Chapter 110:

Chapter 110

The wind stopped.

The moment all the air currents in the area converged into the womans hand, Ruon had pulled the invisible bowstring to the limit.

He would be lying if he said he didnt hesitate.

The target he aimed at was once his friend, who ate, slept, and fought with him. But he pushed aside his brief hesitation and released the bowstring.

As the huge arrow of light flew straight ahead, a lightning bolt came from afar and joined it harshly.

The moment the two projectiles reached the womans head in an instant.

Darkness erupted.

The darkness swallowed the light and the lightning in a flash and expanded, then flew at an incredible speed and hit the front wall roughly. All this happened in the blink of an eye.

A shockwave that matched the unimaginable explosion swept the surroundings.

Ruon braced himself against the pushing force and grabbed the arm of a nameless soldier who fell back.

As the storm subsided, he saw part of the wall that was hit by the spell crumble literally. The pale smoke rose wildly from the debris that poured down.

Are you okay

Ruon turned his head to check on the soldier and his face hardened. He was lucky to avoid falling to his death, but the soldier was in a ragged state from the flying debris.

He laid down the dead man on the ground and heard someone scream from afar.

The wall-its collapsed-!

But the desperate cry was drowned out by the huge roar that came from beyond the fog.


Countless barbarians appeared from behind the collapsed wall and rushed in like a furious herd of bulls.

They swung their weapons wildly, as if they wanted to vent all their pent-up anger.


The first ones to fall were the soldiers who couldnt recover from the impact of the fall. Those who were unlucky enough to be near the collapsed wall and its vicinity lost their lives without putting up much resistance.

The fight began like that.

A barbarian with a heavy iron piece swung his arm and crushed the soldiers head with his helmet. But a sharp spear pierced his throat from behind as he roared in victory. The sound was cut off.

Elsewhere, a knight with a lion helmet was facing three barbarians. He fended off their attacks with graceful movements, then didnt miss a moment to stab his sword. One of the barbarians fell with a sharp counterattack.

He quickly cut down the remaining two, but before he could catch his breath, an axe flew from somewhere and hit his shoulder, making him stagger. Three new barbarians followed him. It was hard to predict the next scene.

The barbarians and the El Tigre alliance.

The two armies clashed and mingled.

They pushed their shoulders, stabbed their spears and swords, spat curses, writhed in pain, killed and were killed. The blood and flesh that had made up one human being until a moment ago dyed the dry winter sky in a mess. There was no need for a hell.

Warrior! I wanted to compete with you!

Ruon ignored the voice from the side and swung his arm horizontally. Then the Ruon that had pierced the barbarians neck tore his muscles and flesh and came out.

Only then did he turn his head. A barbarian with a strange pattern on his face dyed with blue dye was reflected in his calm eyes. The eyes met and he grinned.

If I defeat you, who killed three chiefs, the chances of me becoming the next great chief will be high. The lofty title of Ka is not a dream.

He said that and spun his spear in his hand.

My name is Ba-Olo

The barbarians name was Oloka. But he couldnt finish his sentence. A red lightning bolt fell on his head.

The reason he was able to block Ruons sword was a small miracle created by his lifelong training and countless combat experiences in the north, where strength was everything.

But right after that, his spear was broken in half and he faltered at the overwhelming power and skill. He couldnt avoid the second lightning bolt.


The head separated from the neck rolled on the ground. The brain that lost the blood supply inhaled the last oxygen and Olokas eyes widened. For a moment, his eyelids fell heavily over his swirling eyes.

And they never opened again.

Even though he gained a considerable amount of experience, Ruons face had no expression. His calm eyes that didnt get excited at all looked around.

His eyes suddenly rolled back and he ran like crazy. Im the idiot who followed him.

Colin, who added to his words, pulled out the dagger from the back of the dead barbarians head and said.

Can I borrow this? The sword I was using broke in half.

Take this too.

Ruon took off the leather guard on his right arm and handed it back. Colin didnt know that the dagger and the guard were a pair, but he put the guard on his arm without a word.

Thank you.

If you stretch out your hand with the guard on, the dagger will come back to you. Dont cut your hand in surprise.

Colin gasped at his calm explanation. He had been a mercenary once, so he knew the value of a magic-imbued item.

A sword that could only ignite a flame as big as a rats tail, which could only be used as a flint, was priced at almost ten times that of a normal sword. And a dagger that came back!

It was a precious item that would not be strange to hear as a treasure, but for Ruon, it was an item that he could do without. He had the ego sword, which he could retrieve with a deeper resonance.

Then, the front line of the barbarians who surrounded them gradually loosened and then scattered and ran toward the castle. As if they didnt want to spill blood in vain.

Colin, who looked at the scene with a bewildered expression, said.

Theyre just leaving? Are they running away?

Kyle shook his head.

No. Theyre leaving it to someone else.

As soon as he finished speaking, someone approached them from the front. The person who stopped at a suitable distance was a woman in a blue robe.

She said.

Is it too formal to say long time no see?

Ruon clenched his hand holding the sword and answered.

Its been a while. Amela.

This must be the most regrettable meeting ever. Anyway, nice to see you again. Ruon, Kyle. And Colin, right?

Colin, who was looking around nervously, answered.

Do you remember me?

The woman, Amela, smiled faintly without a word. But it was not a happy smile.

Even our conversation that day.

As she uttered those ominous words, everyone froze in their tracks. She took off her hood, revealing a face that was exactly as Luon remembered.

Except for one thing.

Her eyes, which had always been like the clear sky on a sunny day in his memory, were now shining with a murky light, as if he would drown in them the moment he stumbled.

Thats when Kyle spoke.

Amela, we found out that the reason you disappeared from the tower that day was because of the shackles that the fairy from the orphanage left on you. Is there anything we can do to help you now?

Amela nodded at the knights voice, tinged with guilt.

There is.

What is it?

Kyle, who had asked with wide eyes, instinctively raised his spell breaker when she lifted her arm towards him.

Thanks to that, he was able to avoid being blown to pieces, though he barely scratched the ground with his toes.

Lucky you. I guess you really are my nemesis.

A faint smile crossed Amelas weary face. She added.

You shouldnt think much of me, since youre the hero who killed the great demon. If you ever considered me a friend

Contrary to her gentle voice, her hands were bursting with a sinister magic power. As expected, the corpses of the barbarians lying on the floor twisted and rose up.


Beyond the horrible roar, Amelas whisper reached his ears.

Kill me here.