Chapter 2290 Finding A Vulnerability

Name:Walker Of The Worlds Author:
Chapter 2290 Finding A Vulnerability

The toughness of the roots was unbelievable to the group. Vissit novelbin(.) for updates

Though they didn't stop their efforts right away.

"Let me try." Crown Prince Feng Shun said as spars started to cover his hands.


The sparks soon turned into arcs of lightning that filled the area with buzzing sounds. A terrifying amount of power flowed from Crown Prince Feng Shun, causing the very air to tremble. The sheer amount of Immortal Qi fluctuation coming from him were alarming and the walls were starting to tremble.

The dust in the air started to stick to the ground and the walls due to the static charge being deployed. Everyone in the group took a step back, knowing that it won't be good to be close for this skill similar to Lin Mu.

Crown Prince Feng Shun gripped air, as if he was holding something, causing the lightning to condense. It soon turned into a long spear that had a jagged blade, as if it were a lighting bolt!

"Storm King Immortal Arts: Grand Bolt!" Crown Prince Feng Shun chanted before throwing it at the roots.


The Thunderbolt shaped spear traveled at the speed of lightning and struck the roots, causing the air to twist.


Then in the next fraction of a moment, a giant explosion was heard, as a blinding white light was released. A massive amount of Lightning Elemental immortal Qi fluctuations filled the air, causing the hair on everyone's bodies to stand up.

Little Shrubby who was in his smaller form, turned into a large fur ball due to it.

Though the explosion settled down, just as fast as it had happened. Only the smell of ozone was left in the air now, even the stench of Death Qi being burned away with the power of lightning.


Crown Prince Feng Shun waved his hand, clearing the smoke out and allowing everyone to see.

"It really is Unbreakable..." Crown Prince Feng Shun muttered.

"I see... So now we just have to look for the Fruiting Bodies," Lin Mu muttered. "I suppose that will be easy as long as we go along the roots." "Possibly." Xukong replied. "But there's always a chance the Chimera Plant would have started to divide and spread its shoots further than its initial location." He clarified.

"So the Chimera Plant can multiply in numbers?" Lin Mu frowned.

"It very well can. It is designed to be as hardy and fecund as possible after all." Xukong confirmed.

"Great..." Lin Mu let out a sign. "So we'll just have to find the Fruiting bodies before it spread too much."

"Yes. But as long as you've found a set of roots, you'll also be able to find the Fruiting Bodies. And since the Chimeric Beasts are produced by the Fruiting Bodies, you can also tract them down through the movements of the Chimeric Beasts themselves.

There will be a high population of them around a Fruiting Body." Xukong explained. "Though this won't be permanent, so you will have to be fast once you discover clusters of Chimeric Beasts the Fruiting Body will eventually close and move somewhere else to better spread the beasts." He added.

"I'll keep that in mind." Lin Mu said before thinking of possible ways they could track down the Fruiting Bodies. 'I suppose we need to first take a look at what a Fruiting Body is like... Once we know that, we'll have a better idea on how to find more of them.' He thought before looking at the group.


He took a minute to organize his thoughts and spoke.

"I have a method that might just work." Lin Mu said before explaining all that Xukong had told him.

"Hmm... So its strength is also its weakness... Quite poetic." Ziran said, stroking his chin in interest.

"This is good. If it's a Fruiting Body, then it should be above ground and as such easier to spot from the sky." Crown Princess Shang spoke, comparing it with the plants that she knew about. "Plus, I think Daoist Mu Lin and Daoist Chu can whip up something that can track large numbers of Chimeric Beasts, can't you?" she smirked.

"I can, yes." Lin Mu nodded his head. "As long as we can narrow down on an Energy Signature for the Chimeric beasts, it'll work." Daoist Chu could already think of several formation arrays that were made for things like this.

"Amithabha, then we should haste." Monk Hushu spoke up. "It is not good to let foul creations like these to exist for too long." "I agree." Elder Hu nodded his head. "The longer it takes us, the more the Chimera Plant will spread."

"It's only been a year, and it has grown to this extent. There might be a chance it has already spread." Qiao De was concerned about the time they had been forced to isolate. "It'll be fine." Crown Prince Feng Shun stated. "At most, we'll have to spend a couple years more in this trial. But that just means we get more opportunities to gather the credits." He said with confidence.

"That's true." Lady Kang said, having a few more ideas. "If we eliminate most of them except for a single Chimeric Plant, we might just be able to 'farm' the Credits." She suggested.

"With a few precautions and arrays to isolate the plant... I suppose that can be done." Daoist Chu thought about the viability of the plan.

"I do not know if we should tempt fate with something like that." Monk Hushu was not convinced about that though. "It is not wise to play with foul creations such as this."