Chapter 32:

After half a day of advancing smoothly through the water, the ferry arrived at a small island.

The sight that greeted the disembarked passengers was somewhat surreal.

Standing majestically at a distance were two different giant spires. At the top of each spire, there were statues of a benevolent-looking goddess, holding bouquets of daisies in their hands, and a large bell, clearly visible from afar.

The buildings lining the paved path leading to the spires were neatly aligned and well-painted, exuding a sense of unity.

Ruon raised an eyebrow as he observed the scene from afar.

‘This could pass for a small city, couldn’t it?’

As the group proceeded towards what appeared to be a checkpoint, an unexpressive soldier was addressing the crowd in a booming voice.

“Non-believers are not allowed entry to the Grand Church. If you’re here for pilgrimage, head over to that building.”

He pointed to a smaller structure that seemed to be a miniature version of the distant twin spires.

As most people quietly followed the instructions and walked in that direction, all that remained at the gate were a few knights and priests who he had seen on the ship.

Recognised by the soldiers, they all walked through the gates without resistance. Eventually, only Ruon, Igor, and Becky remained.

While Ruon contemplated whether he should plainly show the Holy Sword, Igor handed over a neatly rolled piece of old parchment to the soldier.

“I am Igor, and I have been officially appointed to the Grand Church with a recommendation from Priest Jonathan. This is an official document stamped with the seal of the Church.”

The soldier carefully examined the parchment and nodded slowly.

“Welcome, brethren. You may pass.”

Igor then pointed at Ruon and Becky, adding, “This person does not yet hold any position related to the church, but he is a warrior entrusted with a sacred relic by the Goddess. And this woman is-“

Before Igor could continue, another soldier rushed over and whispered something quietly into the ear of the one standing before the group.

Though it was meant to be a hushed whisper, Ruon’s acute hearing caught the words clearly.

“The High Priestess has ordered us to welcome these three individuals.”


‘They knew I was coming?’

Ruon frowned as the soldiers led the way.

It wasn’t exactly a pleasant feeling to know that someone was monitoring his movements.

Whether it was the High Priestess or Tibella herself.

At that moment, Igor whispered softly.

“Ruon-sama, where do you think we’re going?”

They were moving away from the twin spires and taking a remote path, which seemed to confuse him.

Ruon was also curious about that, but since there was no sign of deceit in the soldiers’ faces, he shrugged and replied.

“It seems like someone you admire is looking for us.”


Meanwhile, the group arrived in front of a mansion.

The tall iron gates of the mansion were wide open on both sides, making their existence seem almost meaningless.

‘Could it be because of these flowers?’

Ruon glanced at the pale pink daisies adorning the path where the gate opened and closed.

He had never imagined that a mansion would leave its gate open for fear of wilting flowers, so he couldn’t help but wonder if the High Priestess had a soft heart.

As he was contemplating, a soft-spoken young woman emerged from behind the door and addressed the soldiers.

“You’ve worked hard. You may leave now.”

The soldiers, who had been guiding the group, nodded briefly and returned the way they came.

‘Is that her?’

Under Ruon’s gaze, she smiled gently and extended her arm toward the mansion’s interior.

“Please come this way.”

On a serene path lined with patterned stone benches, the group followed the woman into what seemed like the mansion’s garden.

Raising her voice, the woman announced, “The guests have arrived.”

[Confront countless monsters, demons, and legends, and complete your story.]

Ruon had a vague understanding of the true meaning behind that sentence. This damn game was asking him to accomplish some sort of grand feat.

The end of this journey was still unknown, but one thing was certain. There was no entity greater than Belducias to be offered as a sacrifice.

However, regardless of his determination, Ruon lacked the ability to pursue Belducias. Therefore, he had no choice but to seek help from the Tibella’s Grand Church.

In a sense, it was the natural choice.

After all, his involvement with Belducias began with the purification of the Tibella Monastery, and what he held in his hands was the Holy Sword that devoured the power of demons.


Understanding the implications of his statement, both Igor and Becky gulped as they alternated their gazes between Ruon and the High Priestess.

Then, the High Priestess spoke slowly.

“You’re talking about this entity that everyone fears like it’s merely a fox in the mountains.”

‘Did it sound like that?’

Ruon half-jokingly replied.

“As Tibella’s champion, I should be at least that strong, shouldn’t I?”

In response, the High Priestess slowly nodded her head.

“As you must know best, you are not Tibella’s champion. Mother didn’t gift you that sword with those intentions.”

Surprised by her unexpected words, Ruon stared directly at the High Priestess and spoke.

“I’ve always wondered why I received such an extravagant gift for what little I accomplished. Why did Tibella give me this sword?”

The High Priestess responded.

“Warrior, even before you dealt with the demons’ minions, Mother had been watching over you. And it’s not just her.”


Ruon raised an eyebrow. Meanwhile, she continued.

“The beings who watch over us along with Mother have a great interest in your journey.”

Even without explicitly mentioning them, it was obvious who those beings were. If they were situated near Tibella, they must be the Seven Ancient Gods.

Upon realizing that the gods were taking an unexpected interest in him, Ruon frowned.

“Am I just a puppet on their stage?”

“Well, not exactly... It’s more like a new...”

As she spoke further, the High Priestess suddenly paused.

“Never mind, I may have gone too far. Please forget what I said.”

Saying so, she reached her wrinkled hand towards the sword on the table and closed her eyes as if to soften the atmosphere.

After a moment of silence, she opened her eyes and continued.

“If you follow the power this sword consumes, you will eventually reach the proximity of that Great Demon. It acts as a kind of compass.”

Ruon raised an eyebrow at her vague statement.

“How do I do that...”

He was about to say that he didn’t know, but he held back his words.

Holy Power.

A few days ago, he had gained a new ability through leveling up, which could help enhance the Holy Sword’s power even further.

The High Priestess smiled gently.

“The sword has been telling you that from the beginning. You just didn’t realize it. But you can’t wait forever, can you?

“Warrior, I will look for someone who can help you. There are many exceptional paladins and priests who can provide you with guidance.”

Ruon turned his head silently in response to her words to find Igor, fiddling with his fingers while listening to the conversation.

Ruon smirked.

“Since we’ve already been traveling together, join me.”

“But I’ve just arrived...”