Chapter 123:

Chapter 123

The moment the great demons body crumbled.

The ash-gray world, woven with chaotic lines, began to tremble and tilt. The sight of the enormous trees falling with uneasy noises was strangely lacking in reality. Colin, who was blinking his eyes blankly, came to his senses when he heard a voice calling him.


Wha, what? Shit! Crazy!

Colin, who had lost consciousness and slumped under Kyles armpit, moved his feet with all his strength. But it was almost impossible for him, who was exhausted from the continuous battle, to drag a heavily armed and muscular man and speed up.

Amela! This!

Colin suddenly remembered something and shouted, throwing the protector on his right arm toward the fallen mage.

Amela clumsily attached the leather protector that fell in front of her feet to her arm. She knew what Colin wanted without any further explanation.

She stretched out her arm. The spell engraved on the protector pulled its pair strongly, and the dagger was firmly held by Colin.

In the powerful attraction. Colin held the dagger with all his might, trying to escape from his grip. Fortunately, he had the spell of power that Amela had given him to make throwing easier, and he didnt lose the dagger even though the flesh of his palm was peeled off.

Sliding to Amelas close range, Colin grabbed her wrist with his bloodied hand. And he started walking again.

Shit! Im not a porter or anything!

He spat out all kinds of curses with his mouth, but he succeeded in moving a few more steps with his diligent steps, carrying Kyle and Amela. But that was it.

Eventually, his legs gave way and he collapsed. Colin muttered dejectedly as he saw the tree above him start to fall.

Were screwed.

The next moment, he realized that his surroundings were moving incredibly fast. He gasped for a moment at the speed he had never experienced before. He was lightly thrown and rolled on the ground. He opened his eyes wide at the fact that there were many knights who had lost consciousness around him.

Hahaha. Theres no monster like that.

Ruon, who had arrived late, tilted his head at his hollow laugh. Kyle and Amela were hanging from his armpits.

Why are you laughing?

Come on, if youre going to save me, come faster. It was so close. I almost pissed myself.

Ruon answered with a faint smile at his deliberately whining words and put the two men and women on the ground. He didnt bother to say that he had the time to move the others because Colin had taken care of Kyle and Amela.

He didnt have time for that.


With a tearing scream, the fallen tree collided with the ground and a shock wave swept like a tidal wave.

Ruon faced the approaching wave and stabbed his ego sword into the ground. A red curtain rose from the surface of the sword that sensed the owners will and confronted the invisible force. Then, a flash of light soared and a thunderous sound shook the earth.

A moment later. As the aftermath of the shock subsided, Colin, who had opened his eyes tightly, said to Amela, who was coughing.

Ouch? Youve got a nosebleed again. It wasnt that bad this time.

Shut up. Its because Kyles shield interfered with the dagger pulling. No, its over. Whats the point of saying that?

Then Colin lay down on the ground and chuckled.

Yeah. Lets put aside the painful words for a while. Its over, as you said

Then Ruon, who had put his sword in the sheath, dusted off his battered clothes and asked.

How do we get out of here?

Its a random world created by the power of the tree. It wont last long without the driving force. Itll disappear soon. As if it never existed.

At that, Ruon frowned for a moment and shrugged his shoulders.

By the time they had hidden Cheville and Aslan in the curtain, Ruon was moving his body in a trance.

His expanded thinking ability brought about an artificial slowdown of time, and in the slowly flowing time, he faithfully destroyed the disgusting beings that ran at him.

But it was useless no matter how many he knocked down.

The darkness that rose as if to dominate this entire space had no end.

Moreover, as the darkness grew in size, its power increased exponentially, making him feel as if he was facing a natural disaster that would end the world.

We have to follow right behind-

Colin, who had wrapped Kyle around him, disappeared without finishing his sentence. Now, the only ones left in this ash-gray world were Amela, who was maintaining the curtain, and Ruon.

Ruon! Come on. Hurry!

Amela, whose mental strength had reached its limit, started to shake like an epileptic patient. She shouted in a frantic voice. Ruon, who had torn off the darkness that clung to his limbs, turned his body.

He ran with a large stride like a long jumper and kicked the ground to leap. At that moment, the darkness that crawled out of the ground behind the curtain poured out as if to tear off the back of Amelas head.

In an instant. Ruon threw his ego sword in the air, which grazed Amelas ear and pierced the darkness. The magician, who lost her balance by the wind, stumbled back and was sucked into the curtain, and the curtain disappeared as if washed away by water, due to the absence of the being who sustained the spell.

Ruon, who landed on the ground where everything had disappeared as if it were a lie, still had a calm expression on his face and pulled out the sword that was deeply stuck in the ground.

Come on.

He spun the sword in his hand and the darkness rushed at him like hungry dogs from all sides.


It was as if he had been swallowed by a thick fog, and nothing was clear. A languid sensation enveloped his body as if he had sunk into a milky sea.

How long had he fought?

Had his sense of time blurred?

He couldnt remember how long he had fought with the beings of the abyss.

Ten minutes? An hour? A day? No a year?

Wait a minute, how did he know they were the beings of the abyss? No, that was obvious. They appeared after the divine tree collapsed. And they felt similar to the black liquid he had seen in the cradle

Ruon kept asking himself questions and answering them, even if they were absurd, as he sank. He didnt realize it, but it was a process of his strong inner self resisting the splitting of his ego.

It felt like a moment and an eternity at the same time, and at some point, the world began to brighten.

And Ruon found himself lying on the ground.

The sensations that had been tangled up were unraveled one by one and engraved in his cells again. He sprang up in the midst of them.

A man was looking at him.

The man had golden-red hair like a summer sunset, and wore armor that was hard to tell which era it belonged to.

He was a bit smaller than an average adult male, but his golden eyes glowed like the sun, as if he had transcended the limits of his body long ago.

Just by looking at him, Ruons heart started to beat wildly like never before. It felt like the thrill of watching a touching movie, or the sense of accomplishment of reaching a long-awaited moment, and at the same time, the emptiness of losing everything.

In the whirlpool of confused emotions, Ruon barely uttered a word and spat it out.


The man did not answer or move at all. But somehow, his eyes seemed to be soaked in sadness, and Ruon licked his lips to ask him why.

But before he could, the man who had suddenly disappeared reappeared in front of Ruons nose in an instant. He lightly placed his finger on the chest of the startled Ruon, who had missed his movement, and said,

I believe you are different.

What? What do you mean-

Before he could finish his question, a huge force pushed Ruon away. He tried his best to resist, but his feet left the ground and he flew backwards. The scenery that was quickly fading away was covered by a black darkness. Then, his persistent consciousness snapped and Ruon lost his mind.