’t go around yelling, 'Now, take off the rest of my skirt and come inside me!'

His head, which gradually went downward, went down to the area around the navel. After a moment's hesitation, he abruptly tucked his head into my skirt.


My body, which was half-sitting on the bed, bounced back. It was because his tongue suddenly invaded the inside of my thigh.

It was only his finger going in, but my bottom was stiff.

Squelch. Squelch.

His finger moved with a wet noise. As his finger, which had been repeatedly moving back and forth, increased to two, my back shook with an unbearable pleasure.

As seen at the ball, the rich skirt that spread under the pelvis swayed at will.

“Ah, haa.”

Even if I tried not to make a sound, a provocative moan kept leaking out. When he flicked the sensitive bud with his tongue, my eyes quickly turned white.

Suddenly, his lips feel off and my skirt swelled up quickly. A rustling sound was heard, and the pants he was wearing fell to the floor of the bed.

At the same time, he slipped out of my skirt. He looked at me with his upper body upright while sitting perfectly naked.


Seeing his roaring alter ego, I swallowed a gulp.