Chapter 287: sad! How sad!

"Sorry, I don't call Lin Xueluo. You recognize the wrong person!"

After Xue Luo answered quickly, she turned and walked towards the school gate. Anxious to put on wings and flew back to the dormitory.

"It's her, it's this woman!" Another man surely growled in the business car behind him.

"Come here, help!"

Within a few steps, Xue Luo was stopped by two men. Suddenly, the snow didn't respond quickly, and they were dragged into a business car.

"Where are you taking me?"

"Go to Feng's Group! Rest assured, we will not hurt you!"

"What do you take me to the Feng Group?"

"As long as you show your face in front of shareholders! Your husband Feng Lixin is here too!"

The last words of the kidnappers calmed Xue Luo.

Li Xin will also be here? Which Lixin?

Suddenly, Xue Luo realized that he called Feng Lixin a kind ‘Lixin’, which seemed to be a bit inappropriate.

Before she knew the truth, she had already treated Feng Lixin as her husband, so she kindly called him ‘Li Xin’, which is a normal name between husband and wife!

But now Xue Xue knows that her husband in law is Feng Xinglang instead of Feng Lixin, and she feels that calling Li Fengxin ‘Li Xin’ is really not suitable. Regardless of whether Feng Xing acknowledges her wife or not, she is the legal brother-in-law of Feng Lixin!

What kind of Feng Lixin would be Feng Lixin in the kidnapper's mouth?

Is it really Feng Lixin? Or Feng Xing posing as Feng Xinglang?

According to Feng Xinglang's love for his elder brother, he must be reluctant to make Feng Lixin make a public appearance and be forced by a group of shareholders who ca n’t wait for him to abdicate and let Yin!

The sixth feeling of the woman told Xue Luo that Feng Lixin, who was holding the shareholders' meeting of Feng's Group, would definitely be posing as Feng Xinglang.

But what do these people do to tie themselves up? Will it be detrimental to the two brothers of Fengjia?

With Feng Xinglang's resourcefulness and resourcefulness, Xue Luo believes he will be able to settle those shareholders. Therefore, Xueluo thinks that he is better not to add chaos!

Besides, she didn't want to face Feng Xinglang!

Looking at the public toilets in Central Park not far away, the snow fell on her mind.

"Hurry up! I'm in a hurry!"

"Just pee!" The man headed snorted coldly.

"..." Xue Luo really wanted to pee, and they smelled a few of them. The key is that there is nothing to urinate now.

"People have three urgency! You treat a weak woman like this too, don't you take pity on Hongxiang?"

Xue Luo began to make sense to the kidnappers. Now that they can tell the specific motive for her abduction, it means that they will not hurt her.

It's a prerequisite to keep yourself and your little one safe!

The headed man did not answer, but took out a spray from a black canvas bag.

"The medicine in it is sprayed into your nose and you're good!"

The headed kidnapper was intimidating verbally while shaking the spray bottle sharply in action.

"Then I'll pee on you! Only you don't mind!"

Xueluo chose Junjie as the current affairs manager. Regardless of whether the masked medicine in the spray is true or not, Xue Luo will not take the child in his stomach for experiments.

She wants to keep herself awake.

Besides, they took themselves to the Feng Group to meet with Feng Lixin and those shareholders. It was nothing more than you fighting for money, which would not threaten her life.

The front door of the Feng Group has gathered a lot of media reporters. Snowfall was led into the Feng's Group from the back door.

It can be inferred that this group of kidnappers was Feng Yiming. Otherwise they would not be so easy to lead her such a living person into the Feng's Group.

In the conference room, there was a sword stretched out.

On the wheelchair at the top of the oval conference table, there was a face of Feng Lixin. Even if it is a disability, his domineering and powerful aura has shocked the shareholders of the entire conference room.

Until the snow falls!

Just a distant glance, Xue Luo can recognize: the man at the top of the conference table is Feng Xinglang! Not Feng Lixin!

Xue Luo immediately regretted that he had come here. Quickly turned around and wanted to leave, but the back road was blocked by those poker faces.

Feng Yiming had stood up from the chair and approached her.

"Don't go, nephew-in-law! Since it's here, it's good to wait to go back with Li Xin!"

Feng Yiming was speaking politely, and came forward to drag the snow falling trying to leave.

"Don't touch her!" Feng Xinglang murmured dullly.

Because the vocal cords are attached to a miniature voice changer, the sound is vicissitudes and hoarse. But it has a heavy deterrent.

Feng Yiming seemed to pause for a moment. Then he smiled grimly again.

"Li Xin, don't you be so excited! Your legs and legs are not good, but don't get angry!"

Xue Luo could hear that Feng Yiming was deliberately provoking Feng Xinglang.

Feng Xinglang is now posing as Feng Lixin. If he stood up in anger, he would show up and lose a lot of work.

As a result, Xue Luo raised her handbag and stretched her arms towards Feng Yiming to smash.

"Don't touch me! You should be an uncle like you are an uncle, don't touch my niece!"

Xue Luo started to soar, it really looks like a hedgehog covered with spines. I was caught off guard by a surprise.

When the kidnappers rushed forward to catch her, Xue Luo had taken the opportunity to rush to the top of the conference room and leaned against Feng Xinglang's wheelchair.

Feng Xinglang under the leather goods squinted slightly: it seemed that he could appreciate Xue Luo's intelligent spice and wit.

Just a few days away, why is this woman embarrassed and messy, like a refugee.

"Ah, my sister-in-law, you're a bit distorted when you say that!"

Feng Yiming's sneer was a thief, "Everyone said that the house is ugly, but I, as an uncle, really can't stand it!"

What kind of family ugliness shouldn't be revealed?

Snow fell inexplicably surprised, she seemed to have felt what kind of home shame Feng Yiming was going to say!

"Uncle, you're old, don't worry about it blindly! Take your Fengs Group's dividends, and live your little life in peace! Don't fetch a bamboo basket when it's empty!

Feng Xinglang said, "Uncle", he almost wanted to tear Feng Yiming.

If it weren't for the disguise of his elder brother Feng Lixin, Feng Xinglang didn't even want to look at him more closely.

"Sad! Sad! Li Xin, you are so sad! Even your uncle feels sad and worthless for you!"

Feng Yiming said something sensational, took a stack of photos from his briefcase, and threw it vigorously on the conference table.

The photos spread out immediately, and someone picked up those photos to view them.

Xue Luo expected that, these photos were indeed her and Feng Xinglang.

He Fengxinglang carried her Lin Xueluo on her shoulder.

He Feng Xinglang hugged her Lin Xueluo and sat on her legs in the porridge shop.

There is even one, from the half-opened Ferrari car door, you can directly see her wearing only Xiaoni ...