Chapter 140 Battle Of The Lowest (10)

"I'm still so weak… fuck,"

Upon arriving back at the camp, thousands of soldiers cheered for our success, and the commander continuously praised us for our efforts.

He talked about the rewards we would receive, which were primarily monetary, but we were in dire need of that, so I wasn't complaining much.

Later that night, I had a conversation with the commander and informed him about all the powers and skills the commander and lieutenants used.

Of course, I asked my friends first in order to confirm the powers.

"Hmmmmm… Yep, those seem like the real leaders… but this battle isn't over yet. Though, I'm sure you already know that,"

? "Mhm… Allow me and Aisa to finish the job. We'll kill him tonight and end this battle…." I muttered while gritting my teeth.

"What's wrong?" The commander asked, noticing my angered state.

"I'm disappointed in myself. If I didn't have my friends there, I would've died or come back crippled. I need more power,"

"Cut yourself some slack. You haven't even reached twenty, and you're this strong. I'm sure you'll surpass me in the future, so just give yourself some time and don't beat yourself up over every little thing. Power is good, but too much power will draw too much attention… Try not to become the punching bag of this damn war,"

My eyes widened upon hearing the commander's inspiring words despite them being something I had heard thousands of times before.

"Alright, that's a good look. Leave at 000, and if you don't come back by 600, then I'll have assumed you died… good luck,"

"Thank you, sir. I won't disappoint you, sir," I said humbly before dashing back towards my tent and waking up Aisa, who had just fallen asleep.

"Mm… Huh? Wha? Is this the end of the world?" She muttered as her head flailed around due to me vigorously shaking her body

"No, it is not. Pack your stuff. We're going to finish the war, and I want you to have the credit… being a sniper that could kill the investor for the opposing side would be something nice to have on your resume,"

"Mmmmmm… 'kay," She muttered before rubbing her eyes and slowly gathering some stuff while my other friends talked in the tent.

They tried to get me to finish the job the next night over, but that would just make our job harder since I'm sure they would have more soldiers and maybe even a new commander.

Tonight, we had to finish the job; otherwise, we'll have to invade another hellscape like that again.

"Wow, look at all these levels I got. I'm so close to reaching the cap… THANK YOU, ORION! YOU'RE TOO NICE!" Cy shouted as he cried into my shirt, sniffling and rubbing his bodily fluids everywhere.

"Ick… Get away. Don't rub your snot all over me," I muttered.

With the help of Bella and Findir, we finally managed to peel him off of me, and his words made me want to take a peek at my status.

[Total: ~5000 XP]

[Level: 27/35] (30/200) XP Needed

My status was looking pretty good as I racked up my kill count by at least a few thousand before I ran into the commander, who gave me way too much trouble.

"Hey, you owe me a favor," Bella said, and my face scrunched with annoyance as I was hoping she would just forget.

"I never asked for your help, so technically I don't have to repay it. That was more like a charity in which you helped out this pitiful, poor person who needed a bit of assistance," I muttered, and I saw Bella's face explode with anger.

"Do you know how much mana I wasted on saving your sorry ass!? HUH?! HUH?!" She shouted while grabbing my hair.


The entire tent went silent, and just before Bella winded up an uppercut in order to absolutely shatter my chin, I dragged the sleepy Aisa out and dashed to the edge of the camp.

I met with the burly and large commander before taking off as he said he had some type of transportation for us.

"This… is our transportation?" I asked, and I heard Aisa quietly snicker to herself beside me, trying not to mock the commander who had ever so graciously prepared this for us.

It was a pair of horses, which, to be honest, we're pretty buff and muscular.

"You immediately be caught my recon if you use a tin can like the cars or tanks over there. You'll have to infiltrate the edge of the camp and obtain the high ground that you need…."

"Mhm… Sure. Okay, let's go," I muttered, but since Aisa didn't know how to ride a horse, she plopped herself beside me, wrapped her arms around my stomach… and snored her life away.

The entire time we dashed across the barren battlefield that still burned with some green flames, all I could hear were her snores as she caught some more sleep.

"I'm gonna kill this girl when we get back," I muttered while trying to loosen her grip around my stomach.

It felt as if she was trying to squeeze out my internal organs with the amount of force she was using.

"Alright, wake up. We're here," I muttered, shaking Aisa and deciding to just toss her off the horse.

To my expectations, she immediately reacted and landed on both feet before glaring at me as I disturbed her beauty sleep.

Then, she took a gaze around us and noticed we were in front of a tall abandoned building.

"Is this the spot?" She asked as I climbed down from the horse.

"Yep… Alright, once we're at the top, set up your sniper and everything. I haven't done any research on the bigs of the opposing side, so we'll just have to use our intuition," I muttered.

Well, the commander gave us a description, but it was vague as hell, so I doubt it was going to help me.