Chapter 2176 A Massive Plane

Name:Walker Of The Worlds Author:
Chapter 2176 A Massive Plane

It had been about forty minutes since the group had entered the void. By now, Daoist Chu's barrier along with the vines made by Ziran and Crown Princess Shang were still intact and were enduring the impact from the debris.

On the other hand, the defenses cast by Elder Hu and Min Ju had now ended due to being exhausted by the death aura. But they still had Crown Prince Feng Shun and Monk Hushu's defenses to go through, so they didn't mind it.

In a way the work was divided into two. One group took care of the physical defenses against the debris and items on the way to the spatial plane, while the other group took care of the Death Aura that threatened to corrode and consume everything.

Lady Kang's energy was being spent in powering the compass that was showing the path. Lin Mu who was observing everything could tell that Lady Kang's immortal Qi was being consumed quite rapidly.

'She's already exhausted at least five percent of her Immortal Qi stores in this time.' Lin Mu estimated.

It was a large amount, considering the fact that Lady Kang had managed to increase her immortal Qi stores earlier. If they kept up such a consumption, Lady Kang would at least be half drained by the time they reached it.

'I still can't see the end of the path.' Lin Mu furrowed his brows.

To him, the death aura was too thick and obscuring his spatial perception. He could somewhat spot the Spatial Plane behind it due to the gaps that appeared from time to time, but it only felt far.

It was like looking at a mountain in the horizon.

Even if one walked for hours, the mountain seemingly stayed the same size. This only meant that the distance was massive and that they needed longer time to cover it.


And after the two door gods seemingly faded away, the Golden Vajra Figure took over the work.

Its figured manifested above the cage and radiated a bright light that purged the Death Aura that came in their way. It was like one was using an erased on a sheet of graphite.

The power of lightning was highly destructive, especially one that was being used by someone as strong as Crown Prince, that too with a top grade immortal cultivation technique.


"We can speed up this way." Qiao De could control the cage a lot better sine he didn't need to be slowed down by the debris.

The debris was destroyed before it even came in their path and thus they could travel at the speed of wind. The death aura couldn't come close either and the cage was a glowing comet tearing through thee darkness.

Minute after minute passed as the group flew through the void.

An entire three hours had passed after the last barrier was destroyed when Lin Mu finally sensed that they were close to the destination.

"I can see it now!" Lin Mu said squinting his eyes. The death aura was still obscuring the path, but it had a lot more gaps for Lin Mu to peek through. "How are you holding up?" Ziran asked Crown Prince. "I can take it, no problem." Crown Prince Feng Shun replied. "Since we split the effort, I can take this stretch of the journey." He assured.

If he had to do the entire journey alone, even the Crown Prince did not have the confidence to last that long. Even if he had used Qi restoring pills the entire time, he still would have been drained out.

Not to mention, focusing on a skill like this through the death aura still took a toll on one's mind.

Another half an hour passed, before Lin Mu finally sensed the boundary of the Spatial Plane.

"We're here!" Lin Mu exclaimed.

"Let me clear the view." Crown Prince Feng Shun gathered his power for one last push. His hands glowed in a purple light before he released a pulse of lightning.


It spread in a circle all around the cage and burst through the last cloud of Death Aura. With the aura being cleared, they could now see the massive spatial plane ahead of them.

The ends of the plane could simply not be seen and stretched to the ends of the horizon. Only when they looked back did they realized that they could see the void.