Chapter 271

Name:Warhammer Wizard Author:Emperor
The visitor was a woman.

She was tall and slender, wearing an extremely gorgeous red gown, but the hem was a little tattered, and hadn't been changed for many years, and she had a silver crossing dagger pinned to her waist. The most striking thing is that she has beautiful long silver hair, but it is a pity that it hangs over her shoulders in a mess like it has never been taken care of, but it also adds a bit of wild beauty to her.

This silver-haired woman has a beautiful appearance, with a reckless and high-spirited expression, and there is a high-ranking aura between her gazes, as if she doesn't pay attention to all the people in the world.

When she came out of the portal, even the air seemed to freeze suddenly, becoming extremely depressed.

Ren is very familiar with this breath.

This is a holy soul wizard!

The holy soul wizard who was able to arrive so quickly, and used his own portal to enter the lair, the identity of the person in front of him need not be guessed, it must be the ruler of the Principality of Hohaven - Queen of Storms, the terrifying witch who shocked the empire .

Not only Ren, but several other teammates also recognized her identity and quickly put down their weapons.

The Storm Queen has two well-known traits:

One is passionate.

Hundreds of years ago, when she was still a legendary witch, she became the queen of the Grand Duke of Hohaven. Later, the Grand Duke passed away and had no heirs, so the throne was handed over to her, and she became the queen in a legitimate way.

But within a few years, the Queen of Storms revealed her true nature, and countless gossips spread out.

It is said that she has a face of three thousand faces, has no male discord every night, and her private life is extremely corrupt. Many famous handsome men are her guests, and she has fallen in love with several of them and became true love, but it didn't last long.

The second is that he has a hot temper and is extremely cruel to the enemy.

In the early days when she became the queen of Huohaven, she was not a holy soul wizard, and some people refused to accept the rule, especially the offshoot members of the former grand prince's royal family. They tried to rebel many times, but she suppressed them with strong strength, and launched a bloody campaign The purge almost wiped out the royal family.

Any enemy who dared to oppose her, threaten her rule, or challenge her authority never ended well.

However, the Storm Queen is tolerant of common people, and despite her notoriety in her private life, she has long won the love of many of her subjects.

It can be said that the Storm Queen ruled the Principality of Hohaven by herself.

It was the first time Ren saw this Holy Soul Witch. Looking at her appearance, he suddenly found that she looked familiar, as if he had seen her somewhere before.

His memory is excellent, such an outstanding beauty, it is impossible to forget.

"Meet Her Majesty."

Mei Lige took the lead in saluting with trepidation, taking the opportunity to remind everyone of the identity of the visitor.

The others also bowed and lowered their heads, for fear of offending the powerful witch, they threw out two nine-ring spells. Only Asik couldn't hold back his curiosity, and quietly raised his head to see the rumored Storm Queen, showing a handsome face.

The Queen of Storms glanced across the crowd, and paused for a moment on Asik's face.

This detail was noticed by Yask, and his heart was pounding suddenly. He took a deep breath and raised his hand to straighten his clothes.


The Queen of Storms responded lightly, her voice was neutral, "You are Mei Lige, I remember you, you attended a banquet in my castle five years ago"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mei Lige was secretly happy, not only because the Queen of Storms remembered her, but also because the other party had no hostility.

However, before she could explain the situation, the Queen of Storms suddenly disappeared.

The five looked at each other in blank dismay.

A few seconds later, a burst of flames flickered, and the Queen of Storms returned to the crowd. Her complexion was not very good, and she snorted coldly: "So it's a vampire's lair, you guys did a good job."

"It should have been planned for a long time that you were able to kill a vampire count. This is a contribution to Hohaven, and I should give you a reward."

"Tell me, what do you want?"

The Storm Queen's words made everyone overjoyed, and all turned their attention to Roger.

"Demon hunter, your strength is good. Congratulations, you are about to be promoted to the legendary middle class." The Queen of Storms immediately guessed that Roger was the leader of the team in front of her.

Roger stroked his chest and saluted neither humble nor overbearing, "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The Storm Queen narrowed her eyes, watched Roger for a few seconds, and waved her hand: "If you are not afraid of being retaliated by vampires in the future, this White Crow Winery belongs to you."

She didn't give Roger a chance to refuse at all, and walked into the portal to leave after she finished speaking.

From the beginning to the end, the Storm Queen didn't notice Ren, whose face was covered by the helmet, and didn't realize that he was not an iron guard at all.

Everyone waited patiently for another half a minute, making sure that the Queen of Storms would not come back, and only then did they really relax.

"The holy soul wizard is really scary!"

Mei Lige wiped the cold sweat from her forehead.

Roger also heaved a sigh of relief. A conversation with the Queen of Storms made him feel more dangerous than fighting Arietin.

Ys was better, he had met Anse Wodos a few times, so he wasn't very nervous.

Not to mention Ren, before leaving Modu, he would meet with the teacher almost every day. He had long been accustomed to the power of the Holy Soul Wizard, and the will of truth protected him from being affected.

He turned his head to look at Asker, and found that the troubadour, who usually talked a lot, became extremely silent, his eyes flickered, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The eye of the soul shows that Asker's soul color is yellow and green at the moment, intertwined with joy and love.

