Chapter 1454: Feng Xinglang's in-laws

After 12 noon, he and Da Bangbang were already on the plane to France.

"Ah ?! You're going to take Miss Tuan to Miss Rouen? Don't do it! Are you a little older? What if you lose it?"

The driver Xiaohu really cried, "Rouen is no better than Shencheng. You can't walk sideways if you want to walk sideways!"

"You don't need to worry about it blindly! Stay here and enjoy your pepper and salt hoof!"

The little boy patted the driver Xiaohu on the shoulder and comforted him, "Isn't there a big Bangbang to accompany us, can't lose it!"

"Ah? President Yan goes with you? Then ... does your dear know?"

Listening to the little guy said that Yan Bang also followed them, which made Xiao Hu relieved a lot; but Xiao Hu always felt that a big-headed person like Yan Bang was unlikely to accompany two little P children to do such a boring thing.

It ’s just that Xiao Hu wo n’t know: As long as it is about Feng Xinglang, Yan Bang will be interested!

"You're stupid! Of course I don't know! Knowing my dad will let us go ?!"

After the little guy gave Xiao Hu a disappointed look, he took Fengtuan's little hand and walked towards Yan Bang's residence.

Yan Bang saw the nanny car that Xiao Hu drove in, and Lin Nuo and Feng Tuantu who were holding hands.

This is all promised, of course, Yan Bang will not do things as promised.

It's just Fengxing Lang ...

Yan Bang expected how furious Feng Xinglang would be. This Nuo kid is his life, baby has to live like it! Really a little bit worried about what he would rush into.

After pondering for a while, Yan Bang still called Feng Xinglang's phone. As for what it means, it shouldn't be as simple as giving a safe message to Feng Xinglang.

"Long ..."

"Are you busy again?" Feng Xinglang's voice was a little impatient.

"Well ... I want to tell you something ..." Yan Bang deliberately sold Guanzi.

"Business is negotiable! Others are spared! I'm busy, I have no time to listen to you bullshit!"

"It's really not business ..."

"Then hang up!"

"Don't don't ... it's a matter of kidding Nuo, I don't want to tell you this as a dad, I always feel a little bit inappropriate.

It's good to be able to talk to Feng Xing Rondo.

"Nono? Tell me something!"

Feng Xinglang snapped at Yan Bang's lengthy argument.

"Boy Nuo asked me to accompany him with the girl in Tuantuan to find your brother's wife in Rouen! Now on the way to the airport ... do you have anything to tell me?"

Yan Bang's voice was low and magnetic, which meant that the tiger was sniffing the rose.

"What? Nono asked you to take him and Tuantuan to Rouen to find Mo Ranran? But it was my real son, Feng Xinglang!"

Such a daring thing, only his son dares to do it!

"Don't get angry, don't blame the two children! The two little things are probably boring and bad, and it's good to let them go out to play. Otherwise, you go with me? I have booked the tickets!"

This is the purpose of Yan Bang's call. Of course, it was also to send a letter to Feng Xinglang, who is a relative.

Feng Xinglang was silent for a few seconds, "Bang, you take Nono and the group to Rouen first; I will catch up with my brother on tomorrow's flight!"

His son Feng Linnuo and Mo steward boasted to Haikou: If Mo Ranyang didn't return for a week, he would go to Rouen to catch people!

Originally, Feng Xinglang was wondering how to convince his elder brother Feng Lixin to go to Rouen to pick them up, but now it seems that it has become a natural arrangement.

"Huh? Also bring your brother?" Yan Bang snorted slightly.

"Mo Ranran is my brother's woman. Do you think it would be appropriate for me to have a little uncle to pick up someone?"

"It's not suitable ... but with me, shouldn't it be suitable?" Yan Bang grinned.

"Okay, don't pull it! Take care of the two children! Remember, neither child can leave your line of sight! It's best not to leave your hand and hear it ?!"

"I see ... I know your seed is precious! It is more important than my life!" Yan Bangyou hum.

"It's hard for you. Thank you!"

"Well, see you in Rouen! Waiting for you!"

The last three words are sticky.

Feng Hanglang hung up after hanging up the phone: I don't know if Yan Bang's pig can take care of the two children? What if you lose one of them?

Immediately, Feng Xinglang sent another warning message to Yan Bang: [Be sure to take good care of the two children! Can't leave, must be in sight! Call me as soon as you land! ]

[Rest assured, I'm here with two children! ]

[Even if you are gone, the two children must be here! ]

"Dabangbang, can we go?"

The little guy took out two passports from his little schoolbag. It was out of the safe in his study last night.

Fearing Yan Bang, Feng Tuan Tuan had been hiding behind Brother Nono, and looked timidly at the tall and mighty Yan Bang.

"Okay! Rush to the airport at this time, and board in less than an hour!"

Yan Bang hugged Lin Nuo's child and kissed him.

Then he vacated another arm and opened it towards Feng Tuan Tuan; but the small thing shook his head.

"Tuan Tuan, don't hug, Tuan Tuan will go!"

Staring at the little blue face, Yan Bang's thick eyebrows were tight: I don't know if this little thing has grown up, will it be a poisonous viper like her mommy? !!

"Girl, do you miss your mummy?"

Like this, the Feng family almost never mentioned it. At Fengjia, Lan Youyou is a taboo.

Therefore, Feng Tuan Tuan rarely thinks about her biological mom, Lan Youyou. There is an aunt, a sister Ran Ran, and a grandmother An, and she is not lacking in motherhood. She is still the tens of thousands of little princesses in Fengjia.

Little cute first shook her head instinctively, but then nodded her head and murmured lightly: "Think."

"Don't even think about it! Your wicked mother, don't even want to do it! It is more conducive to your physical and mental health!"

"My mother is not poisonous ... she is not a bad person!"

The child's world is innocent. The good side of Mummy in her eyes will be magnified infinitely.

"Dabangbang, stop asking!"

The child Lin Nuo struggled from Yan Bang's arms, and then caught the seal group that had been afraid of Yan Bang.

"Don't be afraid, there is Brother Nono!"

"Brother Nono is so nice." The small thing held Linuo's hand tightly.

Looking at the two children of Qingmei Zhuma, Yan Bang seemed slightly timid: I knew that I would have a daughter out to marry Nuo! In this way, he can be the old man of Nuo, he will be the in-laws of Xinglang!