Chapter 2231 Systematic Work

Name:Walker Of The Worlds Author:
Chapter 2231 Systematic Work

Lin Mu and the rest all watched Lady Kang and Elder Hu's hands, waiting to see what points they would get. Visitt novelbin(.)co/m for the latest updates


But much to their surprise, only Lady Kang's band lit up.

"One hundred increased." Lady Kang spoke.

"None for me." Elder Hu added.


"Looks like this is indeed going to be a bit bothersome." Crown Prince Feng Shun shook his head.

"It only grants credits to those that get the final hit." Ziran understood.

"It's not all bad." Lin Mu thought more of it. "At least it gives us a method to 'distribute' the points for all of our gains." He added.

"All we need now is to work together to weaken the stronger foes, and let the right person get the final kill." Monk Hushu spoke. "Amitabha, our trust is good enough that we do not need to worry about foul play here, at least." He added.

"True." Crown Princess Shang agreed. "It's much better than some of our missions." She said with a frown.

"Ugh... I almost never want to work with the other trainees at the Immortal Court on large scale missions because of it too." Daoist Chu shook his head.

Lin Mu looked at them, feeling curious about what that was all about. Crown Prince knew what Lin Mu was thinking and gave him a quick rundown.

"Well, the reason why Crown Princess Shang, Monk Hushu and Daoist Chu are in a group with me is because we've never had problems with each other and have a stable relationship. This took us a long time to achieve as all the others we've worked with have not been the most 'ideal' to work with. While I wouldn't say I've been betrayed, but trickery was not uncommon for gains." Crown Prince Feng Shun explained.

"Yeah, and as part of our training at the Immortal Court, we cannot even reject those missions." Crown Princess Shang said with a tired expression.

"Can't you complain about that?" Lin Mu asked. "I don't think the Immortal Court would be blind to acts like that, would they?" "We can, but only for major infractions. The way these other trainees do is things that can be considered under an honest mistake or have a plausible deniability. So it's rare to be able to complain unless they make a big enough mistake." Crown Prince Feng Shun explained.

"The Immortal Court also wishes to temper us to learn how to deal with people like those and either control them to behave or bend to them. It is up to us how we grow through it." Monk Hushu added.

"No wonder you keep on getting the highest merits in most missions." Crown Princess Shang rolled her eyes.

"They won't be that far... I think." Monk Hushu said, as he was the one who had recorded the Chimeric beasts here.


All of them extended their Immortal Senses in search of the traces of the Chimeric Beasts. They couldn't spot them in the field of their vision, but there was a chance their aura would still be lingering, which would be found by their Immortal sense.

And after about a minute of searching, Ziran was the one to find them.

"Got em," Ziran said, turning southwest. "They seem to have run over there." He pointed.


The group quickly flew over and about ten minutes later, spotted the dark line in the distance.

"Theres the new Death Qi boundary." They saw. "And the Chimeric Beasts are on the other side." They observed.

The Death Qi boundary near them was thick, thus the Auroch Chimeric Beasts had chosen to go to the most distant part where the Death Qi Boundary was thinner and would allow them to leave soon enough.

Of course, to the group, the Death Qi boundary's working was already known and they simply flew over it.

"Who want's to take this one?" Lin Mu asked.

"Crown Prince Feng Shun can go on first. We'll rotate one by one and assist when needed." Lady Kang suggested a more systematic option.

"That's acceptable." Crown Prince Feng Shun nodded and dived at the swarm.


Winds swirled around him and got faster by the second. And by the time he was a mere hundred meters from the swarm, the winds had already turned into sharp blades that were spinning like a grinder.

"Storm King Immortal Art: Shredding Twister!" Crown Prince Feng Shun chanted and finally landed in the swarm.


Only the Auroch Chimeric Beasts that were on the edge of the swarm even got to cry out as the rest were shredded into chunks of flesh before that. The sharp winds were formed from Wind Immortal Qi and held quite a lot of power, especially considering that this was a Sixth Tribulation Stage Immortal using it. The Storm King Immortal Art was also one of the best immortal cultivation techniques one could have, thus its power was quite high.

There were about hundred thousand Auroch Chimeric beasts in this small swarm and it was mostly composed of first and Second Tribulation Stage Immortal Realm Chimeric beasts with a little under hundred Third Tribulation Stage Immortal Realm Chimeric Beasts mixed in.

By the time the Crown Prince was done with the hunt, he was up by quite a lot of credits.