"This guy……"

Ren snickered, no matter how bad the Storm Queen's reputation was, she wouldn't be hungry, and when she saw a handsome man, she wanted to have sex with her.

He reopened a portal and returned to Mei Li Ge's house.

Seeing the small garden-like courtyard, everyone finally relaxed. They walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa or on the ground, not wanting to move at all.

Ren felt very good. He didn't consume too much power, and he didn't even shed a drop of blood. The sequelae caused by the "Raging Beast Blood Potion" had already been replenished by the battery.

After absorbing half of Ari Ting's soul, the converted power upgrades several elements, and the power returns to the full state.

This made him even more energetic than before he set off.

Not long after sitting down, Asker finally came to his senses, jumped up from the sofa, and shouted excitedly: "Roger, you got White Crow Winery!"

"I haven't considered whether to accept it or not..." Roger's face hesitated.

"Do you still need to think about it? You must accept it!" Asker interrupted Roger, "Do you know how much the White Crow Winery is worth? Just one year's winemaking income is more than 30,000 gold shields. You You don’t have to do anything, just lie there and make money.”

Mei Lige's eyes lit up. If Roger accepted the winery, he would stay in Hohaven for a long time. This was what she wanted to see the most.

However, she also had concerns, and frowned, "What about those vampires?"

"It's too simple." Asker immediately came up with an idea, "Please ask the Storm Queen to visit the winery a few times, and then let the wind out, to ensure that no vampire dares to cause trouble, unless they are tired of life, or want to be kicked out Hohaven."

Ren can't help but look at him with admiration, this is a very practical way.

There are so many vampires inside and outside Jupiler Mountain City, the Queen of Storms must be aware that she should have reached a tacit agreement with the vampire camp, allowing them to hide in the underground world as long as they don't overtly cause damage.

If they attacked the White Crow Winery, they would be challenging the authority of the Queen of Storms.

There shouldn't be many such stupid vampires.

Roger figured out the key points. Judging from the attitude of the Storm Queen just now, it is not difficult to invite her to the winery as a guest, and even hinted at it.

He smiled and said, "I never thought that one day, I would own a winery."

Merrige beamed with joy, and Yask was also very excited.

"Let's divide the spoils."

Ren took out all the things he looted from the vampire's lair, several large boxes filled with golden shields, alchemy materials, gems, the bloody cloak, and a space ring. He checked it, and there were quite a few valuable things in the ring, which were a batch of potions and materials, all of which were also taken out.

So many treasures are piled up in the living room, the golden light is dazzling, and the room is full of brilliance.


Except for Ren, everyone else took a breath.

I didn't feel it when I searched just now, but now I realize how shocking it is to have so much wealth in front of my eyes. The harvest of this hunting is too great.

"Get rich, get rich..."

"So many good things, how should we distribute them?" Yask rubbed his hands expectantly.

Everyone looked at Roger, waiting for his decision.

Roger pondered for a while, and said: "Everyone took the risk for me, helped me hunt down Ari Ting, gave me the opportunity to be promoted to the legendary middle rank, and also got a winery, I will not participate in the distribution of these things, Let's split evenly."

"You don't need to persuade me, it's settled like this."

He picked up the bloody cloak and said with a smile: "It is the most valuable. This is an epic piece of equipment with advanced magic resistance. Which one of you wants it?"

Yisu immediately shook his head, "I already have a cloak, it's no worse than it."

"This cloak is too ostentatious, and it's so red, it doesn't fit my aesthetics, I don't like it." Yask said with a smile: "I still prefer the golden shield, hehe..."

Mei Lige thought for a while, "It's not suitable for me."

"Ren, then I can only give it to you."

Without further ado, Roger stuffed the cloak into his hand, "But once you take this cloak, you can no longer participate in the distribution of other spoils."

"Okay, thank you for your kindness."

Ren readily accepted, knowing that everyone else intended to give up the cloak to him.

A piece of epic equipment, and it is a rare high-level magic resistance cloak. If it is auctioned, it can sell at least 200,000 gold shields or even more. Taking the cloak by yourself will definitely take advantage of it.

He really wanted it, thinking that if someone competed, he would offer an equivalent gold shield as compensation.

Such a result couldn't be better, and it doesn't hurt the peace.

It took everyone more than an hour to count the remaining things, estimate the value, and then distribute them equally among the three people.

Asker took away most of the gold shields, nearly 100,000; Meligor got almost all the alchemy materials and gems, and as an alchemist, these were what she needed; the interspatial ring was given to Yisu, and The few most valuable pieces of equipment add up to almost 100,000 gold shields.

Everyone got what they wanted, and everyone was happy.

Afterwards, the five held a small celebration party at Mei Lige's home, playing cards and drinking until dawn, and they were all very drunk.

Ryan hadn't been this happy in a long time.

In his previous life, he was a person who liked to play around with his friends. It was rare for him to have the opportunity to drink to his heart's content. However, because of his will to truth, he would never get drunk. After drinking a few barrels of fine wine, his mind was still extremely clear, without the slightest hint of drunkenness.

"It turns out that this is the feeling of not getting drunk after a thousand cups."

Ren sighed, and felt a little regretful. He lost some fun if he didn't drink too much.

After two days of feasting and a lot of poker addiction, Ren knew it was time to leave, so he bid farewell to Roger and the others, agreed to see you next time, and returned to the airship with Yisu.