Chapter 2057 The Timescape Of An Immortal

Name:Walker Of The Worlds Author:
Chapter 2057 The Timescape Of An Immortal

2057 The Timescape Of An Immortal

Lady Kang's words were surprising for Lin Mu.

'Six thousand years... She's already been leading her branch for that long.' Lin Mu found it quite impressive. 'She said her branch only started to rise again about ten thousand years ago and considering how long she's been leading it, more than half the effort has been done by her.' He realized.

It just showed how much work Lady Kang had put into all this. This also reflected in her cultivation base as she was at the Sixth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm. 'If she took charge back then, she must have already been cultivating for quite some time before that.' Lin Mu reckoned.

He didn't know how old Lady Kang was, but considering the fact that one would have to be a strong immortal to be able to lead the branch, Lin Mu guessed that she might already be at least a couple thousand years old by the time she became a branch head.

Of course, Lin Mu didn't know what her cultivation base was back then, but considering her current state, he wondered if her cultivation had actually been slowed down.

While Lin Mu thought all this, the gaze of the woman didn't move from him which brought him back.

"Six thousand years is quite some time. It's impressive you've managed to accomplish this much." Lin Mu replied to her. "Managing your clan and the Auction house while also cultivating does not seem easy." He added.

"Ah yes... it is a flaw one has to accept once they take on a position of authority." Lady Kang said with a hint of melancholy in her eyes. "Still, for you to reach the Sixth Tribulation Stage of the Immortal realm in this time. I suppose your talent is about the same as Crown Prince Feng Shun." Lin Mu guessed.

"Haha, no." Lady Kang shook her head. "Crown Prince Feng Shun is a lot more talented. He started cultivating after me and yet managed to reach the Sixth Tribulation Stage in that time." She revealed.

Hearing that basically gave confirmation to Lin Mu that Lady Kang was even older than the Crown Prince.

"I see..." Lin Mu responded, knowing there wasn't much more he could say here.


"Anyways, I'll have to get things in order after we are done with the expedition." Lady Kang replied. "You will have to come to my world for that." She added.

"Hmm... I have a few things I need to do before that." Lin Mu said. "I've promised a few people I'll be visiting them first." He added.

"Where are you heading to first?" Lady Kang asked.

"I'll be heading to the Silent Lotus World with Monk Hushu." Lin Mu replied. "After that, I'll probably be in seclusion for a bit."

"I see, that'll work." Lady Kang replied. "It'll take me some time to process everything, so you can finish up what you want to do in the Silent Lotus World first." But by the time she said this, she saw a strange look on Lin Mu's face.

"What is it?" Lady Kang asked.

"The seclusion will last a hundred years at least," Lin Mu answered, knowing that it was probably best to activate the Well of Slumber after the expedition was over.

"I'll be heading to my room. You can contact me if you need something." He said before leaving.

Lin Mu found most of the corridors to be empty, showing that most of the people had returned to their rooms as well.

"Two hundred years, huh... things are getting faster and slower at the same time." Lin Mu muttered to himself as he stood in front of his room.


He opened the door and entered, glancing at the empty bed. He sat down on it cross legged before taking a deep breath.


"Time to organize all this mess." Lin Mu said before directly entering his ring.


He reappeared inside the endless expanse of the ring, where silvery streaks of Spatial Energy flew around. A tall pillar of glowing light could be seen in front of him, which was none other than the altar located in the center of the ring.

It had changed once Lin Mu had obtained the second ring, but the altar had not done anything new after that.

'After getting the Murdering Heart Sutra, the Altar has been silent. And neither has it given me any new spatial skills.' Lin Mu thought to himself. 'Perhaps there are no more spatial skills for it to give me.' He wondered.

He knew there were more Sutras, and that he would only get them when he satisfied certain conditions. But the Spatial Skills seemed to have stopped at five. "Or maybe... does it want me to learn new ones on my own?" Lin Mu muttered to himself. ~Sigh~

"It doesn't matter... I have plenty of time for it." Lin Mu said, before waving his hands.


It caused waves to spread in the ring's space and summoned all the items that were stored inside it.

Usually they were spread around when Lin Mu stored them and there was no order to where they were kept, unless Lin Mu specifically placed them somewhere.

This was also why he didn't know how many things he actually had in the ring.

"How do I do this now?" Lin Mu scratched his head as he glanced at the literal mountains of items in front of him.

There were things he had gotten back in the Xiaofan world mixed with the things he had gotten here in the Rust Sky World.

"Perhaps I should separate them into two broad categories... Mortal and Immortal." Lin Mu finally knew where to start.

Chapter is fixed now