Chapter 126

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"You sure know how to enjoy yourself Mister Leylin, but you are very surprising as well, who would have thought that in such a small time you would have such a meteoric rise in status. In just Five years, you turned from a simple recruitment to a Vice-Commander of the Order of Death and today you are going to become a Commander. I feel like recruiting you was the best decision I made. " Rose spoked in a charismatic voice with a motherly smile as she looked at Leylin. Her eyes were slightly squinted because of her smile but paid close attention to him as she kept trying to read anything from Leylin expression, but he kept his neutral face.

Leylin calmly met Rose's gaze and looked straight into her eyes. Leylin with his current power level simply don't put this women in his eyes, but alas she is a master manipulator and also the person who took the mantle of being the eyes for the Second Pope so Leylin must show some respect and face towards his benefactor.

"You are exaggerating, it was because of the Church's support and your guidance that I was able to reach this position. Even though I am very euphoric about another promotion but still I am also very pained about the loss of Commander Damien. Do you perhaps have any lead on the aggressor? " Leylin asked with a straight face, he didn't even bother to put up a facade of being sad or angry because he knows it's isn't an appreciated endeavor. Leylin never bothered to mask his feelings since he joined the Church, he actually took the initiative to expose his real identify because he knows that there is simply no value in being sneaky.

In actuality, Leylin knows that his unadulterated personality is more approved here. The Church has tremendous reach, it won't be a good idea to be a dishonest person before them, as it would only raise their guard. Leylin's true personality also assures them because they would rather have an arrogant loyal person than a conniving deceitful woodpecker.

"Unfortunately we don't know! But there is an investigation team working to track the attacker, We ensure you that the Church would definitely try it's best and give an appropriate answer to the Order. " Rose spoke in a solemn voice, as the person behind her bowed his head in respect of the late commander. This place that Leylin is in currently is the Operation Headquarters of the Church and at the instant Leylin is in the Private room alloted for the Order of Death and the people around here are all people of the order itself including this one.

"That is reassuring to know." Leylin nodded his head nonchalantly, He walked upto the gate and motioned Rose, " Shall we?"

"Oh yeah, Of course. We can't keep all the esteemed Lords waiting. Almost all of the higher ups of the Church are currently here to discuss tactics and deployment distribution and everyone will be very busy from now on, but before we go there let's get you officiated as the new Commander of the Order of the Death. " Rose explained the reason for the immediate summons and lead Leylin outside the Order's location. As they walked, everyone who saw the duo respectfully bowed their head and greeted them.

"Greetings Cardinal Rose and Vice-Commander Leylin! " A bunch of people in standard Church clothing bowed to show respect as they eyed at the two with a reverence filled gaze.

Leylin and Rose lightly nodded in greetings and continued forward. Rose took a side glance at Leylin's face looking at his absolutely calm expression. She asked, "Don't you feel great?"

The last one is something which is inaccessible to an average person. It is for those at holding the position Cardinal level (the right hand of the Pope), Pope's successor and those who reaches Commander level in any Order. This Baptism is an extremely holy event for the followers of Church and it's called the 'Heavenly Blessing'. It is also said to give the greatest rise in ability.

Leylin walked near the pale green water body and looked at it with a bit of yearning, even with his strength he couldn't resist the temptation of this Baptism. His inner researcher was also agitated as he wanted to know the secrets of this solution.

'I could feel it, if I were to go through with this then I can successfully step into the Hydro Phase without making use of any of the sentient force I 'painstakingly' collected from Damien, Rakim and all the others.' Leylin looked at Rose with a contemplating gaze. Leylin knows that this chance is because of the Second Pope only, If it wasn't for the tough time along with the Pope's persistence towards the others, then they wouldn't have agreed to invest such a rare resource in an outsider without a proper background and trusty past.

Leylin isn't very suspicious of the Pope either because he knows the reason behind his good grace. All the good offers, easy promotion, better resources and protection even at the point where a Commander tried to first make sure Leylin retreated before engaging in a confrontation at full throttle.

All of this has a reason and the reason is the -

Church Prophecy.

"Let's get started shall we? I going to recite the holy words and start the Baptism. You only need to follow my lead and let the kindness and benevolence of God embrace you! For now, go inside there."

Leylin listened to her and entered the pond, the liquid was very viscous and Leylin could also feel a bit of coldness invading into his body. Leylin walked till he stood in the middle and the solution was at his chest level.

"Yarri Terii Kiarra Mujhe Tibya Pyalu! " Rose took a very certain stance with one of her hand clenched and raised above, her face became extremely serious as she begin to recite in an awkward language, Leylin asked the A. I. Chip to record her words and try to match it with the database.

Suddenly, Leylin felt the pale green water move as a certain force begin to get inside his body. He felt a surge of pain surging out of every part of his body. His body was searing while the solution was becoming extremely colder, this strange opposite contrast in temperature brought more discomfort and pain for Leylin.

[Beep! A strong force invading the Host's body! Expel. Yes/No]

"No! " Leylin spoke through gritted teeth.