Chapter 262: It's like taming an uncontrollable head wolf!

This is a private hospital.

When Feng Xinglang came here, it was already dark.

Ye Shinian called and told: Cong had just been injured and was seriously injured. So Feng Xinglang rushed over.

Through the long dark corridor, Ye Shinian ushered forward.

"Lang, you're here. Boss Cong is opening his stomach inside."

Ye Shinian's statement is not exaggerated, but the words are too bloody. If you have surgery, you have to use surgery. Hear straight.

"Are you going to die?" Feng Xinglang frowned.

"It's not dead! It's hurt like that. He can drive downstairs by himself.

Ye Shinian's admiration for Cong Gang burst into bursts. He was also a boxer, but he felt that his willpower was far less tenacious than Cong had just come! Tough enough not to treat myself like a person! It seems that the body is not his own at all!

Feng Xinglang slightly raised his eyebrows: he believed Cong could not die. Because when he retrieved his dying man in Chinatown, he was the same as dead, but then he survived! This time he was able to drive to this private hospital by himself, indicating that the injury was not too bad.

Outside the operating room door, Feng Xing Langton stopped and looked back at Ye Shinian, who was looking aside into the operating room.

"Some years ago, what did you call Cong Gang? Boss Cong?"

Feng Xing Lang Fei's thin lips evoked a cold radian, "You're the boss Cong Gang, call me Lang ... Is he trying to rebel?"

Ye Shinian was really surprised, and quickly corrected: "Lang brother, you are the biggest leader, brother Cong is much younger than you!"

"Really younger than me? It sounds like you've seen his little head!" Feng Xinglang snorted coldly.

"I haven't seen it before! I don't expect my big head to be guaranteed before I see his little head!"

Ye Shinian lost a face. He has always been afraid of Cong Gang. He always feels that this Cong Gang is like an alien creature, and he will never be with them.

In fact, Feng Xinglang didn't know too much about Cong Gang. He likes Cong Gang's simplicity and complexity. For Cong Gang, he can do it most of the time. But occasionally it's a good idea. As long as the principle is not involved, Feng Xinglang usually opens one eye and closes the other.

Intuition tells Feng Xinglang that Cong Gang is not a master who can easily control. But he Fengxinglang still drove him under control! It felt like taming an uncontrollable head wolf!

Make Feng Xinglang pain and enjoy!

The operation ended after an hour. Feng Xinglang did not leave early. Instead, he called the housekeeper Mo and asked him to take care of his elder brother Feng Lixin.

Because Cong Gang's mouth should have the clue he wanted. Clues about that big fish!

Cong has just been covered under a light blue sterile cloth. Closed his eyes, he looked a little tired.

On the side of the medical tray, there were two **** bullets just removed from Cong Gang's body, and a half-bladed blade.

It is enough to say that Cong's injury was serious.

"His life, can you keep it?" Feng Xinglang asked with a frown.

At the same time, the carbohydrate body, Feng Xinglang was able to realize that Cong had just suffered such a serious injury, and he drove to this private hospital by himself.

"It's dangerous! The half blade is only half a centimeter from his heart."

The doctor who had just operated on Cong was also frightened. For the first time, he saw that someone's vitality could be as strong as Cong Gang.

"Boss Cong will not die in this trouble, and there will be blessings!"

Looking at the **** bullet in the tray and the half-sharp blade, Ye Shinian's conditioned reflex.

Whoever puts these things in their bones and flesh will hurt most of their lives!

Feng Xinglang rushed Ye Ye to the door and kept himself in the intensive care unit, suffering from Cong Gang in a semi-coma.

Staring at Cong Gang's sharp and angular face, Feng Xinglang frowned slightly. Then he got up and leaned over, instinctively reaching out to lift the sterile cloth covered by Cong Gang.

The body under the sterile cloth, except for the layers of medical gauze used to wrap the wound, was nothing.

Almost for a moment, Cong Gang, who was still in motion a second before the bed, suddenly pulled out a hand and buckled Fang Xinglang's wrist that he was trying to lift open the sterile cloth.

Feng Xinglang was so stunned for a moment, it seemed that Cong Gang's reaction speed was so agile.

"Not dead?" He asked lightly.

"If I die now, you won't live long!"

Cong just let go of his hand slowly. Eyes were fixed on Feng Xinglang's right forearm, still holding the splint.

To put it bluntly, let Feng Xinglang's suffocation suddenly increase. But then the self-regulation eased. It seemed that he realized that Cong Gang's words might be awful, but in a sense, they were telling the truth before them.

"So you still speak Chinese? Depending on the situation, you can't die for now!"

Feng Xinglang shook his wrist, which Cong had sorely buckled. It hurts like this, it seems that the brute force has not been reduced.

"Have you played against that person?"

What Feng Xinglang refers to is the electric pole that almost broke his right arm at Qibei Mountain City Club.

"His name is Batuo! Montes! The fist is very powerful." Cong Gang was concise.

"Bato? Or a hybrid?"

Feng Xinglang murmured, then looked at Cong Gang, and returned to business: "Did you win? Or lose?"

Cong Gang's gaze flickered from Feng Xinglang's face, without asking: "Do you guess?"

"You're hurt like this, do you still need to guess?" Feng Xinglang is not like ridicule, it is better than ridicule.

"I have a gift for you! In the canvas bag in the off-road vehicle downstairs! If you are interested, you can see it!"

Cong Gang did not make a positive mocking of Xinglang.

"Are there any clues to that big fish?" This was what Feng Xinglang was most concerned about.


Cong Gang deserves to be neat and clear, without hesitation.

Feng Xinglang Yingting's eyebrows twitched: The more decisively Cong Gang answered, the more suspicious he became.

Does he want to hide something from himself?

"Have a good rest! Take a month off!" Feng Xinglang stood up.

"Leave Lan Youyou by your side for the time being! Just in case!"

As Feng Xinglang turned and left, a meaningful sentence came from behind Cong Gang.

Cong Gang knew that Feng Xinglang was a wise man. Of course, he could understand this.

Feng Xinglang's pace left for a few seconds at the door of the intensive care unit. He did not press Cong Gang for clues about the big fish.

If Cong Gang is unwilling to tell him, he can't force it!