Chapter 199: Human Attack

Name:Water Magician Author:
Chapter 199: Human Attack

Editor: Tseirp

At a distance of about 200 meters, the assailants fired their arrows all at once.

Some of them penetrated the carriages, but there was no human casualty.

Others were perfectly obstructed by the knights’ shields without doing any damage.

However, the aim was not the damage inflicted by the arrows.

Several clouds of white smoke billowed out from lumps attached to the tip of the arrows, half the size of a clenched fist.

The white smoke was the signature tactic of the Order of Assassins, they would approach their target and take them down in the confusion of the white smoke.


“This again?”

Ryo muttered quietly and chanted in his mind.

(<Squall> <Freeze>)

At the moment he chanted, rainfall so dense that one could not even see the road ahead hit the entire area, washing away the white smoke that had been drifting in the air.

The tips of the arrows that had been spewing white smoke were all frozen, and the white smoke stopped gushing out.

It was a tactic that Ryo had encountered on several occasions, whether it be the time with Sharfi, or when he barged into the village of the Order of Assassins.

Enough for him to think if ‘It’s the only tactic they know!’ even....

But in fact, it’s a very effective tactic considering the nature of assassins.

To begin with, it’s rare to find magicians who are beyond first-rate like Ryo, who could wash it away with rain, or Rin, who could blow it away with wind.Alll latest novels at

When the white smoke was washed away by the squall, the attackers were already less than a hundred meters away.

Suddenly, the white smoke was gone. It was only natural for them to be confused.

But these were trained assassins.

They hesitated for only a moment, but then they charged forward.

They were no longer at a distance where they could turn back.

There was nothing else to do but to defeat the enemy in front of them and make a triumphant return!

Almost everyone made that decision, even Natalia.

Only one person, a female assassin following behind Natalia, was clearly slowing down.

Natalia immediately sensed this weakening of her will and immediately called out to her.

“Rosalia, it’s too late to turn back now. We’re going in.”

“Yes, Lady Natalia.”

Rosalia was filled with anxiety as she replied.

Rosalia was a well-trained first-class assassin.

Even if she were to take on two knights at the same time unarmed, she would defeat them.

However, Rosalia’s greatest strength was not in melee combat as an assassin.

She’s the only one in the Order of Assassins who could manipulate dark-attribute magic.

On 『Phi』, there are certain magic attributes that one is born with.

It’s difficult to find people with the ability to handle dark-attribute magic, and moreover, there are no known ‘chants’ to manipulate dark-attribute magic.

As such, there are almost no one recognized as dark-attribute magicians in the central nations....

With no chants and no one around to call a mentor, the only way to use the attribute is through repeated trial and error to figure it out ...

In that sense, it’s no exaggeration to say that Rosalia, who was able to manipulate a wyvern of all things, was a genius in dark-attribute magic.

However, she was terrified.

Even the wyvern that she had enslaved was defeated without the slightest resistance.

She didn’t know why, how, or by whom it was defeated.

Although wyvern subjugations are carried out several times a year, there was still no established method for defeating them.

Each time, the wyverns were defeated at great cost. And naturally, it took a lot of time.

This time, however, it was defeated too quickly.

That is what frightened Rosalia.

Along with the conviction that ‘There’s something horrible out there’....

Going in under the cover of white smoke was one thing, but now suddenly it became a head-on confrontation, it was no wonder her leg froze.

But there was no turning back now.

At that moment, Natalia’s expression twisted with delight.

Then she produced in her hand an extremely thin, stone spear so slender that if hurled at high speed, it would be impossible to trace with the naked eye.

Natalia then released the stone spear, confident of success.

Just as she had once done to their ‘Chief’.

Just as it was about to reach the heart of the target magician.


As if it had hit an invisible wall, the stone spear was repelled.


“Whoa, that was close.”

Natalia heard a man’s voice right next to her ear.

She tried to turn around, but she could not.

Natalia’s entire body was already covered in ice.

“That thin stone spear looks familiar. You are the one who killed ‘Hassan’ aren’t you...if I remember correctly, I believe your name is, Natalia.”

The voice said and moved right in front of Natalia.

“It’s you...why are you here...?”

Natalia recognized the owner of that voice.

He was the water-attribute magician who once stood beside the merchant Gecko and even attacked their village all by himself.

The man who witnessed the last moments of their ‘Chief’.

How could he possibly be here....

She memorized the entire list of personnel in the mission.

Even the names of the adventurers, the magicians’ attributes, and the characteristics of each of the knights.

She also knew that there were two adventurers besides the escorts, one of whom is an A-rank swordsman with extremely high combat ability.

The other is only a C-rank adventurer. And that he goes by the name Ryo.

Oh no, no...

“It’s you...Ryo.”

But Natalia’s words were unspoken.

She had completely frozen over.

“You ought to learn to match a name with the face, or you end up like this?”

Ryo lightly patted the ice that was just formed with his hand as he strutted on.

“Anyway, I guess I’ve finally avenged ‘Hassan’.”

“So they failed after all?”

“That only goes to tell you that even the Order of Assassins are only human. That’s all there is to it.”

“At any rate, we’ve established the fact that the Kingdom’s diplomatic mission was attacked in the Twilight Land, so that’s good.”

“Now then, what do we do about the diplomatic mission that has now arrived in the country?”

“Well, whatever you do, just keep in mind, they’ve got one hell of a nasty water-attribute magician with them.”

The last voice was female, but the remaining four were male.

The five were on a hilltop more than a kilometer away from the diplomatic mission.

The five of them seemed to have been watching what was going on from that distance.

As might be expected at a distance of over a kilometer, Ryo’s sonar did not pick them up.

“For the ‘Duchess’ to consider him that water-attribute magician that much of a threat?”

“Yeah. If I were to fight him one-on-one...the odds of winning would be less than fifty percent. For a water-attribute magician, he’s certainly not ordinary.”

The woman called ‘Duchess’ replied with a slight shake of her head.

The other four were surprised to hear this.

They had never seen the ‘Duchess’ this on edge about anything before.

“I can’t believe it.... This coming from a fellow water-attribute think that we would commit such a blunder in our preparations. This means we’ll have to take care of that magician before we can do anything. Since that’s the case, how about we go with ‘that’.”

The other four, including the ‘Duchess’, nodded in agreement.

Since he’s a nuisance, then they only need to take him out of the picture....

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