Chapter 436

Leylin looked down and there were only two chunks of mainland, where the spiritual air was vastly different for both of them.

One of the partition actually used the 5 elements as its core. The energy cycle was very stable, and furthermore, they had endless potential.

The other one, however, was a combination of light and darkness, and it formed a stable foundation, like Yin and Yang.

"Mmm, I'll call one of them 'The 5 elemental nation,' and the other 'The Glory mainland'!"

Leylin nodded his head with contentment and said in a bard-like tone,"God said, 'Let there be light'; and there was light. And God separated the light from the darkness, calling the light Day and the darkness Night."

God said, 'Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters', and there was Heaven.

God said, 'Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear.' and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth, and the gathering together of the waters He called Seas.

God said, 'Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night.' And so there was an alternating cycle of sun and moon.

God said, you need wisdom to bring about the power necessary for transformation!?"

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Just like the era of realm creation.

The first gust of wind suddenly moved about freely in the realm.

The waves on the sea started rising and splashing, and the entire realm seemingly became alive.


At this moment, he involuntarily shouted out this word as the Immortal Adishesha body emitted an endless glow that sprinkled the grounds and the heavens.

Within a split-second, the sky and the sea suddenly gained some life, which was carried away to a faraway place by the wind.

"It's the birth of seaweed and spores"

Plankton started to appear in the ocean, and the water became visibly cloudy. The plankton began to evolve, turning into green plankton-like life forms the size of fleas. The green color of life began to spread throughout the vast ocean, filling it with vitality.

Leylin could detect the changes in the Netherworld Purgatory and said, "Since it's simple and too low level, the time flow here is astonishingly fast, and as the God of Netherworld Purgatory, I can still actively affect it"

He took one step out of the realm, and amidst the chaos, he gazed at the transformation within.

Some sort of vegetation was seen spreading within the realm, and plants covered the entire mainland after a few thousand years of evolution. Amphibians which were washed up by the sea and onto the mainland had also evolved into various forms.

The time flow also slowly decreased along with the increased stability of the Netherworld Purgatory.

'The time flow here is faster than outside, one day in Magus World is a hundred here.'

Leylin instantly had some thoughts after seeing this. "Also with the influence of Magus World, God World, Grace Mainland and Purgatory World being the higher realm, it has inherited their characteristics."

Primordial Creator: The law has evolved into a cosmic law and has reached the limits of growth in the astral plane. With the support of other laws, host has gained the ability to create, preserve and destroy worlds. The Adishesha can demolish all dimensions, semi-planes, and small worlds. Overlord authority to absorb the bloodlines, emotions, and even laws of what it destroys and create new reality]

Primordial Creator would develop further and, it could produce lives!

[Beep! Host's stats have changed, recalculating Changes have been detected in the world due to a shift of laws. Stats calculated on the basis of the World of Gods' standards.

Name: Leylin Farlier, Rank 8 Warlock.

Bloodline: Adishesha (Incomplete Body)

Strength: 65. Agility: 70. Vitality: 95. Spiritual Force: ???.

Soul Status: Brahma Soul (He Who Remains)

Laws: Creation (100%), Destruction (100%), (100%), Primordial Chaos (100%)

Path: Holy Evil

Innate Talent: Ancestor of all beginnings.

Abilities: All-Vision( Dreamscape Seer), Origin Force Detection, Illusions, Warp Reality, Recreation, Life and Death's Decree]

A perfect path of creator took place, forming a phantom behind Leylin that disdain all life that it has not created, and desire to devour all which is not him.

"An immortal has no beginnings, the infinity is the reality of the eternal. Adhishesha is the ruler of reality and dimension, fate and destiny. Even as the world is destroyed at the end of each kalpa, Adishesha remains as he is and would linger past the end."

Leylin stood indifferent, uttering three words, "Of All Beginnings!"

*Hsss* The phantom of the Adishesha appeared behind Leylin's back, seemingly turning into a black hole. The dark power that contained a trace of blood targeted the river of destiny and turned all that relates to him into ashes in an instant, even absorbing some of its powers.

Adishesha has erased all traces of itself from the river of destiny, quite infact the Adishesha himself is the destiny. Now in the whole astral plane no being regardless of realm can never determine his paths. Adishesha and all it's creation would only have one destiny, the one that he creates!

In the endless space of nothingness, Adishesha continuously changed forms, it's appearance depended on the observer. Different for devotee, different for enemy, different for friends, different for other law beings, different for all of his creation and different for all diversity.

The only constant is the eternity of He Who Remains, Sometimes he is depicted as a five-headed or seven-headed or a ten-headed serpent; but more commonly as one thousand-headed, or five thousand-headed, or even as many as a one million-headed serpent; sometimes with each head wearing an ornate crown that hides a world of itself adorning the Primordial Creator.


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